@Detroit Pistons

Isiah Thomas says the Pistons should have shook the Bulls hands #detroitpistons #chicagobulls

Isiah Thomas talks about how the Detroit Pistons should have shaken hands with the Chicago Bulls


  1. David Stern had to set up the Pistons to make way for marketing miracle MJ.

  2. Everything should be judged in the context of the time. Nobody except McHale shook hands only with Isiah when they dethroned the Celtics. The tradition was switched conveniently to fit a different narrative. I don't condone it, but I understand it. The NBA marketing department did a very good job getting us here

  3. The gambling refs had free range during the 90s and Stern looked the other way as long as they put his McDonald’s boy over. It worked, the game grew in popularity.

  4. Being a 313 native, I loved the Pistons. I'm 66 and a fan of the game, I watched it evolve. To win, teams played physically. That's how Detroit got there, but when they walked off, they looked like spoiled loser. Nevertheless, I still loved(love) them. Detroit 🏀!

  5. You did it to the one guy shouldn't have, especially since he showed nothing but, good sportsmanship to the Pistons when they were beating him.

  6. You should listen to Joe Dumars talk about this. He shook hands with MJ,and he did it because MJ shook their hands after every series loss, even though he knew it was killing him. No Zeke he shook your hand, you shake his.

  7. MJ lost to them 2 times and shook hands every time. Sportsmanship means taking the Ls as well as you take the Ws.

  8. Um Isiah, yall was trying to put people in bodybags, and they got thru that and overcame that!!!! So yall was the salty ones???? Dude come on now!!!! It took every thing in them to overcome yall dirty plays and still won!!! Great for them talking stuff on yall, cause they knew no matter what yall did its not going to work no more!!!😂😂😂❤🐂

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