@Detroit Pistons

Gilbert Arenas goes off on Bill Laimbeer #detroitpistons #shorts #billlaimbeer #detroitbasketball

Gilbert Arenas goes off on Bill Laimbeer that he couldn’t play in today’s NBA


  1. Gilbert is right, but yall hate on this generation of basketball so bad. These players are playing by the rules set by the NBA.

  2. These arguments are so silly – as if basketball players are unable to change their style of play based on current rules. Back then you could get away with it now you can't. Let's keep comparing different eras like they are exactly the same.

  3. Gilbert anus just needs to shut his mouth because I have honestly never heard anything intelligent come out of his speaking ever never ever never never ever. Hes so stupid he probably has never actually gotten his birthday right when asked. Hey Gilbert Anus when's your birthday? Ahh Bill laimbeer likes tuna fish sandwiches on Wednesday. 198M

  4. Yea take advice from the Agent Zer0 !! And u will Get Zero !! You adapt to the circumstances and thats how u win !! 2 rings to Agents Zero rings- not to mention laimbeer goes and coaches and gets 3 more Rings – so he obviously understood the game 5x more then Agent Zer0

  5. Gill never watched Bill. He doesnt care about 80s NBA because he didnt watch it. Andre Drummond plays still and he dont play D. Bill had a jumpshot and decent passer. Probably could stretch big.

  6. Gilbert Arenas and Kendrick Perkins are the two biggest idiots on media

  7. Bill passing was underrated but Bill was a tough foul thug but he still played D. Every player on Detroit play hard D, except Daintley.

  8. Bill, Laimbeer

    Career high, Points 35
    Career high, Rebounds 24
    Career high, Assists 11
    Career high, Steals 5
    Career high, Blocks 6
    Career high, Game Score 34.8

    Never won defensive player of the year .
    Sidney Moncrief did in 82,83 & 84
    Mark eaton did in 85
    Alvin Robertson did in 86 Michael Cooper did in 87 Michael Jordan did in 88
    Mark Eaton did in 89
    Dennis Rodman did in 90 & 91 David Robertson did in 92
    Hakeem Olajuwon did in 93 .

    Overall, Bill Laimbeer’s career was ok , He was never a defensive player he actually was better on the offensive end.

  9. Gilbert stop hating!! You never won anything . More proof that the Bad Boys still to this day don't get their props.

  10. Guess Gilbert" never won sh%t" Arenas forgot his nickname was chairman of the boards for a reason. Led the league in rebounds a cpl times you Hater.

  11. Keep making yourself look stupid Gilbert. If it wasn't that BS foul called on him in 88 Pistons would have 3 peated!

  12. He's a stretch PF that shot 3's….todays game stretch 4's and 5's. Yeah Gilbert you make sense…

  13. But he would be a giant on offense post as well as catch and shot, yes the game has changed but because of how the game was played, once they are the newer def. Man they gone be in heaven

  14. I completely agree with Arenas. Laimbeer was basketball’s version of a hockey goon. His best defensive play was the clothesline.

  15. And that’s why pussy’s today couldn’t play back then. They’d take your head off and stay in the game while all you got was two free throws. Lebron would literally go on strike if someone fouled him that hard and didn’t get a serious suspension

  16. Good players learn how to succeed in their era. If Shaq played today, he would have slimmed down and developed an outside shot. Lambier would have developed a 3 point shot and would have played defense differently.

  17. I understand Gil is educated on the game and a former pro but let's not act like the former players are always correct. I've heard Shaq, Perkins, Barkley and Gil etc all say some dumb shit in regards to the sport.

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