@Toronto Raptors

Toronto Raptors APOLOGIZE For Deleted Video Saying Only Women Can Have Babies | This Is PATHETIC


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#Raptors #Women


  1. The LONG GAME is to destroy our society, whether the NWO or our enemies. This is a fine example. The secret societies behind it all, worship satan.

  2. Huh? What the F does having a baby have to do with basketball? Why is this even a thing?

  3. We live in truly strange times when sane reasonable people are viewed the crazies as being insane.

  4. F$&@ THE WOKE LOSER MOB🖕🏼 go raps.. Publicists were probs just scared of trudope😭😂

  5. Toronto is a trash city. Craptors are owned by the most woke companies Rogers and Bell. They are Trudeau and SJW simps

  6. There's a "Womans" History Month?
    First time I have heard of it. Also, Toronto Raptors and that message was poorly done, but still the truth.

  7. The people's who should apologize are the biological men trying to get in women's sports teams

  8. When someone has to apologize for saying only women can have babies, we're fukced. Satan has already won.

  9. How stupid, or should I say spineless, do you have to be to apologize for something that has been true since the beginning of time? These activists are crazy and moronic, why are you paying attention to them? Women are the only ones capable of giving birth, I'm not afraid to say it and refuse to apologize for it cause I believe in common sense

  10. This is the NBA they will sleep with there mothers for money 🤦🏽‍♂️🤣 I have no respect for a single player (SOFT) lol😅

  11. But I thought transgender women were “real women,” so what are they getting so mad about?? The crazies contradict themselves on a daily basis😂🤡

  12. Apologize for reppin blm 2 years after they were exposed, and the on court product.

  13. Women have babies, it’s a biological fact. Now there are women who are unable to bear children but that’s a very small percentage

  14. Apologizing for saying only women can have babies… Jesus Christ. Absolute insanity.

  15. 'We are sorry for telling the truth and stating a scientific fact. We'll be sure not to make that mistake again.'- the NBA

    The crazy train has no brakes.

  16. The world began to crumble when feelings started overruling facts!

  17. Why apologize? Women do give birth, the last time I checked. Enough of this WOKE crap and wake up!

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