@Golden State Warriors

Draymond on the Wiggins rumors

Draymond on the Wiggins rumors

by Lil_Spaze


  1. ChairmanOfCringe

    Just Great. Now the people who had no idea before are probably curious.

  2. I’m not thirsty to know what’s going on I just want to know when he’ll be back.

  3. Jared_Wiseman

    I don’t want to hear this lecture from a guy who knocked out his teammate like dude was a stranger. Get off your high horse

  4. dating_derp

    I honestly haven’t seen rumors on here. Is it a twitter thing?

  5. parisdubs

    I’m glad for the most part this sub is not repeating rumors or is at least shutting them down. I hope they are not repeated here in any context. He deserves privacy and his family deserves respect too.

  6. runnergirl3333

    I love Draymond for telling it like it is.

  7. This is well said. Sometimes Draymond gets lost trying to sound too enlightened, but he nailed this.

  8. Yeah, none of my business why… just want to know he’s ok, and if he’s coming back to ball.

  9. boogonevilla

    Can we all admit tho whoever made that rumor up is a legendary troll. And by the way, when Draymond is heckling “y’all” as disgusting, he should be talking to the NBA players that were all tweeting out NAHHHHH! NAHHHHH! it’s not just the fans

  10. Whatever it is doesn’t even matter, but whatever it is, it’s serious enough to take Wiggs away from the game and the team he loves. I don’t think for a second Wiggs wouldn’t much rather be playing than have to deal with whatever he has to deal with. The game and the team will be when he is good and ready. Shout out to the Dubs org for giving Wiggs the time and space to deal with his personal matter.

  11. Someone posted the YouTube clip of this soundbite on the nba sub and unsurprisingly, the comments are completely deranged. That sub could take Dray curing cancer and come up with a way to equate it with war crimes lol it’s unreal.

  12. EffinCroissant

    Look at Dray up there on his pedestal 😂. Punching Poole and hanging out with wife beater Bridges was even more disgusting. Genuinely don’t see the value in this pod. It’s low tier, self-serving drivel.

  13. frankkoarg

    I think both the warriors and the wiggins family made a mistake by not saying what was going on at the beginning of this situation. I understand they did not disclose it for privacy reasons, but I think it had the complete opposite effect.

    Arguably the second best player of a team that’s 1-2 games away from missing the playoffs suddenly vanishes for a month+ with no explanations or return timeline. Of course some fans are gonna get anxious and have a ton of questions, and because they never said anything, it leads to a ton of speculation and harassment towards wiggins and his family.

    If they had explained the situation up front most people would have been far more understanding and we wouldn’t be talking about stupid rumors like this.

  14. Steve_Kerrorist

    The kids dying rumor is BS. The kids look perfectly fine.

    It’s between the girlfriend and or Wiggins.

    The girlfriend DELETED ALL the pictures of Wiggins on her social media.

  15. ww_crimson

    Really I think the only issue at this point is that the front office is treating it like Wiggins is day-to-day. Either say he’s going to be out for “x” more weeks (maybe it’s an FMLA type thing), or that he’s likely to be out for the season. Right now there’s just this lingering false hope for fans that he could be back any day, and it seems like 5 weeks into him being out, that the FO should have at least a vague idea of his time table to return.

  16. PizzaWall

    I just assume Andrew Wiggins would rather be on the court than dealing with the reasons keeping him away. I respect the fact he’s not broadcasting the problem all over the Internet and hope he can return to his passion. Any true fan would understand this.

  17. DBrownbomb

    My dad said some stupid ass rumor about him and I had to shut him down. True warriors fans should only care about our players well being. Fortunately my dad did reframe and now just wished him the best. I couldn’t care less about why he’s not there all I care about is him and his family doing well, there’s a lot of things more important than basketball.

  18. InspirationalSkyFuck

    Didn’t even listen, but there is nothing wrong with fans wanting to know what is going on and speculating. Welcome to the internet

  19. Confirmation of rumor! Now I want to know more!


  20. NeverFake

    Facts I’ve been saying this for ages. Weirdos downvoted me for saying it’s none of the fans business

  21. bananadude19

    Why do we let the actions of one person dictate the narrative. There will always be people that spread rumors. Always. By talking about it we validate their intention. They want us to talk about it.

  22. Curry definitely punched Wiggins during practice.

  23. HalfTreant

    i just want to know if he’ll be back this season

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