@New York Knicks

NBA Executive believes Tom Thibodeau will hold Knicks back in playoffs

Haters gonna hate.

by SanchezPrime


  1. Teewrecks7

    I wouldn’t even say it’s hate lol I think it’s valid, we’re all worried about his in game adjustments. In our last playoff appearance it took him a few games before he finally benched Elfrid

    I’m also not worried about JB out coaching thibs if that’s our first match up

  2. cesarjulius

    playoffs are adjusting and adjusting to the adjustments and on and on.

    preparation for games, and putting together a game plan, is a strength of thibs.

    in-game adjustments is a weakness.

    if the players execute, we win.

    if it comes down to coaching, we lose.

  3. DarkDevitt

    I’ve been saying this for literal months… way back when we didn’t realize that we were gonna be this good.

  4. MikeDarsh

    Knicks Fan believes NBA Executive can hold deez nuts

  5. haris501

    To rhis day it is a valid point. It is up to Thibs to prove them wrong. What has done in the playoffs in his career?

  6. Beautiful_Steak9253

    Well yeah this is the story of his career. not even hate.

    Playoffs require quick adjustments.
    He waited until mid playoffs to change the STARTING PG of our team, something he should’ve experimented with regular season but didn’t- bc he’s stubborn.

    To his credit he’s shown a willingness to bend on things this season. Will it last thru playoffs is the next question. He panic coaches, so I wouldn’t hold my great.

  7. This sounds like Danny “Almost made a trade” Ainge. Cry more.

  8. vette322

    That’s a fair take. The playoffs are always about making adjustments, and Thibs’ biggest weakness is not making adjustments.

  9. Spyder488

    U guys do realize it’s his coaching that has us in the position we are in to begin with. Let the man do his job. He’s the expert.

    We’ve had I don’t know how many coaches over the past two decades and in my opinion he’s right up there with the best we have had in town. Leave him to do his job. He’s beeb great at it thus far.

  10. Dragonthorn1217

    Thibs actually has changed this year I feel. His rotations aren’t set in stone anymore like before. He’s sitting vets and is getting contributions from our young players. The Thibs of old maybe, but not this Thibs.

  11. asapfetty

    Don’t know why people say Thibs can’t adjust when he’s actually has a pretty good playoff record for his career and usually wins the series his teams are supposed to win. He also usually has a pretty good feel in game and usually lets the players who are winning the game for us stay in and close (i.e Deuce over Grimes, Hart over Mitch, etc.)

    People say he doesn’t “adjust” but what are they even talking about when they say that. Just as recently as the Laker and Trail Blazer game he adjusted to put more pressure on DLo and Dame to get the ball out of their hand when they were cooking us early.

    If by adjust people mean try stuff that he hasn’t done in season like playing small ball with Obi, then yeah he probably won’t do that because it just doesn’t make sense to try things that we haven’t practiced and go against our team identity.

  12. I share that belief. But we’ll just have to see.

  13. I mean, that’s been his history, sure, but we’ll have to see if he’s adapted since his Chicago days.

  14. AlphakirA

    He won’t change they say…after all he’s done is adapt this year.

    NBA Fan believes pussy exec afraid to share their name can eat a bag of dicks.

  15. omarade2

    Sounds like a salty exec mad that thibs outcoached their shitty team. My money is on Someone from the lakers. Maybe Boston.

  16. charlesfluidsmith

    Unless Im mistaken, we have seen Thibs have success in the playoffs before.

  17. I get it but this is the same coach everyone was saying he doesn’t play young guys and plays vets and he let the young guys develop. He wasn’t afraid to bench kemba last year when he was cooked and rose/cam/Fournier was out the rotation to play the younger guys.

    Certain things he’s stuck in his ways but he’s develop as a coach since year 1 here. I trust thibs all the way

  18. jjazznola

    So he’ll get them into the playoffs but hold them back when they are in the playoffs? One exec who remains nameless said this? Who cares?

  19. HardOakleyFoul

    Moment of truth comes in a few weeks. We’ll find out if he’s still as stubborn as ever when the stakes are raised much higher or if he really has learned how to adapt.

  20. Chr1s78987x

    NBA executive is fearful of facing Tom Thibodeau in playoffs

  21. Chr1s78987x

    There’s some weird belief that because the team plays extremely hard, that they don’t have a 2nd gear to reach in the playoffs, since they’re using the same amount of energy in the regular season.

    First of all, that’s not true, the reason we are winning is because we are a great team, not because Thibs runs people to the ground.

    Secondly, even if that were true, it doesn’t mean Thibs is holding us back in the playoffs, it would just imply that the team isn’t good enough to cut it in the playoffs.

    It’s bullshit all around though

  22. No_Buddy_

    Thibs is the reason our team is what is, for better or worse. Best coach in at least a decade if not more. I ride with my bald king.

  23. machphantom

    To quote the departed:


    Maybe not.

    Maybe go fuck yourself.

  24. I think he needs to expand the rotation down this stretch to avoid burning out the top guys. Randle plays way too many minutes and now with Brunson nursing the foot injury I think it’s the perfect time to get some guys back in the rotation. No reason Obi should not be getting 15-20 mins and is even toss fournier a couple here and there.

  25. dawnjawnson

    As a Knicks fan I’d like to (respectfully) ask said NBA executive to kick my balls

  26. EwingsRevenge21

    Cowardly anonymous NBA executive doesn’t know shit.

    Thibs has trained this team to be a playoff team EVERY game.

    They don’t need to step up their defense for the playoffs like other teams because they already give their all on defense every night.

    They don’t need to worry about getting more rebounds because they already win the contest on the boards almost every game.

    They don’t need to have to worry about going iso due to stronger defense because they already do a lot of iso play.

    They don’t need to reach a 2nd gear to make hustle plays because they make hustle plays every game.

    The Knicks are READY for the playoffs. As long as their shooting is somewhat consistent they will shock a lot of people including that jackass anonymous NBA executive….

  27. My concern is the offensive adjustment, Thibs has great defensive instinct to adjust as required and put pressure where it’s needed, but offensively he is too hesitant. Playoffs are close games and defence lock you down, and unfortunately Randle heroball is still not good, I would say for playoffs it is bad,
    Thibs needs to build better arsenal of offensive schemes we can run when everything else fails, Grimes, Hart, Harteinstain are willing passers, so should be involved more in getting opposite defence in rotation.

  28. Sparrow_Wilson

    When you look at the dumb shit a lot of teams do, I’m not sure how much weight an exec’s opinion holds

  29. Cautious-Ad-9554

    Coaches are like Presidents in a way. Often they can coast off the players and the system in place. Thibs took over a team without an organizational structure and to his credit he installed it. Now that it exist he should be largely judge by his ability to perform in crisis situations. There are also margin decisions that matter but they are the “small potatoes”. The last time Thibs had this team in the playoffs The Hawks ignored his centers and put a spy on Randle. Thibs failed to make any adjustments. I don’t think they has a very good chance in that series regardless but he didn’t help or even make adjustments that could potentially help

    Last season he had chemistry issues with his new PG, a star player that checked out, and a bench unit dramatically out performing his starting unit. He made adjustments but they didn’t work and often seemed poorly conceived.

    This year he had a lot of guys that saw themselves as major contributors who I think wanted different things from the team. He made firm rotational and stylistic adjustments that have been successful.

    I don’t know if the playoffs will put Thibs in a spot where he going to have to make decesions that are potentially make or break. If a situation occurs where an adjustment is clearly needed he has to pull the trigger.

  30. SanchezPrime

    The way this is presented… Anything less than EC finals is a failure at the hands of Thibs.

    So some guy can say “See… Told ya so!”

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