@Charlotte Hornets

I’m not mad, I’m just disappointed

I’m not mad, I’m just disappointed

by postrocker


  1. IamOlderthanMe

    If I was Mike, I would go to France to watch Wemby instead.

  2. MusicHealthy8325

    He needs to look in the mirror. We’ve won like 3 playoff games since he’s been the owner.

  3. Junior-Dingo-7764

    Nick smiling in this picture makes it even better

  4. Heelther

    Shouldn’t have hired the same awful coach he fired

  5. iron_atmosphere

    Isn’t that Kupchak two rows behind MJ?

  6. KtuluLoveCheese

    Haha! Mitch looks like he just threw up.

  7. Dontknowshit1

    All my teams are in my home state of NC, and its been a mixed bag for me. But doesnt it feel sweet when you finally get that dub. Ask cub fans. Imma stay on the wagon ofc, plus I got college ball to watch 🤣

  8. propergnarr

    Mike needs to stop hiring all his friends. Chuck is 100% right about how the Hornets will never be great with Mike in charge.

  9. I loved watching how pointedly the players tried to ignore him during the game.

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