The sagging off is cool for the trolls who need that quick low light on Twitter but him running around with the complete immunity is crazy that offense is scary when’s he’s collapsing the defense and getting PG and Kawhi easy iso looks
Westbrick is the Blazers MVP
Can someone explain to me why Westbrook is so hated?
I get that he was dominant and now is playing average at best but like, did he say Keanu Reeves is overrated. Or that he doesn’t like tacos? The amount of schadenfreude directed at that guy seems mean to me
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahaha wooooh ooooooh oh oh oh stop stop stop *deep breath* hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhaa
The sagging off is cool for the trolls who need that quick low light on Twitter but him running around with the complete immunity is crazy that offense is scary when’s he’s collapsing the defense and getting PG and Kawhi easy iso looks
Westbrick is the Blazers MVP
Can someone explain to me why Westbrook is so hated?
I get that he was dominant and now is playing average at best but like, did he say Keanu Reeves is overrated. Or that he doesn’t like tacos? The amount of schadenfreude directed at that guy seems mean to me
Bustin that ass for years
It’s hard playing against yer daddy Lillard …
two clankers