@Toronto Raptors coming in with the spicy mock trade coming in with the spicy mock trade

by mMounirM


  1. jumpthroughit

    Pistons would be incomprehensibly stupid to do this, and I love OG and don’t want to see him traded unless it’s for a really great package. Like this one.

  2. Evadeit

    No team would ever trade a #2 pick for OG lmfao

  3. MaggmaX1

    ‘Related Story: 10 worst trades in Pistons’ history’ seems like a well placed link given that horrible trade idea 💀

  4. SpicyP43905

    I was ready to see an incredibly unfair and ridiculous trade offer, but not in this way…

  5. george_springer4

    Great. Great. Yes, Ill throw in a future 2nd rounder too. Lets just get this processed through….. quick, before the meth high wares off.

  6. dutchfromsubway

    What’s the most you would add to make this trade more realistic?

  7. CocoonMaN

    Masai would fly the plane himself to Detroit.

  8. Raptorsthrowaway1

    Pistons get relocated to Tampa if they do this. WTF

  9. Shogun_Ro

    I feel like a team on the cusp of competing would do that deal because OG is such a huge defensive piece. But the pistons are ass and will probably be ass next season too. So it feels unlikely.

  10. NinfthWonder

    Adam Silver would personally step in and veto this 2K trade.

  11. Nickischubb24

    If masai pulls this off all is forgiven

  12. CazOnReddit

    Dumb trade proposal (Why would the Pistons do this when they need a forward and Miller is a perfect fit for their timeline/not as expensive for the next few years/under team control for much longer?)

    Might as well make it even dumber by making it a 3-way trade with the Pacers where the 2nd pick goes to them and the Raptors get their 3 firsts in this draft

  13. motherseffinjones

    Ummmmmm I’m saying yes to this lol he wants out without a bigger role. I think OG could still turn into a star level player his handle has tighten up as the season has gone on but this would be pretty dumb for the pistons.

  14. tonious35

    If by any chance this is offered and we do this trade, You gotta trade Siakam as well and not sign Fred. Then see what the offers are for Gary.

  15. A 1st and OG for a simple first. I mean if the Pistons are really nice I guess we could accept this.

    I didn’t realize home fan bases were interested in making awful trade proposals for their own team.

  16. JustAHumbleMonk

    I’d do this tomorrow. I don’t think thr Piston are giving up a #2 pIck for OG. Scoot welcome aboard!

  17. Iliketothrowaway2456

    No way in hell Detroit trades a 2nd overall pick, who’s likely a high potential prospect with 4+ years of contract control for a guy who’s quite potentially a 1 year rental for a rebuilding team.

    I think people didn’t understand how holding him and losing that bit of control on his contract has brought his value down. Though I’m not making this trade if I’m Detroit even if they had some contract control.

    Edit: Someone from Detroit made this mock trade?! Wow and I thought we were the worst fans when it came to mock trades 😂

  18. echoshep

    Theyd rather get OG than risk another Darko debacle.

    Alliteration aside, this would obviously be incredibly stupid of the Pistons

  19. Wenbenyama + Bagley for OG and a mid first round pick. What?

  20. myrapties

    Keep Scottie and OG and trade everyone else. If they offer that for Fred I’d drive his ass to the airport myself.

  21. Scase15

    You’d have too beat me in the head with a brick to get me to turn that down.

  22. FWebber04

    Honestly, I thought it said a 2nd round pick at first and immediately thought we were getting another ridiculous OG trade with the Raptors getting nothing in return

    Upon further inspection, I read that it was the sexond overall pick, meaning I was right about it being a ridiculous trade, just not for the Raptors

  23. Green-Umpire2297

    That is spicy.

    I’m ok with it.

    With OG out, Scoot can start right away.

    Nurse has no issues playing two PGs

  24. Dimtar_

    as a canadian i would feel bad if we took this trade, it’s theft

  25. ImmaFunGuy

    Scoot for OG? Hey OG at least it’s a short ride to Detroit!

  26. TrueTorontoFan

    ppl will hate this but I would do this in a heart beat but we would have to give a bit more than this.. also I see it more likely that the pistions end up iwth the 4th pick or something. The thing is there are a ton of guards that early on and they dont need a guard since they just drafted 2.

  27. eMan117

    i feel like the pistons are better with the 1st rounder and the Raptors are better with OG. i see this as a lose lose.

  28. _Thanks-Obama_

    This isn’t nearly as one sided as everyone says imo. Bagley is making 12.5 for another two years after this one, which would probably require some picks to get off of, likely either a late first or multiple 2nds. If we take Portland’s offer into account as a baseline for OG, it was 7 and Hart. Hart was then moved for a first from the Knicks, currently 23. This deal would be OG, approx pick 14. So we’re looking at something like draft pick value of 7, 14, 23, and taking on bad money? I don’t think it’s quite even, but when you take into account the Pistons having a glut of ball handlers and Scoot being considered the #2 guy I don’t think it’s an outrageous idea. Ultimately I don’t think it’s a good idea for the pistons though because they’re not at that point in their timeline yet to make win-now moves. If it was a team like the warriors when they took Wiseman? I think you consider it a little more.

  29. BurzyGuerrero

    Not likely but you have to do it.

    Even though OG is playing like those Kawhi comparisons lately.

  30. WobbleKun

    A more interesting one would be Siakam.

  31. Chance_Preparation_5

    What are the odds scoot ends up better then OG and the 12th pick?
    Probably less then 50%. We would be a worst team in 2024 and don’t have that pick next year.

  32. pahamack

    This is ridiculous. Why would the Pistons do that trade?


    The 2nd pick is probably Brandon Miller from Alabama or Scoot Henderson from Ignite right now. I love OG But We are making that trade for sure. Not just for the superstar upside, but also for the salary cap implications.

  33. PascalAnunoby



  34. McWarrior943

    LMFAO I am saying yes immediately before they change their mind if that was offered

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