@Golden State Warriors

Daily Discussion Thread | February 24, 2023

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  1. ItsintheGab

    Hope they blow out Houston to show they’re mad about the last game.

  2. neo9027581673

    So let me make sure I got this right…

    Wiseman ‘isn’t a winning player’ but Lamb who can’t buy a 3pt bucket to save his life is?!?!

    Got it!

  3. Ahrilicious

    Lamb scammed this team. The only thing he has over PBJ is hair volume

  4. jabronijajaja

    Warriors are officially punting the season and its fine given the injuries and horrible bench best case is they trade poole for a winning player like what happened with dlo and then make smarter decisions on vets instead of putting too much stock on the young guys most not playing winning basketball except joku and to some degree ty

    Appreciate that things just arent going as well as last season which they actually won a championship that some teams and most players never get and hope they do smarter things this off season

  5. vulcans_pants

    Couldn’t watch the game, but I’m just going to assume we overhelped and left shooters open all night.

  6. vulcans_pants

    New Lakers scored 55.

    Essentially all those dudes were obtainable. It’s this kind of stuff where I always ding Bob.

    We desperately needed to upgrade JMG, Ty, and Lamb. Instead, we basically shipped Wiseman out for nothing. Would have preferred to just keep Wiseman until the summer, then use his salary in bigger trades. Just poor asset management imo.

  7. Naive-Air2866

    What do we have on tim legler man the man is still on television this morning saying to not count us out . Love him for that though lool

  8. youriko31

    I hope the F/O doesn’t use the open roster spot for Lamb. I’m just sick and tired of watching him jogged out there and steal minutes from the young players. Dude’s not a winning player, and shouldn’t even sniff a second of playing time.

  9. boogonevilla

    I didn’t watch the game last night but the result (an L) was inevitable. We are missing Curry and Wiggins, our two best players from the championship (!) team last year. LeBron and AD are playing great and have a solid solid supporting cast. “This team isn’t that good”/ doomer talk ignores the reality of 40 points and elite defense missing. Work on your analytical abilities homies.

  10. nghbrhd_slackr87

    Overreactions are coming in hot and heavy.

    This is gonna be such a fun stretch run.

  11. vulcans_pants

    Watched highlights, which obviously only shows the flashy stuff, but

    I’m not unconvinced that PBJ shouldn’t be in the lineup over Lamb and/or JMG.

    Would really like to see PBJ mixed in with the starters; think he could really feast on offense as the fifth option. Probably would always need to be paired with Draymond, but that’s ideal anyway.

  12. TerminusFox

    Lmao, I wonder if there’s a part of Wise that’s glad he got traded, because man, seeing Lamb and go get all these minutes got to have him shaking his head.

  13. Am I missing something? Last night Kuminga had the slam dunk then got pulled until garbage time?

  14. ItsintheGab

    how much better can we be on defense when Wiggs and GP2 are back?

  15. carthaginian84

    PBJ is gonna be a player. Dude’s shot is pure, true 6’-10”, BBIQ seems really good for age/experience, and his athleticism exceeds expectations after poor combine numbers.

  16. RIPOldAccountF

    Wiseman with the 10 rebound +16 box score yesterday👀

  17. mattjchin

    Dubs need a big they are getting crushed on rebounds and foul on defense because they are so small on the floor. Jamychal was ahhhh and Lamb was terrible too. That empty spot should be on a vet washed big not Lamb. Also PBJ should have some more playing time.

  18. SeekingSignificance

    6th seed is a pipe dream for this team at this point. We need to just accept and prepare to be in the play in at best, and hope that everyone is available when that time comes. And don’t bother hitting me with that “West is wide open” line because that only helps a team that can string together multiple wins which this team is clearly incapable of doing.

  19. EquipmentNo9500

    They need to just start playing PBJ, JK, Moody all at least 20th minutes a game. I’d give JK 30 mins and coach him through the bad stretches.

    The game plan should be to get these guys ready for next season.

  20. ItsintheGab

    When are they gonna start building Loon’s statue?

  21. legitbean

    This team really redefining the meaning of 3rd quarter warriors

  22. Pereise1

    Ty Jerome is okay in spurts but I *never* want to see him and Lamb on the floor at the same time. Every time Ty gets the ball, he’ll dribble it for 14 seconds and then dish it out ONLY to Lamb or taking a contested floater. I counted 6 straight possessions without Poole so much as touching the ball and seeing as he barely screens or plays defense, what’s the point of having Poole with Ty if he never gets the ball on offense? That just makes it so we have 3 terrible perimeter defenders who constantly die on screens.

  23. Does AD look like an Egyptian Pharaoh to anyone else?

  24. Crypto_Ninjaaa

    We have 4 roster spots (#15, Ty, Lamb, Iggy). If we can’t fill 2 of those spots with serviceable NBA vets, we don’t have a season.

  25. Wassup_-_

    Might have went under the radar with all the drama but Moody played fantastic ten minutes-most importantly he was agrresive instead of his ussual self where the game passes by him.Played great D too,navigating screens much better

  26. warriors2021

    Freaking Wiseman is the reason we are -27 against the Lakers in two games.

  27. JocularMango

    Not the most fun game yesterday. Awful transition defense plus a cold shooting night from 3 is all but a guaranteed loss.

    In a more micro analysis, one thing that was interesting to track throughout that game was how impactful AD’s defense was and how it gave Poole a lot of trouble

    * AD was often much higher when showing help than we see from most bigs which really bothered Poole. Jordan is very good at attacking the space a dropping big gives him, usually through cutting back across, but that space just wasn’t there. [Here Poole takes a DHO but is immediately met with AD at the nail]( and takes a bad floater. [The clip here doesn’t have the lead up](, but AD plays higher on the initial screen, ends up switching up, tracks Poole when he Nashes, and then closes it with a really impressive block

    * We saw a bit more success when attacking Bamba. [Jerome pulling a 3]( after Bamba is dropping out of the double drags. Later Reaves does a good job of staying attached after hte screen, but Bamba has to drop lower than AD given he’s less mobile,[ easy floater for Jerome](

    * This sequence/counter was fun -[ Poole gets a ton of space here on the drag screen]( since Bamba’s sitting pretty far down, unfortunately, Loon gets called for the offensive screen. [This is set up a couple plays earlier when Poole pushes in transition & drives](, but Bamba’s too high to help, resulting in a shooting foul.

    * Lastly, the counter to all the trouble AD was giving Poole as shown earlier. Loon comes up to set a screen on the weakside & Dray cuts down as if we were getting into some sort of Spain action, which forces AD to stay higher and on the weak side. Poole rejects the screen, [giving him the step to beat Dennis for the and-1](, and AD can’t help quick enough from the weak elbow.

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