@Portland Trail Blazers

“I just secluded myself from everybody. I felt like a loser. I just felt like a failure. I felt like I let a lot of people down. Letting Portland down, letting the whole entire staff and organization down. I felt like I let my family down and everybody who coached me and believed in me.”

“I just secluded myself from everybody. I felt like a loser. I just felt like a failure. I felt like I let a lot of people down. Letting Portland down, letting the whole entire staff and organization down. I felt like I let my family down and everybody who coached me and believed in me.”

by BunkHammer


  1. thatkellenguy

    This hits me right in the feelers, man. So much put on such a young guy. That’s rough.

  2. spencp99

    Fuck that’s brutal. Getting blamed for something that’s completely out of your control like injuries must be an awful experience, especially with the added pressure of a first overall pick.

  3. theCANCERbat

    When it comes to people who are considered a “bust” in professional sports I think it is often forgotten how much of an impact that would have on someone’s mental health. Told for years you are great, get treated like a god, then when it finally comes time to live up to the hype you just don’t. The love turns to hate as you drift off into mediocrity.

  4. gerrard_1987

    At least he’s got the resources to get the help he needs.

  5. sadduckfan

    Felt bad for him until he broke his girlfriends nose


    This is a heart breaker.

    I don’t remember the fanbase ever feeling like Oden, or Roy for that matter, let us down. If anything, we were collectively mourning.

    Injuries are BRUTAL. They happen. We obviously joke we’re cursed, but Oden laid it all out there the best he could.

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