@National Basketball Association

[Highlight] Trae Young shameless foul hunting compilation from last night

[Highlight] Trae Young shameless foul hunting compilation from last night

by RulersBack


  1. bryscoon

    Reaves foul baiting flirting vs Trae foul baiting harassment

  2. I really thought NBA was going to cut down on these calls.

  3. HoelEmbellyDancer

    I feel like the league has cut down on this kind of bait by and large but they always give short guys the benefit of the doubt on these. Trae is the only one I’ve seen still do this with any consistency besides maybe Jimmy, but Jimmy actually looks like he wants to shoot when he does it

  4. menusettingsgeneral

    Remember the like week and a half when the NBA didn’t let players do this bullshit and actually called offensive fouls on it? What the fuck happened?

  5. motorboat_mcgee

    I think my biggest annoyance with him is not him seeking out fouls/contact, but doing it to the extent where it’s obvious he’s not even trying to seek out a clean shot in the process.

  6. CyborgKrieger

    That throwing his ass back into defenders like a stripper move is one of the most embarrassing things in sports. Shit like this is why NBA ratings will never touch the NFL, casual fans change the channel when they see some pathetic shit like that.

  7. cayuts21

    Those last two definitely shouldn’t have been fouls

  8. The_Aught

    This kind of hoops is ugly – I hate to watch it. Thank Harden and the league for enabling it.

  9. i_forgot_my_code

    “Tough Assignment” translated to “This is bullshit” by the commentator lol

  10. FriendoftheNight818

    That last one was ridiculous. Love how the ref refused to look at the video haha

  11. Createyourpass1234

    Why don’t they just run straight into him full speed if he is gonna stop in front of them.

    Make these hurt.

  12. Moh_Shuvuu

    Do it the right way, Trae. Like Jimmy does.

  13. He had the balls to complain about the officiating after the game too

  14. -AbeFroman

    When people wonder why we don’t take Trae Young seriously, show them this video.

  15. The last two are calls the refs would never give to a rookie or no-name role player.

  16. Mr_Collins211

    I really wish after a couple of these that someone would just put the guy onto the floor with some force. Obviously I know why they don’t, but if they’re gonna call the foul get your money’s worth

  17. Horrible to watch, dude leans towards defenders to create “contact” embarrassing “skill”

  18. packimop

    this is for anyone who wonders why no players voted for him to be an all star

  19. mommathecat

    Enemies list:

    * ~~Jokic~~
    * ~~Embiid~~
    * ~~Giannis~~
    * ~~Pat Bev~~
    * TRAE

  20. Extreme_Ad_7594

    This shit is ruining the game. Bail out calls. You think trae would have that motion if he was actually trying hit hit shots

  21. Thellamaking21

    This is atrocious. Good highlight reel op

  22. ABaker4646

    They need to get this shit out of the NBA. No one wants to watch it but until the rules are changed, players are going to keep taking advantage of it

  23. Inevitablellama919

    No one wants to watch a free throw shooting contest. At this point, a game of bump would be more entertaining to watch. Re-write the damn rulebook

  24. ChaoticBonche

    I don’t even care anymore it’s on the league to fix it. Hope he gets even more blatant with it

  25. Kid_Crayola

    this is my biggest gripe with the NBA

    this shit isn’t even basketball, nobody wants to watch this

  26. RoyTarpleysGhost

    NBA is becoming unwatchable for me.

    I’m sure the majority of it is that my Mavs suck but this isn’t basketball. People should be getting fined and suspended for this shit. MFin Austin Reaves cannot be averaging 13 free throws a game.

    Player empowerment and rest has gone too far. 75% of the games I tune in for one of the marquee stars is out.

    If only we had a competent commissioner…

  27. slawhairline79

    This is unwatchable basketball imo. Rather see people drive for fouls than jump backwards or kickout

  28. This is the most unpleasing style of basketball to watch. I’ve been watching and playing basketball my whole life; if this is what I saw any given night I’d stop watching altogether

  29. pabloescobarbecue

    I was actually prepared to defend Young here, we are constantly tearing players down. But that was tough to watch.

  30. This would be so fucking frustrating to actually play defense against.

  31. It’s so frustrating because Trae is an amazing player. The refs are the ones who enable him to play like this. If they stopped giving him these calls, he would quickly stop playing like this. It’s really that simple. I don’t understand how the league can look at plays like this and thinks it’s good for the league.

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