@Golden State Warriors

Been a big fan of this guy for 30 years, but I don’t understand him this year. I really want to, but I can’t.

Been a big fan of this guy for 30 years, but I don’t understand him this year. I really want to, but I can’t.

by 2ndGreatestBuff


  1. Significant_Text2115

    Got dealt a bad hand. Making the best out of it. It is what it is. We too small. And the what size we do have we can’t rely on cuz they too green.

  2. giantdub49

    We have a shitty bench. There’s only so much he can do. It’s not our year but the championship runs aren’t over.

  3. PerformanceDry5635

    Does kerr have a cold war with the front office?

  4. 2ndGreatestBuff

    I grew up in the 80s and 90s halfway between Chicago and Cleveland. I was always a Bulls fan but followed him in Cleveland. Then he was a huge part of the 2nd threepeat. He played for and learned from two basketball gods – Phil Jackson and Popovich. After I had been living in the Bay for several years, he showed up and started winning and helped create a dynasty. He will ALWAYS be one of my favorite basketball people.

    I don’t know if it is the loss of Mike Brown but I don’t understand what he is doing this year. I think – and he basically admitted – he never gave Wiseman a chance to be the big man they needed. He has almost no leash on Poole. He rarely calls timeouts to cut runs anymore. He uses those weird 3+ guard lineups. The biggest head scratcher is the way he plays favorites with Jerome, Lamb, and JMG. I realize he can’t do anything about the injuries, and he just won a chip, but I just don’t understand what is going on lately.

  5. depressed_gsw_fan

    His rotations baffle me, I hate the 3 guards lineup he plays, as soon as gp2 and curry are fit, he’ll play, curry Klay poole donte and gp2, and then be shocked when we don’t get rebounds.

  6. Quilt_City-USA-J81

    Tonight’s game has been hard to stomach

  7. People don’t want to accept it but I think it’s been his worst year coaching easily. That doesn’t mean he should be fired or that he is a bad coach now. Even the best coaches have bad seasons. But go back to the beginning of the season. I thought he handled October November December really poorly with developing guys and rotations and it’s only continued. It’s not one persons fault for how the season has gone but Kerr is not blame free.

  8. Naota650

    I still don’t have confidence that Kerr can develop any young players. If anything I feel the opposite, it feels like he actively hinders our youth to playing fucking Lamb and Ty.

    Poole just happened to happen, and you see the lack of a tight leash on him has made him develop into a low iq player who tries to play Curry.

  9. j_pizzl3

    I don’t think it’s solely the coaching staff’s fault but I do think they deserve *some* of the blame. Injuries have been there too. It feels like there’s been a refusal to adjust the system to the players that are available. This will be a learning season for the younger players (prob with an expected early playoff exit, if we can get past the play-in) and then hopefully in the off-season, the FO can makes some moves and bring in vets who fit into the system.

  10. Curious-Gain-4991

    If you are posting because of tonight’s game then it doesn’t make sense. 2 of our starters are out.

  11. EquipmentNo9500


    Also now that we know we aren’t a contender we should be playing Wiseman whoops

  12. SnooLobsters1259

    Kerr playing Lamb over Baldwin has been one of the worst coaching decisions from a coach this year

  13. edawgggydawg

    I always felt like it’s the staff that also goes into consideration. I mean Kerr isn’t the one man army that schemes all the offensive sets, defensive plans, and the overall information system. I felt like the loss of mike brown definitely took a toll behind the scenes as far defensive scheming goes. I mean part of it is our depth (our POA defenders literally get killed on every screen ->> collapses defense ->> why ever mediocre team looks like gods at the 3pt line ) and part is definitely the overall supporting cast that affects Kerrs game plan decisions. Despite, I still trust Kerr to work with what he has left. What do you guys think as far the coaching system behind the warriors ? Any noticeable changes since last year?

  14. Jicama-Smart

    I get it but you are missing the two best players on the team ….

  15. choborallye

    Steve is on Bob Myer’s side. And it’s okay.

  16. PupperMartin74

    100% agreed. His treatment of James Wiseman was puzzling to say the very least

  17. He_Is_The_Chosen_One

    Kinda related, but I really hate how the entire organization gave up on Wiseman so quickly.

  18. Afrosheen2

    Lol was this his 4th championship pic celebration? Exactly

  19. lasVegasharold

    BTW – Wiseman 8pts, 10 rebounds in 24 minutes.

  20. bayelrey888

    The fundamental issue with this team is: Steph, Klay, Dray, Wiggins, and soon Poole, are swallowing up ALL the cap.

    – Steph is still Chef Prime when he’s healthy, but that’s the thing – WHEN he’s healthy. The carry job on display is insane.

    – Klay is not remotely close to a $40M/year player. He can’t possibly play up to that contract now.

    – Dray is still important to the team but how long are we gonna rely on him being an undersized small ball center? We desperately need athleticism, size, rebounding and shot blocking behind Dray. Someone brought up Wendell Carter Jr. – yes that would make a difference for GS.

    – Wiggins took a pay cut! Nuff said. He’s had a rough season.

    – Poole is not playing up to his new contract and may be this team’s only chance to trade for a position of greater need. Especially since we have GP2 back. Perhaps they can get a WCJ AND keep Donte?

  21. Accomplished_Law_260

    We need “CHASING WINS this year” Steve Kerr 😭😭.

  22. ikatatlo

    It’s the whole coaching staff problem not just him

  23. Let’s blame Kerr, let’s blame the starters that dominated the playoffs less than a year ago, let’s blame the G-League guys who aren’t good enough to be in the rotation, let’s blame the kids who clearly aren’t ready, let’s blame everybody except the people who put this roster together, the Front Office and ownership

  24. Individual_Scheme_11

    I don’t think it’s all on Kerr. The BS Wiseman had to go through this year showed to me that signing vets was not just for financial reasons. The vets are comfortable with each other and don’t have patience for young inexperienced players, particularly Steph and Dray. It’s not all their fault either, they’ve gotten accustomed to savvy experienced guys adjusting to a certain style.

    Two things are inexcusable this year. Punching a teammate should lead to more discipline. The coaches/vets and esp Dray lost respect from Poole and the younger gen. And Kerr playing fucking 2 way players rather than actual rostered players is insane.

  25. tsaem415

    How much are we missing Coach Brown? How much is Kerr missing Brown? Look at the Kings and what they’ve done. Perhaps missing key support staff is being underestimated. Not saying the Barbosa leaving too is why we are losing, but all this stuff adds up possible to the +/- in games

  26. CookieMonsterNova

    this sub is so bad after a loss. it takes a special coach to win a title, let alone 4 titles….it also takes a special coach to manage all the personalities on a team.

    it’s like this sub forgets the eric musslemans, the mark jacksons, the mike montgomerys, the keith smarts, the dave cowens

    it’s like this sub hasn’t seen how even with the best players you can’t win without the right coach (see steve nash, mike dantoni, doc rivers, etc)

    but nah let’s fire steve kerr. even phil jackson, coach pop, riley had down years

  27. rarestakesando

    His infatuation with 2-way g-leaders is a real head scratcher. Remember Wanamaker the only way Kerr stopped playing him was when Bob stepped in and cut him. Same thing needs to happen here.

  28. Thus_Spoke

    Congrats to my man JaMychal Green for posting a -24 in just 16 minutes of play. So glad we chose and continue to choose to give him playing time over (a) our genuine prospects or (b) a buyout big who can actually play center without being bullied by 3rd string guys.

    1/5 from the field, missed both his free throws, can’t play a lick of defense. The man is 32 years old. Even the Lakers wouldn’t touch this guy. Advanced stats suggest he’s one of the very worst players in the league and in my view the eye test says he’s worse than that.

  29. juntao40

    Dude’s responsible for every 4th quarter loss lol I don’t blame you op.

  30. BlueDay415

    He’s been losing it always blaming his rookies for this underwhelming season. No , it was kerrs fault for failing Wiseman and not trusting him and playing bums over him.

    He never adapts to game flow as a coach & if you haven’t fixed the turnover issues by now this ship is going down fast

  31. StanLay281

    No reason why Kuminga shouldn’t have had 30 mins tonight

  32. Fair weather bay area fans are gonna be calling for him to be fired. Just like they were calling for Shanahan to be fired before he went on a winning streak. 4 rings aint enough to just trust the guy, you know ball better than he does.


    The roster is ass.

    Can’t just blame one person. The entire team is not great, at least not what we’re used to seeing the past years.

  34. figpotato

    if we traded down and drafted Haliburton, we would also have Sengun or Wagner. Neither was picked because we were still waiting on Lacob to admit the Wiseman Experiment was a failure.

  35. SheenTheUltraLord

    Kerr is a great coach, gpii is injured.. stephs injured.

    Our starters are great it’s just that the new guys added this year aren’t as nuts as the last. The depth just isn’t there. The vets thay signed last szn made a huge difference. Kerr is just left picking up the pieces. Sure there’s some good talents being developed it’s just tough without Curry. Everything Curry does makes his team better. We’ve seen his impact time and time again.

  36. logster2001

    yall are tripping

    Kerr is one the best and smartest coaches of all time. If shit is going wrong its not because of him lol

  37. Crash0vrRide

    Ya the players are playing like shit this year.

  38. Mono_Dave

    The team is working with vets and a very young group. It’s hard to develop and compete at the same time. This is what that looks like.There are some games you’re simply not going to win, and tonight was one of them. The players aren’t there and the team is doing the best with the resources they have. We only see what happens during the games. Next to zero insight into the practices and behind the scenes. We were written off last year and brought another set of rings. We can’t win them all but this core and coach have been able to figure it out.

  39. Coulter138

    This sub lmao. You guys really think that Kerr doesn’t know how to do his job? He won us 4 rings. This sub is atrocious.

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