@National Basketball Association

[Michael Malone] “I think this year unfortunately has just taken a really ugly, nasty turn in the MVP conversation, and I think it’s really turned a lot of people off, including him [Jokic].”

> “I think this year unfortunately has just taken a really ugly, nasty turn in the MVP conversation, and I think it’s really turned a lot of people off, including him,” Malone said of Jokic. “And what’s happening now is there’s so many guys that could win the MVP this year — great candidates. Joel Embiid is a great candidate. Luka Doncic is a great candidate. Jayson Tatum — whoever you want to put in that mix, those are all deserving. But what happens in today’s society is that everybody — it’s like when I was a college coach — all the negative recruiting, it’s not promoting my guy, it’s ripping down every other guy. And that’s just ridiculous.

Do you agree with Malone now that the MVP conversation has gotten to the point of just ripping down other players ?


by Wonderful-Balance711


  1. MattRice15

    NBA discussion as a whole is very toxic

  2. lopea182

    I, for one, think we are lucky to have 3 great MVP candidates, and I wouldn’t be upset if any of the 3 got it over the other 2

  3. ViCarly

    Most basketball debates here in general are just ripping the opposing party.

  4. boogiewoogie1103

    It had gotten a bit out of control

  5. ad51603

    He’s right. The discussion has gone beyond basketball for a lot of people too

  6. carlstones

    Lol it’s finally ugly and nasty for every candidate so people are willing to admit it

  7. noobolite

    Media has turned into narrative control. It’s not just sports media. Entertainment, politics… it’s not a good sign.

  8. Neuroxex

    This feels very “We’re all trying to find the guy who did this”. I think this is the first time Malone has acknowledged that there are other candidates who are worthy.

  9. Chiffley

    Don’t get me wrong Jokic has copped some undeserved hate lately

    But it’s funny seeing all these takes now now that it’s happening to Jokic too when nobody seemed to care when Joel was being shit on the last few seasons

  10. Impartial__

    I mean Jokic finally getting that Embiid treatment

  11. Rithgarth

    >Joel Embiid is a great candidate. Luka Doncic is a great candidate. Jayson Tatum — whoever you want to put in that mix, those are all deserving.

    Michael Malone snubs and hates Giannis CONFIRMED -Media

  12. SonicdaSloth

    Embiid’s been slandered for years, and still is.

    welcome to the party

  13. donbozo

    The conversation was like this for the past several years, it just wasn’t his guy being torn down. This is what the media has turned into. It’s their turn to deal with it.

    It wouldn’t be like this if it was fair for the past several years. If you want it to end give Joel what he deserves.

  14. Oh please. The man has 2 MVP’s in a row, and could potentially still win a third in an row. jokic has historically received great PR from this subreddit as well as NBA media. Finally people are discussing his defense for once, and it’s the end of the world for him?

  15. OG_Wan_Annunoby

    He’s right, but it’s no different from the years Jokic won. Winning two mvps is gonna put a spotlight on Jokic that the other candidates won’t have

  16. camscars775

    Imo it was already toxic back in December/Jan when Jokic was the only realistic candidate and if you said otherwise you were stupid

  17. No_Rope4561

    It’s not this year. The MVP conversation is always been toxic. Does anyone remember Steve Nash?

  18. International-Dish95

    They should try to hold off on the straw polling so early in the season. It’s literally been the topic of every other conversation since the first month of the season. Odd timing considering the Vegas betting odds shifted away from Jok just recently.

  19. xpillindaass

    he was literally a part of that lmfao guess he realized that strategy isn’t working

  20. QbertRegionalChamp

    What would happen if a player declined the award and just ghosted the ceremony?

  21. OThePlacesYouWillGo

    Unfortunate to have this kind of discourse, but it has been brewing for a while. Jokic was on track for a third straight MVP, yet few people who follow the sport put him in that elite pantheon of players in NBA history.

    The voter fatigue that plagued players like LeBron was seemingly absent for Jokic. Combine that with the fact that Jokic has not had that triumphant play off performance (regardless if Nuggets fans complain about a sub-par team), all eyes are on him. His flaws will become highlighted as he falls short. The same thing would have happened to Giannis if he didn’t get his Ship, and the same thing will happen to Luka if he doesn’t win a championship.

    This subreddit continues to say that this is a regular season award and that Jokic deserves it based on that, but the entire contemporary discussion around the NBA highlights that the regular season means nothing. There’s a conflict of interests.

  22. Outland3r_

    Malone also said:

    “Unfortunately, the MVP conversation has gotten really **dark**. I’ll leave it at that.”

    What did he mean by that? 🤔

  23. ImlrrrAMA

    Yeah Michael, this is the first time. The years your player won were all fine but now that he’s not a lock it’s toxic.

  24. Silent_Onlookerz

    Everytime I see Embiid play the cavs he rips us a new asshole and shoves a basketball up it. Jokic does it a little more gently so i think embiid should be MVP this year.

  25. xRyuzakii

    Jokic starts to lose the mvp and now it’s toxic…

    It’s been toxic as long as I can remember lol. Earliest I can remember is Kobe debates

  26. hebelehoo

    It got nasty and boring. Everyone keeps focusing on what players can’t do rather than can do. Jokic is a bad defender, Embiid is a flopper, Doncic is a hookah addict, Davis is street clothes bla bla bla I can go on.

    When I watch games I am having a great time. Then I check the comments here or on twitter and it is fucking abysmal. All the people are in constant bickering, bunch of young people going full “old man yells at cloud” routine. And it’s just a game, why take it so goddamn seriously all the time?

  27. TheSmokedSalmon420

    Typical toxic Philly fans smh

  28. jtmackay

    I mean did you expect sixer fans to be reasonable and respectful?

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