@Golden State Warriors

Poole did this in 3rd quarter alone

We can’t give up on Poole man. We know he’s a hard worker, he can develop his defense this off-season because he has the tools to do it.

Look at that wing span. He’s just having a slump right now.

by Necroassassin32


  1. Remarkable-Cup-6029

    Solid showing in the third. Off the bench he normally gets going in the 3rd only. Not sure why. The good thing was he was making decent reads again and not being a constant liability on defense. That normally correlates to us winning. Long as he gives effort we have a chance

  2. MultiPass21

    If he could figure out how to consistently keep his base, he could become one of the more feared ball handlers in the league. Not saying heā€™d become Kyrie Irving, but maybe a tier below.

    Has to work on that core strength and balance.

  3. If Poole just improves a little bit every year like Loon did. He could be a great player to have in the next number of seasons.

    Kuminga is bigger than Tatum and I think could eventually get to Tatums level but with way better defense so I guess Iā€™m saying better than Tatum.

  4. GigiZola

    Thatā€™s how we should be running the second unit. Let JP cook on high pick and roll actions

  5. IcyCorgi9

    I think the entire team has a mentality of “who cares about the regular season, we’ll play hard when it REALLY matters”. Poole did that tonight. Great to see!

  6. Props to the edit! Got me hyped in the office right now!

  7. WhenItsHalfPastFive

    How do they make these types of videos man, such great production value

  8. johnnygrant

    this is why we are so frustrated with Poole attimes… he has all the talent to play make, hit the mid range and get to his spots.
    He doesn’t have to jack contested 3s, or make obvious layups with the shot blocker tracking him all the way.

    A lil more thought and focus in his game and he’ll be back to playoffs 2022 Poole that was often a big asset.

  9. shadoinkens

    He is soo talented. Needs to shoot less 3s until he figures it out. His shooting stroke is great and shoots well from the line. I think it will translate to better percentage out there, but right now his driving game is where its at. It will all come together. He has just been in his own head this season.

  10. iGetBuckets3

    This is exactly why we paid this man. Say whatever you want about his production this season, but we are incredibly blessed to have this man on our team.

  11. Lancealotong

    Im convinced his problem is conditioning. Hes not strong enough to stay with his matchup on defense or go vertical, shows a lot about his core strength, stamina and legs. Hes also just lazy, standing straight up, but that could be because hes exhausted. I see it more in youth basketball, but players tend to shoot shots and complain for fouls like he does more often when theyā€™re just exhausted.

  12. Altruistic-Twist-379

    Dude is the king of tiktok edits, as soon as you here ā€œHoney see you lookin at meā€ its over

  13. Let’s not forget that he was the one who realized the Mavs were on the wrong side of the court and called for the ball from the ref quickly to get Loon the easy basket. Quick thinking for a player whose BBIQ is often questioned.

  14. gogorath

    Pooleā€™s offensive issues are 100% decision making. Thereā€™s times when it really feels like he simply just decides to force something becauseā€¦ I dunno. Even when he succeeds, this doesnā€™t usually make sense on this team.

    Defenseā€¦just needs more consistent effort.

  15. Iā€™m a believer that he will improve his defense. Iā€™ve seen Steph and Klay do it. He knows it as well.

    Heā€™s been playing better recently and I believe thatā€™s due to the rotation changes. Steph is coming off the floor earlier in Q1/3 and playing longer with Klay. This allows him to play freely and this allows them to play the way that lead to the 5 game win streaks.

  16. AMS_GoGo

    Notice how he started by attacking the basket first on every play here

  17. riosborne

    They seem to have gone away from the Steph, JP, Klay groups for a good reason. Defense doesn’t work. Keep just 2 of them on the court together at all times and you always have two scorers. Let JP cook! When he gets others involved it’s a beautiful thing.

  18. mastaofdeath

    There must have been some baddies courtside

  19. weflippity

    When he’s not turning the ball over he’s so much fun to watch.

  20. BurningGuitarMan

    Luka with the hands down on that one shotā€¦ šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­

  21. blaznasn

    This is what made Poole so good last year. He’s chucking up a lot more 3’s this year without being more efficient.

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