@Los Angeles Lakers

The GOAT 🐐 getting some appreciation from AD and LeBron

The GOAT 🐐 getting some appreciation from AD and LeBron

by GokutheAnteater


  1. Rui looking like “god I wish that were me”

  2. saraza1270

    Reaves earned/deserved all the praises and flowers and it’s sad for us Lakers fans to really depend on 2nd year undrafted player to save us not knowing if AD is gonna show up or not. It’s just sad reality.

  3. myelrecsy

    The maestro of the “making-sure-the-refs-see-me-fouled” move. He perfected it and amazing to see.

  4. stackyobread0

    U mean lebron and ad getting appreciation from the GOAT

  5. SnooDoggos9015

    Why is reaves hands so small compared to goat James

  6. Exact-Permission5319

    Greatest Laker Of All Time


  7. doesn’t sit right with me calling him the goat. Caruso still exists.

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