@Miami Heat

[Post Game] Heat defeat Hawks

by tomgreen99200


  1. MediocreDVaMain

    Heat really have Trae Young figured, his confidence just seems shot most games he plays against the Heat

  2. kidclutchtrey5

    Much needed win. On to the next. Zeller has been a solid pick-up for us!! aka Prince William. lol

  3. MySilverBurrito

    I believe this would be the 45th ‘clutch’ game the Heat has played lmao. (within 5pt w 4min left) Not sure if it has to be within 5 till end.

    30pt Bam is very great to see. Hope this gets his confidence back up.

    Personal highlight is Zeller going on a 7pt run by himself out of nowhere lmao. Gave up like 4 on D tho, but it was him playign aggressive help/doubling so cant complain too much.

  4. MiaCannons

    I had forgotten how good a comfortable win felt like. We should do that more

  5. carbine23

    Heat out here playing with my emotions harder than my ex.

  6. HoldR2ForLongerLife

    Idk who’s the best player for the Heat this game. Bam or Trae?

  7. altruisticdisaster

    Gabe Vincent is Trae Young father

  8. Own-Marsupial-4448

    Yes indeed!!! Get Atlanta off our backs!! And are we still leading our own division lol??

  9. BossKingGodd

    Jimmy and Heat won’t give up. Let’s not give up on them. I believe!

  10. saviorlito

    It’s crazy how me and my dad both let out a loud sigh and said “finally…”. This shit is so emotional.

  11. BucketHerro

    20 shots for 20 points. Efficiency is something Herro needs to learn but I’m glad he’s scoring again


    Bam is back too. Giving me false hope again.

  12. surgeyou123

    Trae is going to come back harder on Monday. Got to keep that energy up.

  13. readndrun

    Bam gotta keep the same mindset going forward

  14. Own-Marsupial-4448

    They really screwed up picking Trae over Luka smh. Why would they do that??

  15. Our offense was getting easy looks and Bam was cooking the whole way thru. Shoutout to Cody as well who was electric in the second quarter. Lets beat em again next game.

  16. RansomGoddard

    Wow nice of Bally to show a repeat of last year’s first round series against the Hawks. Who are those two big white guys they randomly CGI’d in there though? And where was PJ?

  17. Esjay954

    Most 30/10 games in a season by a heat since Lebron


  18. Inside_Today4604

    I really wonder what Trae’s trade value would be around the league. Can’t play D. Can’t carry a team by himself. Weird attitude… idk

  19. Cockycent

    Back to back good effort by Caleb. 30 by Edrice.

    I hope whatever is going on with Gabe and Dipo stops. It’s hard to watch

  20. DustyBawls03

    This is now 3 hard fought halves in a row. Keep building fellas. Strus is getting annoying but our boys are still playing tough.

  21. SoCalHeatFan2020

    Even if our front office has made mistakes they were never stupid enough to trade Trae Young for Luka Doncic. The former is a poor man’s Allen Iverson. The latter will retire a top 25 atg.

  22. BadRomanceMala

    Much needed win, hopefully, its the start of a long win streak to make it to the playoffs.

  23. SoCalHeatFan2020

    Trading Luka for Trae is a lot worse than Lowry’s and Robinson’s bad contracts. One day they will be off the books but the Hawks will never get Luka back.

  24. SoCalHeatFan2020

    Luka is a lot more fun to watch than Trae.

  25. adamthomas1219

    Remember when Trae dropped 50 on us? Lol

  26. SoCalHeatFan2020

    Apropos of nothing they showed LeBron’s 61 point game against the Hornets on NBA TV. Cody looked so different with hair.

  27. TheRatchetTrombone

    Good win. Need to keep this up.

    Things i do want to see:

    Jimmy coming earlier than 6 min left

    Less Dipo and Gabe shots if they are fumbling

    Strus mins to minimum and swapped for HH

    Slowly starting to build consistency and bring me back in. Need to fully finish this homestand 4-2 for healing

  28. SoCalHeatFan2020

    Two points. The Hawks on paper are better than their record and Bam was 30/11 on.833 shooting. That’s kind of amazing.

  29. iampro1234

    Much needed W. Anyone get what Spo’s fascination with Strus is about? He’s seemingly regressed on both ends but still tries to do way too much on the offensive end. As washed as Duncans jumper looks, he at least knows his role and plays within it. Id much rather we try getting Duncans shot back rather than keep watching Strus think hes prime Kobe

  30. strangerthingskids

    Congratulations guys, season revived

  31. Huge-Basket7492

    Didn’t atlanta really revamp their team.. with new players like bogdanovich and bey ..looks like they still suck

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