@National Basketball Association

[Logan Murdock] Jaylen Brown on remaining in Boston long term: “I don’t know. I will stay where I’m needed and treated correct. Some of the greatest players of all time haven’t finished with their organization. Michael Jordan retired a Wizard.”


Full Quote:

>When asked whether he wants to stay in Boston long term, Brown is noncommittal.

>“I don’t know. As long as I’m needed. It’s not up to me,” he says. “We’ll see how they feel about me over time and I feel about them over time. Hopefully, whatever it is, it makes sense. But I will stay where I’m wanted. I will stay where I’m needed and treated correct.”

>When asked how long he wants to play with Tatum, Brown keeps his focus on the immediate future.

>“I just enjoy the time that you have now,” he says. “If it’s your whole career, it’s your whole career. If it’s not, it’s not. Some of the greatest players of all time haven’t finished with their organization. Michael Jordan retired a Wizard. As much as we like it here and enjoy being here, you see where life takes you. You see how the process goes. All you do is really focus on what’s in front of you right now, to be honest. But I don’t really know or want to answer that question because that type of stuff makes Celtics fans speculate and go crazy. Especially right now, I’ll just say we’ll get there when we get there.”

by AashyLarry


  1. OrangeKookie

    This quote is even more pressure for Boston to win the chip this year

  2. Vivid_Walk_1405

    He’s gonna be a free agent right? That sucks to hear if you’re a Boston fan

    Edit: he’s not a free agent till after next season nvm. They could trade him if they get the feeling he won’t re-sign though after going to free agency to get the max. Not as imminent as I thought it was

  3. HokageEzio

    Is there a player who wants to leave their team more than Jaylen Brown wants to leave the Celtics? Every comment is worse lol.

  4. Vexing_Pie

    He definitely overheard Brad talking to Sean Marks for KD

  5. Oh no he’s gonna follow the Kyrie Path and sign with the Nets next year

  6. NirvashWpg

    if jaylen brown doesn’t publicly say he will do whatever it takes for boston even as far as fellating the stupid leprechaun then he simply not about it

  7. wavydude808

    Cant Boston pay him the most if he makes all-nba?

  8. whiskeyinthejaar

    He just asking for the max guys. It is his way of saying, It is not about the money, It is about the RESPECT!

  9. kasaan110

    Uh oh brown free agency watch started now. 2024.

  10. AnonymousIguana_

    Yall are going to be very sad when Brown just re-signs for a fat bag lol, its perfectly fair for him to want to keep his options open and not give up any leverage. Its possible that he leaves, but these statements don’t mean anything and the org values him highly.

  11. pgpathat

    Hey man that last line was uncalled for lol

  12. DaExtinctOne

    PG: Tony Parker as a Hornet, SG: MJ as a Wizard, SF: Rick Barry as a Rocket, PF: Malone as a Laker, C: Hakeem as a Raptor. All time starting five being on “cursed team” lineup?

  13. _ItsMeVince

    Why would he say this when the playoffs is near lmao

  14. Calliesdad20

    Did he just put himself and Michael Jordan in the same sentence ?

  15. He’s fed up with his name coming up in every trade rumor.

  16. trevortins

    The media is gonna be salivating over this storyline all of next season.

  17. I would be very concerned as a Celtics fan. Brown seems like a guy to do his own thing

  18. LGAMER3412

    Why would he say this with just a couple of weeks before the playoffs begin? Now it’s going to hang around my mind and probably the team during the playoffs.

  19. HowardWCampbell_Jr

    “Why would people speculate when I say the vaguest shit to invite speculation”

  20. iamacelticsenjoyer

    The follow up question should’ve been

    “Do you feel like you’re needed in Boston now? Are you treated well there?”

  21. Vanguard_Sky

    We’ll offer him the max possible and he’ll stay, it’s really that simple. Murdock is just your typical reporter hoping for a sound bite by asking this specific question.

  22. HighValueSnail

    Honestly if y’all don’t win this year I’d trade him. It’s not premature anymore. Might be the move that gets you where you need to be. He’d probably spread his wings somewhere else

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