@Indiana Pacers

Paul George Ladies & Gentleman

Paul George Ladies & Gentleman

by IndependenceReal365


  1. Maximum-Class5465

    Couldn’t agree more
    FYI, you’re welcome to force your way back

  2. ZusunicStudio

    PG has grown since this all happened and Pacers fans should grow up too. PG provided the greatest moments of the 2010s for us. It’s always going to be love for PG. He should also come back and ball out with this squad.

  3. myles-burner

    Paul George is the ex you dated four girls ago who still posts about how you broke their heart on Facebook.

  4. seniorpeepers

    PG was on jj Reddick’s podcast a few weeks ago and talks a good bit about the pacers and those 2010’s runs. It’s a great listen if anyone is interested

  5. Frostler

    We only boo because it actually hurt to see him go. Come home PG!

  6. YouKnowWhyImHereGIF

    Really wish we could have seen what Pacers’ PG could have been without the broken leg interrupting his, and the team’s, meteoric rise.

  7. pickle_man_4

    Anyone that holds any ill will towards him still is faded. The window had passed with him and he helped make us relevant again for the first time since the brawl.

  8. Servbot24

    PG is great. Pacers fans holding a grudge are losers.

  9. Seanannigans14

    It is shocking how many pacer fans are ok with how he left. I think a lot of you are delusional or just in denial. It’s really weird. Especially after he said he wanted to stay to win multiple rings, plural, and then weeks later cries and requests a trade. Good riddance

  10. asmishler23

    Not wrong. I loved him and I got hurt by him.

  11. Love PG but I’d like to know what banners he hung up in Indy

  12. dixonjt89

    He isn’t wrong. I still boo him.

    But it’s because it hurt so bad that I loved that dude so much for bringing us back to relevancy with that squad and he wanted out. Doesn’t help that he also basically forced his way out by saying he wasn’t going to re-sign when he still had a year left on his contract.

  13. indysingleguy

    Banners? He didnt hang any banners that matter.

  14. YellowHat01

    He’s been gone for six years now. Anyone that still harbors hate for PG is just living in the past, especially since we have our own stars now. If we were genuinely horrible for years like after LeBron left Cleveland I might understand, but we have a bright future ahead.

  15. hasselhoffman91

    If he didn’t continue to bad mouth Indiana and the Pacers for years after he left I could agree. But his constant calling of FA players and telling them not to come here, yea no love here.

  16. KangTheConqueror9

    I’d love him to come back when he is a free agent

  17. SoggyChickenWaffles

    I’d love to have him back to be the final piece of a title team

  18. StanceLephenson

    I’ll always be a PG fan and don’t hold any grudges over him leaving. If we should be mad at anyone it’s Larry Bird for completely destroying the roster around PG and firing Vogel who George really liked.

  19. KyleRaynerGotSweg

    After Dipo fucked us I realized that I can’t be mad at PG, all love and I would kill to see him come back

  20. rahjreed

    I’ll always have love for PG, and most Pacers fans will. It’s just hard to admit because we loved him so much and we felt like we were burned by an ex-girlfriend. If he could somehow come back to the Pacers I would definitely welcome him home but I understand he’s from California so that logically would never happen again.

  21. doubleponytail

    I boo him because he fucked Roy Hibbert’s wife.

  22. Boo this man with all you heart! Spread the love

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