@San Antonio Spurs

The Art of Tanking by the San Antonio Spurs

The Art of Tanking by the San Antonio Spurs

I know some of you might be thinking that players and coaches don’t tank, and to some extent, that’s true. But the thing is, tanking is actually done by the front office. They make decisions that can affect the team’s performance, like selling good players or sitting useful ones.

Take the Houston Rockets, for example. Their players are trying their best, but they’re just young and the team’s not well-built. It’s not their fault that the team’s not performing well, it’s on the front office.

And then we have the San Antonio Spurs. Now, they are absolutely tanking. They traded away their best player for a picks. Expectations for them heading into the 2022-23 season were not particularly high.



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  1. It's too bad that Pop doesn't have another 20 years of coaching, cause if they get Wenbanyama, he could be a new Tim Duncan for them.

  2. tbh, i'd rather have Scoot for the spurs. We need a true starting point, Tre Jones isn't it. I am just not sold on Wemby staying healthy or putting on the weight he needs to. I'd be willing to bet that at the end of both players' carreers, Scoot plays twice as many games.

  3. 2:43

    Well, on Twitter at least when Spurs won 2 games in a row many were pissed. They know how Wemba is good and they say "Focus on mission" and stuff xD

  4. If the NBA really wants Wembanyama to be the next big thing (LeBron boutta retire in a few seasons they need to find a replacement) they'd give him to Pop. If he were to go to a team like the Rockets, it would be a hindrance to his development.

  5. Nice video if you are a Spurs fan but Wembanyama would do much better with the Pistons threesome of Ivey, Cade and Duren.

  6. Murray was never going to be that guy for the spurs have y’all seen his interview with Stephen Jackson dude acts like he already won a nba championship.

  7. Even we miss oit on scoot and wemby we still have great PG prospects in Amen and Smith.

  8. Out of the remaining tanking teams, Spurs would make the most sense. They would get the most potential out of Victor.

  9. Hold up Keldon Johnson number 4 my guy lol need a picture correction 😂 he's number 3

  10. Someone needs to step in and fix nba draft. Teams that have been landing top 5 picks in the last 3 years need to get their odds lower for #1 pick. Orlando, Detroit and Houston have all had top 5 picks last 3 years and haven't done jack sh!t. They're hurting their young players career and gambling with the players chances at winning. Basically tanking every year for top 5 pick just to suck more.

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