@Milwaukee Bucks

what do you guys think 🤔?

what do you guys think 🤔?

by 6L00C-8A8Y


  1. _Throw_Away_830

    He’s definitely been a huge piece since they picked him up. I don’t think they would have won in 21 without him. That being said, I think he’d have to keep up his current level of play for a couple more years in Milwaukee to justify retiring his number.

  2. ImpressiveAd2771

    If he finishes his career here, absolutely.

  3. ThatMkeDoe

    Retire number 11 across the whole league cuz no one will be as defensively dominant and relevant as Brook! Hell they should replace splash mountain with a giant monument to Brook, hell Disneyland should be renamed Brookland. While we’re at it Anaheim is now Broloheim, hell just make him mayor for life of Broloheim.

    I say this as totally the most unbiased Brook Lopez fan.

  4. Ser_DunkandEgg

    Why would Kyrie even get consideration lmao. Brook played almost 4 times as many games for the Nets, and has multiple franchise records. Kyrie showed up sometimes for games and has 0 franchise records.

    This dude became a Nets fan 3 years ago.

  5. boringaccountant23

    The way Brook is playing this season, he’s getting close to having his number retired by 2 teams when he retires.

  6. Rithgarth

    If he wins DPOY or we get another ring we should 110% retire #12.

    The same goes for Jrue with #21.

  7. Optimal_Conclusion_1

    The nets for sure retire brooks number. He is their all time leading scorer, and that team has had some pretty good players in its past.

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