@Denver Nuggets



by skurkles


  1. ladidadi82

    He started off bad but turned things around!

  2. FuckRightOffUsername

    Needs to be playing 20+ min/night. His energy is incredible

  3. PatrikWilding

    He had only 3 rebounds. I thought that every single ball was in his hands.

  4. kushlash16

    No excuse for Malone for not playing this kid

  5. Coke_ButNotTheDrug

    He needs to be in our playoff rotation

  6. TheLowerHades

    What saved was CB, MPJ, and 4th quarter we started running plays instead of giving Murray the ball to dribble into a deadend.

    I love Murray but hes been making me mad lately

  7. cryingtho

    CB, you may be 14 years old, but we love you anyway

  8. Improverb

    Is he balancing a basketball on his shoulder while holding an energy drink?

    Oh, that’s his jersey number, you say? I’ll zoom in next time, but how about that shoulder holder, right?

  9. Betaateb

    Everyone that was dooming about the skid don’t realize without it this man wouldn’t be playing! We are a better team when CB is getting minutes!

  10. Technuggs15

    Tfw Iā€™ve been asking for my BRAUNSEXUAL flair all season and still donā€™t have one

  11. lamentforanation

    Itā€™s pronounced ā€˜regular and playoff rotationā€™.

  12. Big_Stay6072

    He was the spark that won the Nuggets this game. He better be in the playoff rotation. If he isn’t, well… I’ma be pissed.

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