@National Basketball Association

Damian Lillard on his legacy: “They’ll never give me credit for what I’ve actually done unless I just come out here and win the championship in Portland… they better pray that I don’t win the championship for the Blazers.”

Interview took place with Evan Turner on the [Point Forward podcast](, the quote is right in the beginning:

> “They’ll never give me credit for what I’ve actually done unless I just come out here and win the championship in Portland, and they better hope that don’t happen. They better pray that I don’t win the championship for the Blazers. They better pray because they don’t know that side.“

by iksnet


  1. OsmosisJonesFanClub

    We don’t gotta pray bro it’s not happening

  2. SudTheThug

    no one prays that because they don’t have to

  3. TheBiasedSportsLover

    Lillard will 100% be remembered fondly as the years passes, just like many ringless all-time greats.

  4. DogeVegasSupreme

    This is hilarious. I hope he wins a ring and never shuts up about it.

  5. ShukiNathan

    Pretty big coming from a guy who’s 22-39 in the playoffs

  6. jnicholass

    Dame lucky he’s widely loved, this sort of comment would get most people clowned on for days

  7. TealHorseReturns

    He literally got put on the top 75 list after an 11 year career with very little playoff success. Hes not underappreciated lol

  8. Next-Firefighter-753

    Don’t worry Dame the Blazers front office will make sure you’re never in position to win one. Incompetence is their specialty.

  9. jfrodriguez1983

    Well I don’t have anything against Dame winning a championship, but if I did, I don’t think we have to pray. He’s about to be 33, it is looking doubtful like he will unless he goes ring chasing.

  10. TrollyDodger55

    why should they pray?


    What exactly would happen?

  11. Prestigious-Rock201

    Seeing as how Portland punted the season pray for what

  12. lightskinbeaner

    babe wake up, new dame loyalty lore just dropped

  13. Chipdouglas0007

    How much credit does dame want? People say your the #2 shooter behind curry, they acknowledge you haven’t won because you have never had a good enough team. Who is hating on dame? 🔭

  14. Krestos77

    what has he done tho ? just shut up, nobody even shits on him. You are a great player and thats it.

  15. tobleroneace1

    Bruh just talking at this point. If he’s actually being objective he must know the blazers aren’t winning shit anytime soon and their inability to tank properly means they’ll never get a generational talent. Sadly if Portland ever want to compete they gotta trade his ass.

  16. Agent_of_the_N1ne

    On a side note, paying Dame $62M+ at 37 years old is going to be wild

  17. Dame is gonna get off easy because people are gonna be way more concerned with by Russ and Harden didn’t win anything lmao. Throw PG and Jimmy in there, all of whom played on multiple teams, and no one will give a fuck about dame

  18. PluCKy-Voco

    Dame is already a legend in my book. Incredible player, incredible career, phenomenally loyal and beloved by Portland. This is a phenomenal legacy regardless of whether he wins a championship.

  19. Dame wins a ring in Portland he gunna tattoo LOYALTY on his forehead

  20. ComeAtMeYo

    Don’t worry oh loyal faithful steward Dame, it won’t happen. Hell will freeze over first.

  21. MIGGYME87

    At the end of the day, Athletes get judged on rings. Yes he will be a hero in portland sports lore but ultimately a footnote in the game of basketball. People dont even talk about clyde like that he went to like 4 NBA finals and won one. Smh

  22. KnickedUp

    Some might argue Dame is scared of leaving and NOT winning. He doth protest too much. He is in a protected loyalty bubble in Portland

  23. redundanttakes

    Dame, no one is saying that you have to join a super team, but if a front office isn’t going to do it for you, then yeah I don’t have a problem with him finding a better situation

  24. mariogotse

    multimillionaire with millions of fans acting like it’s him against the world

  25. WordNahMean

    I feel like he’s making this loyalty thing a corny branding tool at this point. Just leave the team, even Portland would understand.

    It’s like he’s saying “I know im not ever coming close to winning a ring with this team but imagine how cool it would be!?”

  26. Sauce-King

    Being a Trailblazer hero apparently means more to Dame than winning chips. Good luck to him

  27. jugglers_despair

    If it’s gonna happen he needs to convince the front office to go all in which they’ve obviously been reluctant to do up to this point and it’s harder to see them doing it as he gets older.

    Like, could they not have given up similar draft picks + sharpe + simons for KD?

    I don’t know if that team wins the championship, but it sure as hell would have a better shot than the team as currently constructed.

    But hey, when Dame retires at least they’ve got their next core all lined up to remain mid af for a long time to come.

  28. throwaway__rnd

    He’s wrong. Winning at all would help him. If he went to another team and won there, he’d get credit.

  29. Doomblade6

    Honestly, what has he done to get a bunch of credit for? He’s a great player, but hasn’t had great playoff success. His one and only conference finals (facing a KD-less warriors) was a sweep in which he shot 37% from the floor.

    I get that loyalty is cool and it’s definitely refreshing in the modern NBA, but is it all “loyalty” or is some of the reason for staying in Portland, you know, the HUGE ASS contract they gave him? Is Dame getting $60m a year on any other team in the league? I don’t think so.

    Dame seems like a good, hardworking dude who is appreciative of the franchise that drafted him, but damn, we get it. You don’t have to mention loyalty every 8 seconds when someone criticizes your lack of success.

  30. Opposite_Mango_120


    Dame: “im so underrated. Im so loyal. Im one of the best to ever do it. Haters pray on my downfall, but im up 💯”

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