@National Basketball Association

[Zach Lowe] “Jokic has 45 kicked ball violations so far. Second place has 17. It’s his way of saying he doesn’t feel like playing defense. It’s smart but it’s not a basketball play.”

Happens around the 26:30 mark of [yesterday’s Lowe Post](

Lowe does say that this is a smart move, but also that it’s emblematic of Jokic’s lower effort and worse defense this year compared to last year.

“I wrote it on November 11. Meek defensive effort at the rim and too much kicking the ball. It hasn’t changed.”

by SqueakyRadish


  1. Good morning, time for another post about Jokic’s defense I see. Can we find a new slant yet?

    Edit: I hate the MVP talk and the need to trash guys in these replies. Jokic, and Embiid are generational talents. Whoever wins MVP has no effect on us as fans, just sit back and enjoy this shit we get to watch and don’t get emotional on players hardware

  2. thechemistrychef

    Call it KBV/48 and he’s the league leader and it helps his campaign now

  3. HEMAGN2point0

    Nobody wants to see this guy get 3 straight mvps apparently

  4. If it’s “stupid” (it’s not) but it works…

    It’s just another rule of the game. As long as he uses it in order to stop plays that would have otherwise been easy baskets for the opposition or whatnot what is the issue?

  5. joedadafitzgerald

    But it is a basketball play. On an ibound at the end of close games, watch the guy who’s guarding the inbounder. He jumps like a maniac trying to deflect the ball with all parts of his body. It’s like saying that when someone is attempting a touch-down pass from the other side of the court and you deflect it out of bounds isn’t a basketball play, because you’re not trying to catch it.

  6. thefloodplains

    Not sure I agree with the premise here. A kicked ball can be a good basketball play depending on context.

  7. MagicMoocher

    Babe wake up, new Jokic slander post on r/NBA

  8. this is actually an unhinged take. wtf is a basketball play and why should anyone care about this guy’s definition?

    like, honestly wondering, has he ever played a game of basketball? it’s not obvious

  9. UnsungHerro

    Nah I’m 100% behind exploiting the rules like this, everyone has equal opportunity to do it.

  10. trailrunner79

    I really don’t have a mvp pick but the picking apart of Jokic in the last couple weeks is getting hilarious. Obviously the media guys want to vote for him again but the race issue from Perkins got in their heads.

  11. stompy33

    O, we are back to this garbage. Someone explain to me how a kicked ball in this instance isn’t a basketball play. He is stopping a pass to a guy rolling to the basket, effectively giving his team a chance to reset their defense and have a better shot at stopping a basket.

  12. zangieflookingmofo

    I think 30 of those were against the Sixers. It’s silly that people read so much into it though. Teams want to put him in the PnR because he struggles to defend it, he kicks at the ball as a way to mitigate it. It’s a normal basketball play, find a new slant.

  13. bush_league_commish

    Somehow the MVP discourse is less bearable than the Celtics losing to the Rockets last night.

  14. Using your feet on defense is done at every single level of basketball. The only way you could think “it’s not a basketball play” is if you have never played competitive basketball in your life before. We *literally* teach young players to use their feet to block low passing lanes. It’s a fundamental part of playing defense.

  15. TragicsHS

    If anything it shows smart defensive play lmao

  16. Blob_Sacamano

    Anyone who’s played basketball knows a kicked ball is a positive part of defense.

  17. Vexing_Pie

    “Jokic is clearly showing he’s not only skilled at Basketball but also Soccer. Being a multi-sport athlete only adds to his mvp case”

  18. FuzzyBucks

    ice cold take from Zach Lowe.

    Anyone who has played basketball knows that kicking a pass *is* good defense in many cases lol. What’s he supposed to do, let it by so the other team can score?

  19. TJStrawberry

    It’s a great defensive play lol stops the entire offence and allows your defence to reset

  20. What the fuck does “it’s smart but it’s not a basketball play” even mean? What does he want him to do, dive for the ball with his hands like a safety going for an INT? Oh sorry, you stopped the play but you used your foot so it doesn’t count and we’d prefer if you just let the ball through next time. What a garbage take.

  21. GunnerRocket

    What’s with the anti Jokic agenda lately?

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