@Miami Heat

I see no lies

I see no lies

by DanUnk


  1. It’s going to be a sad day when he’s no longer able to “turn it on” during the playoffs

  2. Kitchen-Wheel63

    All athletes not all the time in tip top condition especially when your aging.

  3. Esjay954

    Got like 1 maybe 2 more years left of that sadly

  4. Laflare432

    Love Jimmy, but his playoff history is much more if a mixed bag than people realize.

    If we have to absolutely rely on superhuman performances from him to be competitive, we aren’t a contender.

  5. WarrenBuffetsFluffer

    Jimmy just hoards all of his NBA street “on fire” meter stuff so he can spam it in the playoffs with multiple full bars

  6. rapelbaum

    He have 4 of the 50 best playoffs gamescore. Jordan 2.0 agreed !!!



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