@Los Angeles Lakers

Also let’s take a moment to appreciate this guy. Unsung hero of the Lakers this year. For a vet min guy you can’t ask more from him. Great game TBJ!

Also let’s take a moment to appreciate this guy. Unsung hero of the Lakers this year. For a vet min guy you can’t ask more from him. Great game TBJ!

by JesusDaBeast


  1. This guy is shooting the ball great right now, love it.

  2. TheMarathonCont1nues

    He’s feeling the pressure after the trades.

  3. WeCantBothBeMe

    He has been huge in every game without LJ since Dallas except the first. He’s silenced everyone who thought Rui should start over him and I want him re-signed over Rui. His 3 is falling now but even without it he’s been good on defense and he’s smart off ball and with his passing.

  4. JayRod24_

    Troy has been solid for us all year, hope to keep him around.

  5. ikkywikky1

    He’s been playing really good basketball for the better part of this season. Hope we can lock him up to a short term deal this summer

  6. Metal_Sonic7

    He deserves more respect from this sub, honestly. Glad we have him

  7. Forward-Departure155

    He has his share of ugly games but wow his big performances have really been racking up this season. I trust Troy. 🔥

  8. dictator2020

    He’s a very decent player when his shots are falling.

  9. Consistent_Owl4593

    Plays hard every night and has great hands when intercepting a pass

  10. Right_Twist32

    Lock his ass for years he is only 23 yo

  11. Lopsided-Challenge86

    Needs to be resigned. Career arc reminding me of Trevor Ariza. Bounced around a few teams before finding his role as a 3/D guy.

  12. mrspacemein

    Didn’t realize he played 41 min tonight. Timely 3s and solid rebounding. He’s been really good this year especially playing on a min contract.

  13. The1AndOnlyJZ

    Legitimately does everything. Well above average defender for a vet min and is a smart passer

  14. Top-Consequence-911

    I love him. He’s such a team player–does all the little things, and keeps getting better. We have to find some way to keep him.

  15. This sub was bashing him the whole season smh 🤦🏽‍♂️

  16. He’s been getting better all season. Had some problems adjusting to heavy minutes earlier this season, but seems to have broken through the wall. Definitely want him back if he keeps playing like this.

  17. Awkward_Natural_5508

    Def hope we keep him next season he’s perfect role player next to bron and AD

  18. gevurah22

    TBJ has been consistent as hell across the board.

  19. K_a_n_d_o_r_u_u_s

    Gets way too much hate for a VET MIN player. He does occasionally disappear offensively, but he is up there with Vando in terms of just constant hustle and defensively he is way better than most portrayed.

  20. b1indsamurai

    He’s growing into a fine role-player, still very young.

  21. GlassOnion25

    Why does this sub want every role player to be Vanderbilt? He fits his role and he can give valuable minutes when he’s a catch and shoot guy

  22. RichBrown57

    He’s been hitting those timely threes we’ve been needing all year. The new spacing gives him just enough room to do that

  23. ohmygoshy11

    What are the chance of us re-signing him without the mid-level? Would we be able to get him again on the vet min?

  24. EvenShaman

    His blossoming from a below average hustle dude to 3&D guy is amazing

  25. poopbrother

    I know y’all don’t care but I currently go to the same high school he went to, centennial HS in Las Vegas. We have a nice lil thing set up showing his signed high school jersey and pictures of him playing all over

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