@Golden State Warriors



by Lil_Spaze


  1. STA_Alexfree


  2. Dynasty_30

    God damn he fucking skewered him

    Absolutely ruthless

  3. lastinglovehandles

    Dude already dead. Call the popo.

  4. arsene_0

    Dray just stating facts and it’s pretty funny lol. Gotta love it

  5. PanchoTarolas


  6. CarryOnUptheMorning


  7. wolfishnickelsyr

    Draymond ripped this clown a new one!🤣🤣🤣

  8. lithefeather

    Draymond hearing Dillon Brooks talking shit about him & the Dubs: Call the ambulance, but not for me


  9. Church__Mouse

    Add Number 1 trash talker to your portfolio of accomplishments.

  10. RottingCorps

    Glad he’s focusing on this, rather than winning a road game more than 7 times all year.

  11. sprinkles5000

    draymond better be in beast mode tomorrow.

  12. realistdreamer69

    Social media has killed the world. This is exhibit A. Pettiness has always existed, but we’ve taken it too entirely new levels.

  13. The_Nutz16

    Wonder if Ja’s gonna step to Dray with the noisy cricket after that takedown.

  14. electricHats75

    Lmaooooo or do they like you in Memphis. They dynasty starts after you, not with you, has to hurt 😭😭😭

  15. I would love to hear Dray next game talk to Brooks

  16. psmusic_worldwide

    I really hate this era of social media where this kinda stuff takes up space in people’s heads. There are things he’s right about (most of it), but that doesn’t change that it’s petty bullshit. Let it go, don’t get pulled down into the mudpit with people trying to bring you down with them. Now y’all are both dirty.

  17. guesswhodat

    Dillon Brooks just needs to STFU and just play.

  18. versace_tombstone

    I just want to make sure Steph is upset by all this and plays angry.

  19. BalloonShip

    “plays hard” and “knows the ins and outs of the Warriors defense” ARE two of the reasons the Warriors like him. There’s a bunch of others, but those are totally important. Why does Brooks think that’s an insult?

  20. FamLit69420

    Draymond legacy game tomorrow. Bitch better get up for this game.

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