@Dallas Mavericks

Luka playing defense like he is setting screens lmao.

Luka playing defense like he is setting screens lmao.

by Un4go10


  1. Beneficial-Hour-9865

    Bro just refuses to move his legsā€¦.

  2. luigiiiiiv

    He’s trying to get a charge and with his wide body, the offensive player has a lot of space to cover before blowing by him giving the center time to react.



  3. DoncicsRoadTo200kg

    What he is doing here is making himself wider so he can use his size to stay in front of guys, since he dosent have the foot speed to do so.

  4. killbill469

    Luka’s refusal to play defense in space and in transition is so frustrating and it’s only gotten worse these past couple of weeks. He consistently keeps going for the swipe or the steal instead of just trying to stay with his defender. We need to be a really efficient offense otherwise teams will kill us in transition. Hopefully his effort will improve going into the playoffs. He definitely has the ability to be a non negative defender.

  5. Let’s be real, after the shot to the boys he took in the second, he’s just making a business decision to remain “functional” for his post-recovery beer recovery exercise.

  6. Ok_Republic6747

    You do understand that Luka doesnt have the foot speed to guard on the perimeter right that is why the put him to guard bigger slower people in the post.

    Some people just love to hate players

  7. LevelDry5807

    Heā€™s trying to take a charge. Get still l, absorb contact

  8. KhanQu3st

    Isnā€™t he just clamming up bc Johnson got him up on a pump fake? Heā€™s trying to avoid a 3 FT foul.

  9. zagi98lo

    He was solid in defense all game against spurs but you clowns decide to focus on 1 time he didnt run back in transition and argued with the ref and the two times he got blown by on a closeout. Insane “fanbase”.

    Cant even imagine any other team fans constantly doing this to any of their competent players, much less their 24 year old generational superstar, a top3 player in the league that has just carried them to WCF with a bang avrage roster at best, after the franchize has not won a PO series in a decade. Tatum just shot like 25% and was -8 in a celtics win and all you will see is celtics fans defending him and making case for MVP. Then we have clowns like you on the other side.

  10. elsporko321

    Luka has quick hands and size, but he’s almost never going to go fully commit out on the perimeter (by himself) vs. an athletic player and not get beat.

    The scheme has to help make up for it. It’s also part of the problem contributing to the centers (all three of them, take your pick) getting smoked.. athletic guards or wings get full momentum, it’s going to be hard to stop without giving up an easy shot or committing a foul. That’s gonna happen to all but great interior defenders, which this team has 0 of.

    Luka is actually a pretty good defender in the paint, I think, at least when the game is slowed down so his size, IQ, and hands can play more in his favor.

  11. Guys calm down. This was supposed to be a shit post. To be honest, I think having hands like this is a smart move when you are late with your feet. He is trying to slow down the guy without picking up an easy foul. And it was a foul. If he would not have had hands in this position he would absolutely get a foul.


    This is textbook trying to draw a charge, itā€™s good defense.

  13. He always does that. I think he wants to avoid fouling

  14. planoser

    Heā€™s protecting himself after catching a knee to the gnads earlier in the game

  15. SkipsPittsnogle

    Heā€™s trying to take a charge. A sound defensive tactic.

    This fan base actually doesnā€™t like having the most versatile offensive weapon in decades in their team? Smokin crack.

  16. Sensitive_Umpire4303

    Aye! We canā€™t all be perfect on both defense and offense. Hopefully his offense can continue to outweigh his defense, although Kyrie ainā€™t that great defensively either lol. What a great offense-first frontcourt! Love the Mavs tho šŸ«¶šŸ¾

  17. Separate_Place1595

    He holding B (or O) on the way up the court.

  18. Doncingis

    You know what the Mavs problem isā€¦ that damn Luka Doncic ā€¦

  19. WaterIsNotWet19

    Yea saw that last night and thought wtf is he doing?

  20. Dishes_Suck6276

    Whats so damn hard about bending the knees and moving your stupid ass feet? Stay in front of them and don’t cross your feet. Fuck its not hard. This whole team needs foot work drills or something.

  21. PolkaOn45

    Even on defense, heā€™s playing offense šŸ˜…

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