@Boston Celtics

Post Game Thread: The Boston Celtics defeat The Minnesota Timberwolves 104-102

#Boston Celtics at Minnesota Timberwolves

Target Center- Minneapolis, MN




|Time Clock|

|BOS |23|21|33|27|104|
|MIN |23|20|28|31|102|

###Player Stats

**Boston Celtics**

|J. Tatum|36:55|22|4-16|0-8|14-16|1|11|12|2|2|1|2|5|-3
|J. Brown|36:32|35|12-24|5-8|6-8|3|7|10|1|1|0|2|2|3
|A. Horford|32:11|11|4-8|3-7|0-0|1|2|3|5|1|2|0|0|3
|D. White|24:32|9|3-8|3-6|0-0|0|3|3|4|1|2|0|2|11
|M. Smart|34:53|9|4-12|0-5|1-2|1|1|2|5|2|0|3|5|5
|G. Williams|26:15|2|1-5|0-3|0-0|1|3|4|1|0|0|1|3|-4
|M. Brogdon|31:03|12|4-9|1-3|3-4|0|6|6|2|0|0|0|0|-6
|S. Hauser|2:14|0|0-0|0-0|0-0|0|0|0|0|0|0|1|1|2
|B. Griffin|15:24|4|2-2|0-0|0-0|1|3|4|0|0|0|0|4|-1

**Minnesota Timberwolves**

|J. McDaniels|33:15|14|5-12|2-7|2-2|1|4|5|1|1|0|1|4|-2
|K. Anderson|36:20|15|7-14|0-1|1-1|4|3|7|8|0|2|2|4|-8
|R. Gobert|28:58|15|6-8|0-0|3-7|1|5|6|1|1|0|1|3|0
|A. Edwards|38:25|28|10-20|5-8|3-5|0|10|10|7|0|0|3|0|5
|M. Conley|29:48|7|2-7|2-6|1-1|2|3|5|2|0|0|1|2|-1
|T. Prince|20:11|3|1-3|1-3|0-0|0|2|2|1|0|0|1|5|-7
|J. McLaughlin|18:12|5|2-6|1-3|0-0|0|2|2|4|1|0|0|0|-1
|N. Reid|19:03|15|4-9|1-3|6-6|0|6|6|1|0|0|3|4|0
|N. Alexander-Walker|15:45|0|0-5|0-5|0-0|0|3|3|2|0|0|1|1|4
###Team Stats



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  1. eamonious

    if you don’t like that, you don’t like celtics basketball.

    i just wish we couldve squeezed in more marcus smart offensive takeover in crunch time though. stars don’t need to touch the ball. just give it to the king and let him paint.

  2. HailKyrie

    Love to see a Grant redemption arc. Him/Smart were great down the stretch!

  3. crackdup

    Just as JB has taken flight, JT has crash landed.. JT looking like a FT specialist, 13 of his 21 pts from FTs lol

  4. bubsiboo

    This ended up being a fun, gritty win and a lot of our guys played well, especially Jaylen.

    However, Jayson really seemed intent to blow this game on offense and it’s becoming increasingly concerning as he dribbles away 20 seconds of clock before a lame attempt or even struggles to not make some silly fouls off ball.

    Of course, he is still our best player and his rebounding has become impactful, but his offensive decision making (and the fact that it often is in his hands during late game situations) is a big cause for concern.

    Am I overreacting? Or do the rest of y’all see this the same way?

  5. koj12144

    Not a very inspiring win but fuck it ill take it lol

  6. ReyCo390

    The Celtics have the closing ability of a Waffle House. No lead ever feels safe.

  7. mr_duong567

    I wanna gouge my eyes out after that W lol

    Edit: just wanted to add Tatum’s only second half FG was that Gobert poster.

  8. Beantown00

    We really need to figure out our end of game lineup and offense. It literally looks like a bunch of guys who have never played together before lol. We just stop moving

  9. marcok20

    Yeah, Giannis and the bucks are definitely going to destroy us in the playoffs at this rate.

  10. kawheiser-soze

    As ugly of win as you can have but winning is better than losing

  11. I wish we could get back to good Celtics basketball. These close games where we have to grind and inch out a victory due to our own mistakes aren’t fun.

  12. -NESQUICK-

    This team blows, ugly ass win. We were gifted that shit. They need to wake up before the playoffs.

  13. Honestly, knowing the Celtics have more poise than the Timberwolves gives me more comfort than it should

    Fuck it let’s sweep the rest of this road trip

  14. Zcorby18

    Don’t even care what seed we get, Tatum and smart still look lost

  15. Brad-Stevens

    We have a lot of winners on our side

    I’ll rock with these dudes every day

    Tatum off night? JB a monster, Malcolm big first half, Smart and Grant winning plays down the stretch

    Keep going

  16. nbianco1999

    The way this team has been playing lately, a win is a win. Just wish they would stop forgetting how to play basketball when they have a double digit lead.

  17. Someone needs to slap Tatum’s head back on straight. Joe isn’t the guy to do it

  18. aja_ramirez

    I’ll take the win. But the biggest difference between the Celtics and other contenders is that their stars don’t go into prolonged slumps like JT. Never going to win without a true superstar.

  19. bbqsauceboi

    Wolves fan here saying GG. A lot of people complaining about refs but if we beat you due to bad refs we wouldn’t be complaining lol. Good luck going forward ✌️

  20. bubsiboo

    Joe did some really strange things in this game as far as rotations. Not saying it was bad, but definitely felt different.

  21. TheFirstExecutioner

    JT would be a consensus top 5 player if he improved his shot selection. Idk who’s telling him to jack all these ugly contested threes. If it’s Hanlan, he needs to ditch him asap

  22. ThanosIsDoomfist

    Ugly win, didnt like how we played overall, but still a win. Great teams win ugly, thats what matters.

    These guys need to take this game and use it as a confidence boost or something tho. And Marcus needs to rest that ankle.

    Glad JB balled out again.

  23. KansaiKanpai

    Could someone explain what Grant did at the jump ball that has everyone talking about it? I didn’t see anything out of the ordinary.

  24. HugeMan06

    Controversial take, but I could truly care less how the bad refs were. A win is a win is a win.

  25. AirJordan6124

    Are we not gonna talk about Gobert losing a jumpball to Grant? 🤣

  26. KTO-Potato

    Grant Williams stole the jump ball at the end. It was a weird way to end the game. I get why the Wolves were pissed.

  27. AdmiralWackbar

    u/Mr_Driver_1992 don’t delete your comments use this as this as your sounding board for Marcus Smart hate 🤡

  28. WolfOfWallStreetBet5

    Yo I’m a Wolves fan. Good game but uhh… you guys saw those calls too right? Not the Cs fault but very frustrating as a Wolves fan tonight. Rooting for you guys in the playoffs

  29. Navigos13

    Why tf did Jaylen not get a shot after the 6:44 mark in the fourth? Makes no sense

  30. PeterSteelePanther

    A win, but damn that was not good. Tatum terrible again, Smart on the edge of being a negative, and A LOT of help from the whistles.

    This might work against a young Ant-Man and Gobert/Kyle Fucking Anderson, but this is a formula to get their shit pushed in when it really matters.

    JB has been unreal, though. WOW.

  31. Jpgamerguy90

    Tatum has to figure out his shooting woes. This team goes where he goes and he’s gotta figure it out. Personally I think his shot selection from deep is hot garbage. 50% from 2 and tons of FTs. Maybe cut the 3 point attempts to 6 a game and take more 2s

  32. flying_alligators

    Great thing about these last couple games is JB scoring output.

    We need him to get all nba so we can guarantee him the biggest bag.

    Also, I’m glad jt isn’t too hurt but the guy needs to drive instead of taking sissy ass shots with 19 on the shot clock.

  33. Independent_Worker67

    Good to see Marcus smart play good in crunch time. And feels just as good to see grant have a positive impact on the game. Still a few things to work on for sure but even with Tatum having a bad game others picked up the slack. Exactly what we need.

  34. nickromas

    JB been on another level since all star break. Love to see it

  35. Machiniac

    Great to see Grant come through! Marcus and Grant gave been shells of themselves and with Grant stealing the jumpball and Marcus with the big smile, hopefully they start to regain their confidence.

  36. Ugly game but a win is a win. Jaylen Brown did a great job keeping the Celtics ahead for most of the game and the final stretch was a good team effort from everybody on the floor. Hopefully the Celtics can build off of this and start getting into a groove before the playoffs start.

  37. pirateslifefortea

    Tatum is averaging 47.8% from the field in march but it does not feel like that

  38. FaithlessnessTime105

    Why is the corpse of Marcus Smart playing 10 more mins than d white

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