@Denver Nuggets

The 76ers are 9-4 in 13 games without Embiid. The Bucks are 9-6 in 15 games without Giannis. The Nuggets are 3-5 in 8 games without Jokic. Very interesting that the Nuggets recent slump is being used as a major contributor to bumping down Jokic.

The 76ers are 9-4 in 13 games without Embiid. The Bucks are 9-6 in 15 games without Giannis. The Nuggets are 3-5 in 8 games without Jokic. Very interesting that the Nuggets recent slump is being used as a major contributor to bumping down Jokic.

by Kingrush24


  1. -Sticks_and_Stones-

    What? Did Joker not play in those recent losses? Of course he did. This is a shit take and should be deleted.

  2. MurrayFlurray

    Those guys have everything and Jokic has nothing.

    Jokic’s teammates all fucking suck, some of the worst in the league and should be in China. I hate every single one of them and would trade them all for anyone on the G-league teams of the Bucks OR the Sixers.

    Jokic has the worst coach in the league, meanwhile both the other MVP candidates are coached by literal NBA champions, the best in the entire league one of the guys is even a top 5 coach all-time (don’t believe me a literal doctor said it was true).

    Plus Jokic has to play in Denver, well known as one of if not the the worst basketball cities in the entire world. Everyone who lives there is a gigantic fucking loser, and that isn’t even talking about the kind of dirtbag trash that typically follow him online which has to be embarrassing while Embiid and Giannis are getting retweeted by literal pop stars and shit. It’s like no one here even knows anyone famous the way Jokic is disrespected. Meanwhile Embiid and Giannis are supported by (again) championship winning basketball cities, with great sports fan traditions, with literal hordes of passionate online followers ready to rip apart the competition, and a local media who are award winning and nationally recognized. Even the literal newborn babies in Milwaukee and Philly are basically 100x better than the boring fucking trash people in Colorado are churning out this season.

    That Jokic even shows up to games under these circumstances makes him deserving of the MVP, everything else he does (historic stats and highlights showing off talent and an understanding of the game that will be appreciated for decades) is really just icing and not as important as the fact that Denver fucking sucks (move the team to Las Vegas already!).

    I bet some homer will downvote me for speaking the truth. Well you can sit in the dark and feel sorry for yourself, or you can realize the MVP is a narrative based award and it is up to all of us to help bring it home for a third time in a row. I’m doing MY PART to help Jokic win an MVP, what are you doing? Exactly.

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