@Denver Nuggets

MPJ speaks up..

[MPJ on Malone. “(He) sat me the whole fourth and put me in with 20 seconds left, I think. So, I mean it’s impossible to catch a rhythm then.”](

Seriously. Without any judgment or copium, what do you guys think about the future of this team with this coaching staff..?

by murrayforthree


  1. RatLord445

    All good, scuffles like this happen sfter tough losses, malone needs to look inward for once though

  2. Sanmenov

    He’s done the right thing all year, never complained and is arguably the 2nd or 3rd best player on this team and Malone is still treating him like a fucking rookie. If he is the next guy to have a problem with his role here after the season it would not surprise me.

  3. He might have made a positive impact, but the Nuggets were +9 in the fourth quarter when he was on the bench.

  4. spirax919

    MPJ sick of this shit and hes 100% correct

  5. ionictime


    MPJ had a great first half, terrible 3Q, and sat the 4th. Yeah, he should’ve played imo, but we did well when he was out.

    Bigger issue is CB and Reggie

  6. number15ismyfather

    The only Mike who should be on the team next year should be MPJ that other Mike can fuck right off

  7. JemorilletheExile

    What other contender is going to have the third max player on the bench during crunch time? Especially when the #2 option is hurt? Or, if they are sitting, they have to have trust that coach is making the right decision.

  8. adelman might do a better job already in this playoffs

  9. OptionKoloss

    I fully agree with MPJ on this one. I think we as a fan base need to be more vocal about these coaching blunders. Ownership should know we’re sick of it. MPJ is supposedly one of our “big 3” and he doesn’t close out this game? I don’t know If this coaching staff has it to take us to the promised land, there’s just too many of these blunders, guys that suck night after night get to play. Meanwhile, one of the best players on our team isn’t closing out a close. Make it make sense to me I can’t wrap my head around it. Honestly guys I don’t know who we’d beat in the playoffs. Any team can beat us with these shitty lineups we’re throwing out there.

  10. Rcky_Mountain_High

    Honestly this is gotcha journalism and I wouldn’t look too much into it.

    MPJ was out for his typical rest. When he was out we started our run and I don’t blame Malone for keeping the unit in that was making the run. And damnit it almost worked. MPJ got subbed in for the final few shots because that is what you do with your stud, and it never went his way. He was then asked about rhythm and he had an honest answer of no rhythm from sitting which is totally valid.

    I don’t blame Malone for this singular “issue”. His team got hot, he kept those players in, and when it came to a final few possessions shot put MPJ back in.

    Malone had a whole lot of other issues he needs to solve, but this is a non issue IMO

  11. Careful MPJ, Malone might make you fly commercial

  12. Good, we’re keeping on the path of realizing that I and my ilk were right all along. Malone is a better than average coach only. Not a championship coach. He can still definitely get carried by the talent on the team this year–and I obviously hope he does, but I feel like if he doesn’t get the team at least to WCF, he’s on the hotseat.

  13. DutyPuzzleheaded7765

    Malone won’t be here next year if we don’t make conference finals

  14. CautiousKenny

    I think we are at the point were we seriously need to consider BOTH Malone and Murray’s place on this team. Besides the atrocious bench, Murray and Malone are the two biggest hurdles for us to get a ring if we are basing it off this season performance

  15. ShakeItLikeIDo

    Can we hold both Malone AND Murray accountable for these losses? Malone has been doing some bad substitutions but Murray has been building houses with all the bricks he’s been laying

  16. flatironfortitude

    Even if he had a rough 3rd we need MPJ if we want to win a championship. Id rather he shit the bed and learn from it than feel slighted (rightfully so)on the bench. It’s the type of mentality that a coach who hasn’t won much would have.

  17. CheezWizonator

    Malone is cracking under pressure this season.

  18. Proper_Maximum5739

    Dumb move my Malone. MPJ could’ve hit some clutch shots in the 4th and Nuggets probably would’ve won the game…..What a shame…

  19. SwallowsOnSundays

    How’s he supposed to get any confidence, if he’s benched after a bad quarter

  20. skylinerainbow

    What’s the story with the screen capture that leads the article?

  21. ElectricDuck213

    Malone continuing to show his irrational bias against younger players. If Jokic didn’t like him he’d be long gone.

  22. looktheresafox

    Maybe playing with crunch time rotations before playoffs?

  23. OneWildAndCrazyGuy17

    Malone let’s leads accumulate until double digits before calling a time out or putting starters back in most losses. Feels like he is trying to coast into the playoffs doing the minimum necessary to protect the 1 seed. I hope it doesn’t bite us in the ass but hard to think that it won’t.

  24. FloppersAndFlippers

    If we lose MPJ because of Malone I swear to god

  25. Yeah, he should have had the last shot as well.

  26. TwoWayMarko

    MPJ has not deserved this treatment, he was malones go to punching bag for far too long and this season he has matured and improved more than we all dared to fantasize about…

    Malone should look to get his 3 guard lineup sorted out , or figure out how to get the ball to jokic , its going on for years now, ridicoulus.

    He cant get a functional 2nd unit on the court, dude is clueless how to coach when jokic is not in the game , we see coaches play way worse lineups and make it work with less but MM’s role players often look like they dont belong in the nba , if it happens once in a while its a bad day or a slump but if it happens all the time for years its fair to think that they have been misscoached.

    What is he good for if he can only be conpetent with jokic ? Yeah he talks effort a lot, but at what point will he look in the mirror?

    How many young players have we lost because malone likes to play washed vets? If we loose MPJ because of malone im done following the nba …porter is the most talented nugget not named nikola, Its a joke that he still gets the rookie treatment.

  27. young_asia

    Moach doing his best to scare away our core

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