@Portland Trail Blazers

[Quick] Fire Chauncey Billups? Trail Blazers endorse their coach amid season of struggle

[Quick] Fire Chauncey Billups? Trail Blazers endorse their coach amid season of struggle

by nurkoff


  1. Despite how we the fans feel about Chauncey, it seems as though he’s really resonating with a few of the players – Quick talks about Ant, Dame, and Grant specifically. Grant was the biggest endorser of Billups in this article:

    “Jerami Grant has made note of the growing fervor among a segment of Trail Blazers fans who are calling for head coach Chauncey Billups to be fired.

    “I think those people are stupid,” Grant said.

    “I’m ready to run through a wall for him, no matter what,” Grant said. “I’m looking forward to playing for him.””

    Having Grant feel that way does show he’d probably re-sign if Billips is coach. I do think think though that Billups is a great players coach, but tactically, he shouldn’t be putting it on the players to make reads. This quote from Dame sums that up:

    “As players, when you play against good teams, they govern themselves in certain situations. It’s not an adjustment for the coach. It’s hey, we as players have to see what’s happening and adjust to them as players. But you have to see what’s happening and a lot of times we just don’t see. We are in the coverages, but we don’t see what is developing.”

  2. Ace12773

    This is pretty disappointing to read, players don’t always know what’s best for team needs. That’s why player coaches don’t exist anymore. I guess we’re going to get another year of Billups.

  3. Almond_bongbong_1995

    Both JG and Chauncey fuck outta here plz

  4. rock-or-something

    I’m good firing him but also kinda curious about one more season.

    We’ve been largely plagued with injuries, it’s forced alot of end of bench guys into the rotation and has put us and them in a bad spot.

    This was like his first real season since the plug got pulled so early last year. I’m hopeful that maybe another off-season will give him some time to study, develop a game plan, maybe collaborate with mentors like Lue – just take some more time to develop his identity.

    Simons and Nurk aren’t great system guys. Simons has no defense, and Nurk lacks the athleticism to switch efficiently. Maybe there’s hope that Cronin can deal for a more athletic center, a more.defensive SG, and a legit starting SF.

    I’m not high on Chauncey, but I also don’t think firing him after his first “real” season is going to solve anything overnight.

  5. hangrypantz

    So basically Grant is saying a good percentage of the people in this sub are stupid.

  6. urbanlife78

    I’m sure they are gonna get him a really nice going away gift at the end of the season

  7. Krustykrab8

    Jerami Grant saying “I want to run through a wall, I’m looking forward to playing for him”. Really leads me to believe Grant will for sure be back next year. I hope Cronin has a good summer and actually adds more play making and size.

    I’m no Billups fan but it’s also obvious the roster itself isn’t ready to compete yet. Let’s see what next year brings, it’s up to Joe to get this roster where it needs to be.

  8. Kerke463

    Can we bring D’Antoni? The defense is dcrewed any way. I want a team that might be the number 1 ranked offense in the league while Dame’s still this good.

  9. DaddyRobotPNW

    Chauncey will get us the best pick possible. Keep him until the off-season.

  10. mranglin

    the one positive of this is grant will likely re-sign if billups is here next year. and maybe Chauncey will have learned more this season and will improve next year as well… hopefully. it’s good that the players like him, just needs to be better in certain situations regardless of how good of a players coach he is.

  11. WilNotJr

    So, is CB excusing himself to the players because of the injuries and trades and young-ness of the roster? Or are they coming to that conclusion themselves? The players seem to be making all the same excuses for him, so I am wondering if that is a result of conversations they’ve had with him.

  12. Remarkable-Toe9156

    I have read a lot of “fire the coach” comments on here and I just shake my head. It’s a lot of knee jerk opinions from folks who are upset at how the season turned out.

    This team has had injuries and trades that make it clear we are worse now than when the season has started. You have 4 guys on the roster taking up 75% of your payroll and none of them except for Dame on offense has earned that and if you factor in how lousy Dame is on defense well….here you are.

    The good news is Cronin knew all of this and Billups job isn’t in jeopardy. Cronin knew the team was taking a step back when he made those trades because he needed trade exception money and some assets to even begin to trade.

    5 2nd round picks, Portland holding onto their first and a 9 million dollar trade exception means the Blazers are likely to be adding another value piece to the mix next season. With Ant’s contract you may be looking at a move to create a better fit at the two guard spot if the Blazers decide to go in that direction.

    Shaedon Sharpe made a mostly successful jump to rotation player and hopefully with a summer league under his belt can compete for a starting 2.

    So as depressing as this run is (and it is depressing) there are a lot of bright spots going into this summer. To the OP post, this isn’t a team that is underperforming. They just are not very good.

  13. Well it is what it is. Let’s see how the playoffs play out and where the teams lottery picks falls. Billups isn’t a tactician but has a good relationship with the players. If he is going to remain the head coach he will need better assistants. At least one who is a tactician to make up for his short comings. Since Billups is going to be the coach going forward let’s bring in a tactical assistant, bring in some vets who want to win and maybe the lottery pick will be a top 3 selection. And maybe some players want out of their situation and want to team with Dame. This all we can hope for at this time. And hopefully it works out in the Blazers favor.

  14. _milf_cheek_clapper_

    I kinda figured this was the case- that the players like Chauncey.

    This year the team has underperformed a little… But only a little. Remember Vegas odds were like 39 wins to start the season. Many of us had highly unreasonable expectations after that hot start.

    I’d like to see what another coach can do but I’m far from believing the roster as it stands is much more than a borderline playoff/play in team. Regardless of coach. So I’m willing to watch another season and hope that Chauncey continues to improve… I’m not there in the locker room or huddled on the sideline. To be the roster is the bigger limitation than coaching with this squad.

  15. JarenAnd

    Easy solution… Resign Grant this summer and if/when the team starts floundering year 3 and there’s a better roster fire his ass. If not then problem solved.

  16. Witty-Version-713

    Well, I guess it at least gives us fans some closure on the matter that the players on this team right now suck together. Or decide to have no fire or passion on their own accord

  17. The best coaches in the league have typically been guys who never played meaningful basketball in the league. Either that or they have been career backups. They’re not naturally gifted and things don’t come easy, so their basketball IQ is especially vital.

    The worst coaches in the league have typically been guys that are superstar players where people tend to think “this guy will have a great coaching career when they’re done playing”. Yet it never pans. Think McHale, Kidd, Porter, Nash, Ewing, Isaiah. Unfortunately Billups is now on this category.

    My pipe dream is to have Vogel or Dantoni. If we could somehow get both with one as assistant, that’d be a dream. Unfortunately I highly doubt Jody cares enough to want to fire Billups this early considering his contract.

  18. Piano9717

    > “Phew. That’s tough. I mean, if you are judging me on wins and losses (he chuckles), then you know, I haven’t done a good job here,” Billups said. “But developing guys, culture, buy-in from guys, those things are probably fair areas to assess me on.”

    I think this is a very telling quote. Chauncey has done a pretty good job developing guys like Sharpe and improving Ant’s game, and the guys seem to genuinely like him. But unfortunately the team is trying to win here and now with Dame, and if that’s the foremost priority then Chauncey is not the right coach for this team.

    Not saying he’s garbage in all aspects of coaching, but “developing guys, culture, and buy-in” is what you want from a coach of a 20-win tanking team like the rockets, not us.

  19. Sometimes the best criticism can’t come from within. I hear that and respect why he likes Chauncey but from an outsiders perspective it’s fairly obvious he’s not galvanizing winning nearly as much as other head coaches, and for that reason alone I don’t want Chauncey. Dame has said many times this team is good enough to compete, and when watching the games and looking at our record it’s hard not to conclude that the coaching has a lot to do with the disparity between the expectations and our performance this season.

  20. bennymartian86

    They might be ready to run through a wall for him but they sure aren’t ready to play good basketball for him.

  21. ZacEfronsBalls

    honestly really disappointing to hear this. Another year of chauncey and his trash schemes and no adjustments and we’ll have to say goodbye to dame :(.

  22. I’m hoping they replace Roy Rodgers with a better defensive assistant next year. It’s his defense and awful schemes that Chauncey has been running.

    Maybe an upgrade there could turn things around next season for CB and Portland. Doubt Vogel would do it, but who knows.

  23. Ok-Assumption9636

    Keep Jerami forever if he keeps calling out this fan base for its LACK of loyalty to the kids that are busting their asses to hurry their timeline to match Dame’s. Billups and Cronin knew the daunting task and they’ve never shied away from fact that they knew patience was the one thing they probably wouldn’t get. But team building is hard and I appreciate the foundation I think they’re building.

  24. StudentLoanSlave1

    If the players want to vouch for him, the they are responsible for his failures

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