@Boston Celtics

What's Going On With Jayson Tatum and The Boston Celtics? | JJ Redick and Tim Legler

In this clip, JJ Redick and Tim Legler discuss the Eastern Conference and the decline in play from Jayson Tatum and The Boston Celtics.

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  1. Jaylen Brown needs the ball in the clutch but Joe just like dumbass Brad Stevens before him doesn't put the ball in JB hands in the clutch

  2. Nothing is wrong with them. They’re just tired of regular season and want playoffs to start already lol

  3. People are sleeping on the Heat once again heading into the playoffs. Once the post season comes the switch will be flipped coaching and play wise.

  4. It’s a long season, with highs and lows. That being said, the Celtics are not as good as people like to think they are. Tatum at his best is just as good as anyone but lacks consistency

  5. Thank you for saying the Main problems that the Celtics are going through right now; which is Tatum is just playing awful, and the Celtics organization continuing to rely on him at the end of the game, while completely ignoring Brown. 95% of those games, within the last three minutes, the Celtics were leading those games; however, here comes Tatum time and there goes the game. They have been doing this for the past 4 years, Stevens, Ime, and now Mazulla continue the same pattern….stupidity.

  6. Pray JJ and Legler somehow find their way to FS1. Leave ESPN please it will improve sports TV so much.

  7. Funny how this conversation happened right before their monster game against the kings

  8. I agree with Tim Legler that the Boston Celtics must do what they've done earlier in the season. However, one must also recognize that NBA Teams have adjusted to Celtics' game plan.

  9. These guys keep crying about the way they used to play. Enough! Are the 3's the C's get contested? Or not? Hmm?

  10. I m a bucks fan and in my humble opoinion Jaylen Brown is way more clutch that Tatum. Especially last year he was on fire

  11. i still can't understand how jaylen doesn't get more big shot opportunities, he's 100% been the most consistent player on the roster, has the ability to score from anywhere, and has gotten better every year for the last 5 years. Like his splits for this season month by month are almost identical except the post all star month, always puts up at least 26/7/3 and is having a career high true shooting

  12. BRO DUDES LITERALLY GONNA OFFSEASON SURGERY ON IN HIS WRIST… like I do not understand you guys sports analysts… this has been documented..he landed on it multiple times this season.

  13. It’s almost like clockwork, Tatum has a part of the year where he looks like about to be an MVP, puts pressure on the rim and moves the ball. Then he gets back in his Kobe ways and takes shots that everybody knows he doesn’t make at a high clip and so his shooting splits plummet. Until he understands that, Boston will not win.

  14. One thing that get's overlooked and other teams know is Browns ball handle skills. Under pressure, JB does turn/lose the ball more often than a lot of players. With that said, coach needs to run more plays that involves ball movement esp. down the stretch.

  15. Guys shoot trash percentages and we have to hear about how they are supremely skilled over and over…then get better shots or go to the basket…those shooting % numbers are wild. 36% down to 14%…wish he compared Jaylen Brown's during the same timeframe, because I have long felt Tatum was pushed as the one because of optics and "pedigree" more than Production…still young, so I don't bury guys this early with inflated expectation…that's how you destroy potential…inflate expectation. But Jaylen had a major hole in his game in ball handling that he cleaned up a bit and he has been steady. But having man ball handlers and guards shooting sub 40% is gross. Trae Young is another jacker that shoots low percentages, but gets passes…if you can't make shots, stop taking bad, quick, contested shots and move the ball…put that energy into D or something…

  16. One thing Tatum needs to learn is when he’s having a bad game he needs to avoid letting it turn into a horrible game. He gets in his head and frustrated with his individual output leading him to self sabotage himself

  17. I always questioned Jason's shot selection. I know he gets a lot of moves from Kobe, but to me a lot of his shots are extremely difficult. The amount of contested 180 fallaway 2 point shots or the amount of contested 3 point shots he takes is baffling at times/

  18. Joe Mezula is an interim coach and the other teams and coaches are gonna feast on him come playoff time. They need Ume Udoka, and if they don't want him best send him to Dallas.

  19. Tatum has been choking from Eastern conference finals last year. Had he not choked the Celtics would have been the champions last year. Dude is not clutch.

  20. This conversation reminds me a lot of the khris middleton giannis who is the closer on there team conversations everyone in the media said it was khris middleton I’m starting to question why jayson tatum isn’t having the same questions asked about him he’s been terrible in clutch situations since the finals not only that but the gap in skill between jaylen brown and jayson tatum is so much smaller then the gap between khris and giannis
    and jeylen is the more efficient shooter

  21. I'm really starting to give up on Tatum. I am a big Celtics fan, and maybe I'm just being too dramatic. But I've watched a lot of Tatum since his rookie year, and obviously I've seen a lot of improvement, but he's hit a plateau and some of the things I see make me think hes not going to get over it. The way he complains about calls and holds himself on the court remind me so much of Carmelo Anthony, and im genuinely fearful the Celtics are about to just have Carmelo 2.0 for the next decade and do absolutely nothing.

  22. I've watched every minute of every Celtics game this season. It is very simple. 1. Turnovers 2. Shot Selection 3. Effort

    When the Celtics excel/win and or play smart in those 3 areas they don't lose. 2 of 3 they rarely lose. They underperform in 2 or all 3 they are a mediocre team. It's that easy.

  23. What happened is the law of averages. They were the best offensive team in history by an insane margin to start the season. There was a stretch where the team averaged close to 50% from three IIRC. That just isn't sustainable. They're just reverting to the mean, which was inevitably going to happen.

  24. Jj both New York teams are gonna drop to 6 and 7 jimmy butler is playing at a high level but nobody is talking about it..

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