@Atlanta Hawks

Post Game Thread: The San Antonio Spurs defeat The Atlanta Hawks 126-118

#Atlanta Hawks at San Antonio Spurs

AT&T Center- San Antonio, TX




|Time Clock|

|ATL |40|43|20|15|118|
|SAS |34|27|39|26|126|

###Player Stats

**Atlanta Hawks**

|D. Hunter|33:05|12|5-12|0-3|2-2|3|2|5|2|0|0|2|1|-19
|J. Collins|27:53|14|6-12|1-4|1-1|3|3|6|2|0|0|0|2|-6
|C. Capela|27:53|15|7-9|0-0|1-1|3|9|12|1|1|1|1|2|-6
|D. Murray|39:12|22|10-25|0-3|2-2|1|5|6|8|1|0|0|4|-13
|T. Young|29:19|9|4-15|1-4|0-2|2|2|4|6|0|0|5|0|-14
|B. Bogdanovic|22:27|13|4-8|2-4|3-3|2|0|2|1|0|0|2|0|1
|O. Okongwu|20:07|17|6-8|0-0|5-5|4|3|7|0|1|1|1|2|-2
|S. Bey|20:07|1|0-2|0-1|1-2|0|2|2|1|1|0|1|1|-2
|A. Griffin|19:57|15|6-10|1-3|2-2|2|5|7|0|0|2|0|1|21

**San Antonio Spurs**

|K. Johnson|32:55|29|13-21|2-3|1-5|1|11|12|5|1|0|3|1|14
|D. Vassell|32:08|29|12-17|5-8|0-0|0|2|2|3|3|1|0|2|11
|Z. Collins|31:19|19|8-13|1-3|2-2|3|5|8|3|3|2|4|4|17
|M. Branham|26:12|7|3-10|1-3|0-0|1|3|4|2|0|0|1|2|21
|T. Jones|28:55|11|4-10|0-1|3-3|0|2|2|6|1|1|0|1|-4
|B. Wesley|18:08|6|2-5|1-1|1-2|0|0|0|1|0|0|1|3|12
|R. Langford|21:29|7|3-3|0-0|1-2|0|1|1|0|1|0|0|0|-4
|J. Champagnie|18:14|11|4-8|3-6|0-0|1|2|3|0|0|0|1|3|-11
|S. Mamukelashvili|18:45|7|2-7|1-3|2-2|4|2|6|5|0|1|0|1|-7
|K. Bates-Diop|11:54|0|0-0|0-0|0-0|0|3|3|1|0|0|2|1|-9
###Team Stats



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  1. Merc_AMG_577_HP

    And John wonder why opposing teams fans are louder at State Farm, lmao. These dudes are straight up clueless.

  2. DrStinkyTitz

    There’s no consistency. It’s absolutely mind boggling.

  3. TraeYoungismypappy

    I know we joke and kid alot around here but these fools really hurt my feelings today. Like what in theeee fuck was that

  4. OkongwuDPOY

    I expect us to get knocked in the play in, and that might be for the best. This current roster has no damn chance of competing and we need a full roster makeover, so some lottery luck would be huge

  5. blingera

    the most confusing guy for me is DJ. seemed like he panicked and stopped doing what was working. looked like he turned it around and then started shitting himself again

  6. ahend1999

    im so speechless like…im so fucking speechless

  7. DripGodAirborne

    Wouldn’t have lost if Jalen Johnson played

  8. datasxienxe

    Nick Ressler nepotism king got fleeced by the spurs man

  9. ahend1999

    is anyone else just like sitting in silence befuddled like wow

  10. Cheese_Pie2008

    I dont want to go to the playoffs anymore 🙁

  11. TraeOlder

    I don’t wanna watch another game with jc and hunter in uniform

  12. GunnerTardis

    I chose a great day to have plans which forced me to miss this one, safe to say this was worse than any hornets game this season?

  13. datasxienxe

    Trae Young has to have the MOST turnovers in clutch time this season. I don’t watch any other teams but i don’t think any other player throws the ball away in clutch moments as much as Trae does. It has cost us multiple games.

  14. ATLsShah

    This loss makes me even more upset by that Bogi contract extension. This team just isn’t it. There needs to be changes next year.

  15. BraxxIsTheName

    SIM to the draft. I’m tired of all this

  16. DripGodAirborne

    Y’all really blaming Hunter like trae and Dejounte didn’t just perform horribly today….

  17. WestCoastHawks

    Gotta be honest I just woke up and missed the game. How’d we lose this time yall?

  18. WzrdKelly10

    This team is just so confusing. We have games where we beat Warriors, Mavs, Nuggets, Kings, and Bucks but we’ll lose to Spurs, Hornets, Lakers (pre-trade deadline), and Pelicans. The true definition of just UNSERIOUS.

  19. Weekly-Parsnip3326

    I couldn’t watch today, and by the looks of it I’m probably glad I didn’t. But what the hell went wrong? No reason to lose to this Spurs team

  20. BretonHero

    About time people realise Hunter really isn’t that good at all. One of the laziest and goofiest players there is

  21. Radimov79

    Does Quin Snyder know what meritocracy is?

  22. Chessh2036

    There’s really nothing to say. Absolutely awful. Can’t blow that lead, especially against that team.

  23. primocheese1947

    Just get AJ and Jalen more minutes the rest of this year. Open up your rotations Quin. For God’s sake. Just let those two get curical minutes to close the year. They are going to be needed like no other next year. This is literally the only thing I want the rest of this year. Couldn’t care less what happens otherwise. I would say the team getting bounced in the play in would wake them up, but I’m not even sure that does anything at this point.

  24. beefboy1120

    Alright where’s the postgame comments post I gotta see this shit

  25. datasxienxe

    Deandre Hunter can be a great defender at times but he is below average at everything else.

  26. ToyStoryRex97

    Who was it in here after the warriors game that said don’t be surprised when we blow it against the Spurs😂

  27. Oliphaunt-8

    We shouldn’t get comfortable with a lead until we’re up 35+

  28. jeebhai

    Why did Bogi play 22 minutes when the started had 2 threes in 150+ minutes?

  29. doublethesadness

    everyone bet on a hawks win next game as we’re the definition of mid

  30. Empayde

    Can’t stop laughing at 5 threes I think I could go out there and hit one and I haven’t played basketball in 3 years

  31. EuroStepJam

    Again back to Collins shooting – you can’t give him 3 point shots in any type of clutch situation – his shot does not hold up under pressure – his trajectory was way off – you can’t be desperate for offense and have 2/5 possessions be him shooting 3s – besides creating a turnover, it’s the absolute best case scenario for the other team trying to come back.

  32. Bourneidentity61

    Our players got paid and now they’re complacent. They need to be taught that they still have to earn their spot. Everyone who isn’t playing up to snuff needs to be benched until they show that they can play to their full abilities. Give the younger guys their minutes. They’re HUNGRY. No one should be safe on this roster, no one should be guaranteed to start just because of their name

  33. TheHaitianDispatch

    People on here defend Deandre but maaannnn I’m tired of his ass, he’s Tuarean prince 2.0

  34. pakattak

    I’m not really sure what to say. This was just unspeakably bad

  35. HawksFan003

    man we might as well just lose out, this team sorry af

  36. datasxienxe

    They made 5 three pointers? I thought that shit was on Nate but the real facts are out on the table now. The starting lineup has NO good shooters. How can you win in the modern NBA like that? No wonder they paying Bogi 17m for the next 4 years.

  37. _THUNDER93_


    Everyone else MUST be traded away. They just don’t care, play Iso ball and prey, can’t shoot, can’t defend, can’t rebound, they’re fucking inconsistent that’s why we’ll end up 41-41, one day you beat GSW than you lose to 18-52 Spurs. That’s why.

  38. Cheese_Pie2008

    We’re so young as a team that we get frazzled way to easily. I wish we had more vets who can keep their cool under pressure. I guarantee you after SA tied it, everyone on the team was thinking about how embarrassing it would be to lose after scoring 83 in the 1st half.

  39. Far-Abrocoma

    Honestly, trae is maybe slightly above average now. The disrespect may have been warranted. Hes been terrible. At a max contracr, he a bad player right now.

  40. Small DeAndre Hunter rant. I think Hunter has to go. He’s mid. He can’t dribble, he can’t get to the rim, he can’t rebound, he’s not that efficient for his size, he can’t pass, he’s inconsistent. He’s a slightly above average 3 point shooter. He’s a good defender but certainly won’t be in CONSIDERATION for any defensive awards. He hasn’t performed like a typical 4th overall pick and I’m not sure if he was worth all the assets we used to go and get him. Hot take I’d rather keep JC than Hunter. At least JC has a 4 season sample size of being legitimately good. Hunter has had maybe two months of being legitimately good. He’s not worth 90 million. Keep in mind this is statistically his best season and he’s still mid. A bunch of young wings on other teams have shown more promise than him. I think it’s time to admit our 2019 draft in general was a failure.

  41. siddyhall

    Non-Hawks fan here who has watched a lot of Hawks games this year. 2 observations:

    1) Privately, I call the Hawks, the Atlanta Skinnies. Everybody’s so thin! Player-by-player I like the roster but where’s the beef? It’s so easy to find driving lanes to the hoop against them. This team isn’t capable of playing physical basketball. Almost nobody can take hits

    2) Coach should make a new rule. Anytime Dejounte Murray launches a shot without at least one teammate getting a touch should mean he gets pulled. Murray launching 25 shots should never happen. The guy thinks he’s Kyrie Irving when he needs to play more like Derrick White

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