@Los Angeles Lakers

The Los Angeles Lakers Decision Tells us Everything That We Need To Know

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  1. Yeah these fools shuffle too much, most dominant teams the past few years have relatively kept a core

  2. LeBron doesn’t want to compete. He just want to play in an All Stars Team. I’m tired of the cried babies… time to hoop it up, don’t care who’s on court.

  3. Drama queen attention seeking PG on the Lakers roster, no thanks coop.. Dlo fits in well, and not only for the price, more importantly the chemistry and mindset

  4. Lakers fan since 1965 and I DO NOT WANT KYRIE. And the Lakers better not let Austin go or I am done. Keep the youth and build.

  5. The squad they have now seems to be perfect. They jus need more time which they don't have. One summer together and they should be a force. Beasley needs to work on his shot this off season cause dude id extremely inconsistent. They should put Lonnie back in thr line up instead of him.

  6. Bron is leaving for bronny anyway you have you put all your cards on the table and get kyrie. They got good role players with Austin, Vanderbilt, Beasley then all that with AD. Lakers have to get Kyrie

  7. Bron has tired my patients with his misguided need for control. He doesn't care about anything but talent, and his contractual leverage over squad desicions. He has gaslighted himself into his basketball brilliance, when his squad desicions have been largely trash, AD not with standing, but his body has gone back to being unreliable.

    Griffen got kyrie out of Beleiveland cause he got his Chip, and went back to being all about himself to the detriment of Lue's ability to coach the squad. Lie kept having to make adjustments to keep kyrie happy and cooperative, which meant allowing him to have kyrie show off time, and to let him have the team at teams without James on the floor, and to allow him more on back time when Bron was on the floor. With the ideal kyrie would play team ball when they needed him to, and just enough not to break team spirit.

    Young fella, your pretty good at analyzing on the floor basketball, but you miss the politics of basketball, which in this day and age is more controlling of what happens on the floor than EVER.

    Stop just believing in talent, it's a misnomer that basketball character doesn't play a part in going deep into the playoffs, and most certainly winning a Chip.

    When James arrived back in Cleveland, kyrie saw that as a way for him to get that Chip kashe quickly, then was ready to take back over.
    kyrie is a narcissist, there is history of his behavior, especially his dangerous grooming on social media. But y'all have been sold that talent makes gods, and you can not question the relevancy of a god.

    kyrie is a master basketball talent, and similar to harden, can do whatever in basketball that he wants to do. There in lies the problem, what does the narcissist want at a given time ! Y'all see his behavior, except his explanations, hell, I've seen people make up explanations for him and kanya.

    There was this thing called common since, but our relationship with hollywood knocked that down, so now famous people who entertainment us our are guidance for life, males are calling other males gods.. This behavior is not the behavior of a free people, cause your vision is ALWAYS blurred.. cataracts 🧐

  8. DLO IS NOT BETTER THAN KYRIE AND THATS FACTS . Why he ain’t carry the laker against the mavs ????

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