@Memphis Grizzlies

Clippers rally to beat Grizzlies (38-25) Post Game Thread [3/5/23]

[Box Score](

by 37sms


  1. mothman26

    Jenkins looks so fucking lost anytime itā€™s a close game

  2. DJVanillaThunder

    I hope we never have another national TV game

  3. spacejambroni

    As frustrating as that was guys, tons of heart given. Iā€™m not ever someone to put the onus on the refs but that was a shit show in the second half. PG shouldā€™ve fouled out 5 different times. Frustrating but canā€™t fault the effort.

  4. zmegadeth

    We’re gonna have to talk about Jenkins 4Q’s soon. This shot is a trend and it’s unacceptable. I don’t care about the refs or Morant being out, this is like the 14th time this season

  5. Xorndowndeep

    Watching this team right now might not be good for my mental health

  6. snackrandolph

    got hosed outta this win. Luckily a game Tuesday against a bad lakers team should set the shop right

  7. Didnā€™t think I could get this pissed off since I always expected us to lose this game, but these guys prove me wrong once again

  8. PG should have had 10 fouls honestly

    The 4th quarter was a sad whimper, but I’m not blaming anyone on this team after the past 48 hours. I’m just tired and dejected.

  9. mothman26

    Hope gun boy is watching. This is what happens when you fail your entire organization by acting like a jackass

  10. donotnut459

    Another 4th quarter where we shit the bed

  11. NZ_Grizzlies_Chapter

    Some big time home cooking in that 4th

  12. grievouseel

    here come the Kings…

    please get (mentally) better Ja

  13. FuckChadMorris

    I don’t know why I expected anything different even after that 3rd quarter. Shitty coaching and zero on-court leadership.

    I think I need to follow Ja and take a break from this team. This bullshit isn’t worth my mental health

  14. I would like to ban 9 PM Sunday tipoffs. Nothing worse than being upset at this time

  15. theglicky

    The Grizzlies had 121 points with 8:58 remaining in the fourth quarter.
    The Grizzlies had 123 points with 1:27 remaining in the fourth quarter.
    The Clippers held the Grizzlies to two points in SEVEN-AND-A-HALF MINUTES!

    Dont give a damn who was missing, this happens every game. And damn near every game in the playoffs will be like this

  16. Maaannn I had a whole spiel in my head how I was gonna write how big of a fuck you win this was gonna be for usā€¦.all for it to just get choked away, yeah sure refs were atrocious but how the fuck you have a 51 point third quarter and follow that up with a 17 point 4th quarter. We had it and we blew it.

  17. DJVanillaThunder

    Yeah I think I gotta take a mental health break from the Grizz for a bit

  18. terrible coaching, pg shoulda fouled out long ago, idk that 4th quarter collapse was always coming. other team adjusted and as per usual, taylor jenkins left with his mouth agape

  19. CausticBurn

    Jaren and Bane need to work on the mental aspect of the game. Missing easy rebounds, chucking up bad shots.

  20. Xorndowndeep

    I have tickets for the rematch at the end of the month at the Grindhouse. Looking forward to seeing our (mostly) healthy Grizz whoop that Clip then. Honestly, a surprise we were able to keep it this close missing all the guys weā€™re missing.

  21. WazuufTheKrusher

    Jenkins isnā€™t a good coach, just gonna put this out there

  22. auhsuhushsuhsuhsuh

    This was the worst officiated game I have ever seen.

  23. skimask453

    Take me back to last year, shits not even fun to watch anymore

  24. taylor jenkins make any adjustment possible challenge

  25. I don’t think that was a big surprise. The 3Q was fun but it was an outlier for this offence and most of the points they scored were inconsistent with how they score the rest of the season.

    Grizzlies just don’t have the personnel (especially after yesterday) to match the small Clippers lineup and couldn’t take advantage of JJJ mismatch in the 4Q. Disappointing after a fun 3Q and all the storylines with this team.

  26. Frightened_Lamb

    15 to 35 free is that even possible?

  27. Kalil4Real

    I wasn’t even tryna to watch this game because I expected a blowout by the Clippers. I saw the score around the 3rd quarter and tuned in. I hate Grizzlies basketball.

  28. Koolsman

    Fuck those refs and PG. Some of these players gotta execute on the offense. Tyus didn’t do enough and just left Bane to take shit shot after shit shot. Frustrating.

  29. Seymour_Says

    šŸ–•šŸ¾ the refs. They were the Clippers MVP. We fought hard and did enough to earn that W

  30. VariableBooleans

    I have been saying this for a few years now… TJ does not care about W’s or L’s in the regular season. If they have a playoff cushion absolutely nothing is going to shake his rotations. Momentum is not in the dictionary for this dude.

    Hate it or love it. That is the plan.

  31. TakeItToTheRiver

    Disappointing but not unexpected. The season rolls on.

  32. SnakeArms6677

    I’m done with the NBA from now on until the refereeing issue is at least addressed. Game after game the refs make terrible ass calls or are so obviously catering the game towards a specific team it’s not even funny. Every fucking game I watch no matter what teams are playing it has a 70% of being unfairly called.

  33. Waffleshuriken

    Far from the reason for the L, but man PG got away with murder that game

  34. we fired jb bickerstaff just to hire another coach just like him. no real gameplans, adjustments, or good rotations. just vibes.

  35. HarryCarayQuiteCntry

    Jenkins really drives me crazy. Ty Lue cooked him when he put the small ball lineup in.

  36. We lost this game the same way weā€™ve lost several games in the past 2 months.

    Yes Pg got a bunch of FTs and missed foul calls. Canā€™t have empty possessions in crunch time.

  37. Reign_Man27

    Jenkins should get T’d up more often when the officiating gets out of hand like that

  38. HarryCarayQuiteCntry

    I don’t know what I’m more pissed at Jenkins or the fact that the NBA literally looks like a production more than the WWE these days. Puke and puke. Good night all. We’ll be back

  39. ChickenOvaRice

    Coming into tonight, Grizz had the worst offensive rating (105), second worst net rating (-7.6), and worst TS% (52.9%) in fourth quarters.

    Astounding for a team with an average offense and top-5 net rating overall.

  40. DogWooden

    Itā€™s so far beyond obvious that thereā€™s an agenda and game fixing. Sports as a whole have felt so fake since sports gambling became a big thing. My guess is Vegas drives everything in the sports worlds. Every night they make a billion dollars on shit like ā€œPatrick mahomes is hurt, quick everyone go bet on the Eagles šŸ˜šŸ˜.ā€ Every time the lines move as dramatically as they did in the Super Bowl, and hell even tonight when the grizzlies went up, watch ā€œthe most improbable comeback everā€ over and over again. They sprinkle in a few true blowouts here and there, but not enough to even look like thereā€™s not some interference

  41. tortugazz724

    Sucks to have a ā€œgame weā€™re supposed to loseā€ still hurt so much. Great effort from a lot of guys though. Keep that shit up with a whole crew back. And yeah, something needs to be done about our 4th quarters

  42. muddyklux

    We played great today. Shot 52.9% from three 18-34. Great ball movement with 32 assist. 13 steals and only 8 turnovers with 64 points in the paint

    Unfortunately we were out rebounded 53-26 and the refs sent the Clippers to the FT line making 33-35

    This sub needs to be less r/NBA and wanting to point a finger at either Jenkins or Brooks for our losses.

  43. DunkingZBO

    Man..The past 48 hours have had the nuggets meltdown, the Ja incident and aftermath, Clarke out for the year, the Tigers heartbreaker today, and now this meltdown.

    Someone throw us a fucking bone

  44. Poor coaching and lack of veterans on this roster, is going to hold this team back.

  45. jacarter6767

    As for tonight, the loss only stings because of a phenomenal 3rd quarter and the lead it produced. Unfortunately I kind of expected the 4th quarter meltdown but I still hate to see it happen.

    On a good note, from March 18th to April 4th we have 8/10 of our games at home AND Steveo back in the lineup. I think we’ll retain the 2 seed unless SAC just goes on a wild run.

    Also for those fans who are saying fire Jenkins, or talking about how ass we are, remember how young we are. 3 years ago experts were predicting we would JUST NOW be fighting for playoff berths, not 2 years straight at the #2 seed. If we can retain our core talent we’re gonna be fine guys and gals. I remember when Mike Miller was the only reason to watch grizzly basketball so this is a delight in comparison lol

  46. NoirPochette

    Just didn’t have that extra player needed in the 4th. Refs gave PG some leeway.

    I enjoyed the game despite losing. I expected worse without having 3 starters especially one last minute essentially.

    Jenkins is a great coach and sometimes sports just don’t work like a video game. Players will miss shots, players will heat up and match ups happens when you don’t have a player to throw a spanner in the works.

    It’s fine. It’s about staying afloat until Brooks, Adams, and Morant come back respectively

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