@Boston Celtics

JJ Redick Explains How The Celtics Have Evolved Under Joe Mazzulla

In this clip, JJ Redick talks about the coaching of Joe Mazzulla and the success of Jayson Tatum, Jaylen Brown and The Boston Celtics. He talks about the differences between this year’s team and last year’s team under Ime Udoka.

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  1. JJ I don't know you'll read this comment but I really do appreciate the content, when I'm at work and I see that you put out something it makes work so much easier so I really do appreciate

  2. That’s the homie right there. I grew up playing AAU with him and we graduated high school together from Bishop Hendricken in 06. It’s the same style we played where we push as much as possible and play unselfish to get the ball to the best shot, preferably a kick out open three unless you have clear path to basket. Lay ups, uncontested 3s, annoying defense, fast pace. Joey has always only cared about three things, God, family, and basketball. Focus is his biggest advantage .

    His gum chomp has always been on point it keeps the demons at bay😂

  3. Idk if I'd call Mazulla COTY front runner he took top 3 team and kept them a top 3 team, cavs kings or nuggets coach probably should be higher imo

  4. Mazzulla has been under both Brad and Ime at a young age and with his unique perspective has been the biggest surprise in the NBA imo

  5. Keep in mind Joe was already on the bench last year with Udoka, he's familiar with the entire team. It's not like a new situation, hopefully he can unlock the full potential of this team and deliver 18

  6. The offensive numbers are certainly great, and the defense I would say is to be expected having a roster with: Smart, White, Rob Will, not to mention the above average Jays.

    What continues to drive me and a number of other fans nuts is the timeout hoarding/letting the team "play through" the doldrums. I understand the idea in principle, but when the runs go 9, 11, 15 points before he finally stops the action, it's Infuriating. And I think it is a flaw that WILL burn them in the playoffs. I like the Cs over anyone in a 7 game series, but I think they are going to be in some dogfight 6-7 game matchups because of this "tactic". It will cost them games come playoffs.

  7. The Celtics were a good team last year R Williams was just injured in the finals. Tatum and Brown has sharpened their weaknesses and still feel the pain of losing last year. With the addition of Brogdon running the 2nd unit the Celtics have been able to maintain leads. Pritchard and White have become productive in clutch situations this year. Manzulla unorthodox style keep the team calm and steadfast. Manzulla is not influenced or shaking by the media disapproval of his timeout strategy. Mike Brown could get COTY. The Kings haven't been in the playoffs in 16 years, and they have been above 6 plays most of the season. The kings has 2 or 3 coaches last year. Defense win championship and Mike Brown definitely have a high defensive basketball IQ..

  8. I love Reddick’s analyst on this but I wanna see him in the playoffs. To me Celtics have to win a ring this year

  9. Jayson Tatum is going to get exposed this playoffs as the most overrated player in this league today. Mark my words. HE WILL BREAK down against the elite teams/defenses.

  10. I have to give that coach credit, I did not expect them to get better after they fired a coach that just toke them to the finals.

    Very impressive stuff

  11. I really hope Coach Mazzulla wins COTY because the Celtics have had this odd "curse" of consistently good coaches over the last decade and for some reason that keeps hurting the coach's chance of winning the award. Stevens should've won at least one COTY with all that he did with multiple teams that played far above their talent level and made multiple ECF appearances. Udoka made the greatest mid season turn around in NBA history statistically and still didn't win the award. Now Mazzulla inherits an already good team but has made them even better, has beaten every top team in the league so far, and has held the #1 record all year, yet because they made the finals last year, he might not win the award even though this team could beat last year's Celtics into the ground in a series if we're being honest.

  12. The mark jackson to steve kerr did the warriors good. Maybe the ime to joe will do similar?

  13. Mike Brown is clearly the coach of the year, the Kings were literally irrelevant. Awful take tbh

  14. As a Celtics fan, Mazzulla is very deserving but if Mike Brown were to win especially given what he comparatively has to work with this year and how bad it’s been for the Kings for literally the last 20 years, I would have nothing but congratulations for him. Restoring a historically terrible franchise to relevance without a SUPERstar is extremely significant

  15. The Sac Town disrespect is gettin annoying…I mean I get it to a degree but the dismissal & expecting us to fall off shows the lack of research bein done & the over saturation of promotin stars on losin teams…but go off, we just keep winnin 🤷🏾‍♂️ & gon be tough to beat 4 times in 7 games

  16. I'm a big Celtics fan, & wish we still had Udoka. … Feel like Joe doesn't carry the same type of respect with the players. … Seemingly can't say no to Tatum with regards to minutes/going for ultimately meaningless personal achievements. … Other things as well. … Bottom line is the team just needs more of an edge from the head coach, IMO.
    Am nervous it's all going to be exposed in the playoffs. … Do hope I'm wrong though.

  17. Joe is trash and his inexperience has cost them 5 wins because Joe does not know how to win the endgame and he is going to get further exposed in the playoffs. Putting the least experienced coach in charge of the most talented roster will turn out to be a historic mistake. JJ is brilliant but incredibly biased when it comes to his friends. Sometimes he seems more like a PR guy than a journalist.

  18. I personally would say Mike Brown is the front runner for coach of the year, but muzzula has been an amazing coach this year

  19. Mike Brown is Coach of the year in my opinion, the Kings have shocked everyone considering we thought Kings were gonna be tanking. He definitely deserves coach of the year. He changed the atmosphere and entire dynamic of the Sacramento Kings, and they will make the playoffs for the first time in 17 years. Almost two decades. The winning culture is back in Sacramento and it’s great to see such a young team Shine. They have a bright future.

  20. So many teams are stacked with talent, yet fail to live up to expectations. It’s far from a given that a talented roster is guaranteed success, and you still need to give credit for maximizing a team’s ability. That being said, I would not be surprised or upset at all if Mike Brown won it either.

  21. Mike Brown should be coach of the year, hands down. He's taking the kings, a newly constructed team that's had a 17 season playoff drought, and has them 3rd in the west and on their way to the playoffs. The Celtics went to the finals last year for Pete's sake. Why does Joe get credit just for being the next guy up? His team is full of journeyman players in their prime. Yeah.. great coaching..

  22. he gotta learn how to call a freaking timeout sometimes, but he is amazing

  23. All that happened is we developed our stars and got rid of iso kyrie the coaching was already perfect with Steven’s but he is a better GM

  24. As an Aussie and long-time follower of this channel, I’d be super happy for you to get Giddey on here!

  25. 76ers got rid of isiah joe I was pissed they never gave him an opportunity. I really don’t like how Doc doesn’t know how to develop players

  26. Comparing this years stats to all of last years stats isn't a fair comparison, they spent the first half of last year trying to figure it out. A better one would be last years second half to what they've done so far to really see the difference

  27. Steve Kerr inherited a really good team too when he replaced mark Jackson. But I still think what both did to improve their teams should be commended. Mike brown deserves COTY tho

  28. Joe should win especially considering how suddenly he was thrusted into the position right before the year started.

    Also he shouldn't be penalized just because he has talented players. Not easy managing great talent and making Brogdon and White and even Mike Muscala comfortable immediately in offense is thanks to a great coach

  29. I respect what Joe is doing in Boston but I think JJ is entirely wrong when you got Mike Brown having the KINGS in the third seed. Thats COTY right there.

  30. I respect what Joe is doing in Boston but I think JJ is entirely wrong when you got Mike Brown having the KINGS in the third seed. Thats COTY right there.

  31. The Celtics Front Office has a culture, it’s not just an individual coach that’s affecting the teams success. If you understand this you wouldn’t be surprised by their level of play without Ime Udoka.

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