@Chicago Bulls

We have to go Forward as if he’ll never play again

We have to go Forward as if he’ll never play again

by SirKJT


  1. Cougs6154

    I’d be surprised if he played another game in the nba tbh

  2. BasketRap

    Awful news but unsurprising. On a positive note, this may force the FO to stop treating him as a savior and make more moves to improve the roster.

  3. Yeah, it’s really unfortunate but I think his career is over.

  4. Been saying this for months. We live in a world where football players tear ACL’s and are back the same year like nothing happened. This dude still can’t walk without pain after two procedures and doctors are saying they don’t know what’s wrong. Lonzo is done. It sucks, but it’s reality.

  5. IndependenceReal365

    Man this really sucks. Such a young and good player losing on his dreams cause of his knee. Giving me flashbacks in terms of the situation😔

  6. Floating_carp12

    Dude this whole situation makes me so upset, bulls player or not. I always liked Lonzo since he was the #1 overall player in the country in my high school class. Always really liked his game and was ecstatic when he decided to come to the bulls. If I could inject that half season last year into my veins I would. Hoping for the best

  7. Imhere4thejokes


    Damn damn damn!

  8. I_only_post_here

    I don’t know if I would even call this surprising, but man… just bad news on top of bad news for Lonzo.

    I’d already pretty much settled on the notion that his career as an NBA player was basically over, and this just sounds like the nail in the coffin.

    Even if he really does try to get back on the court in like another year or so, there’s really no chance he could ever be the same player again. I wouldn’t blame him if he decided to call it a day before he screws up his leg even further. No one should have to go through life with chronic pain.

    He’ll still be more than alright for his life, and his career prospects outside of the NBA will still lead him to a very comfortable lifestyle, it’s just sad he didn’t get the chance to really see what his NBA career could have been.

  9. I’ve been there since the start of the season.

  10. ochie927

    Why can’t we have good things? Why does it always have to be the knee. First Rose…then this.

  11. PhishnChips

    He had a questionable knee when they signed him. Always fun to get nailed with a tampering violation while signing damaged goods. Sing it…only the Bulls 🎶

  12. Is there a way to have his salary not count against the cap?

  13. PinchMaNips

    I think quite a few of us knew that he was most likely never going to play again. Not to sure about his contract stipulations but I wish we could wave him to clear up cap space.

  14. EvenShaman

    2012 all over again and the team isn’t even as good

  15. Reispath

    We have to treat our current lineup + Javonte as the best and healthiest lineup with have. At this point, Zo coming back is a bonus, unfortunately.

    AKME should look at the next offseason as if we didn’t have Lonzo, because well… that’s practically the truth.

  16. WhileFalseRepeat

    My dude is a multi-millionaire – just retire this summer and go enjoy life young man. Given the reality of this situation, that would be best for both you and the Bulls.

    And If it does ever get better a couple of years down the road, you can always unretire.

    Be well Zo.

  17. GasedBodROTMG

    Can we get him to an actual doctor instead of the cartoon md’s the reinsdorf’s have hired? I think he’d be better off at the general intake at Rush than with our fucking medical staff

  18. Parking-Tree9012

    Prime reason to why we should blow it up. Feel bad for him but his salary holds us back from replacing him so basically we can’t get any better without moving a guy with a bum knee meaning all this going for the playoffs is worthless when barring some miracle situation appearing we can’t even get better than we are now through FA or trade.

  19. Bleachighost

    3rd procedure and being out for another season

    Not good Bob, not good, AKME better be getting a PG before next season…

  20. CoffeeBoy80

    *”Oh man that’s terrible for Lonzo and all but how can we spin this to be the Bulls’ fault?”*

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