@New York Knicks

Randle just has to be better here

Randle just has to be better here

by RJ-Burner


  1. What happened to all that meditating? Woosah brother

  2. Living_Internet_2970

    It’s not about the refs. It’s about quick trying to be a good teammate and Randle being a dickhead to him

  3. stemurph88

    I don’t care how good he is, he should be shopped this off-season. I don’t want him on my team.

  4. knicks_w_the_knack

    Josh Hart embraced IQ, and with that, take that bass out your voice when talking to my Lil brother! Look

  5. Its_Mike_Nasty

    Refs have been trash all year, I get it. And I totally agree.

    That said, you cannot do this to your teammates. Especially one who has been as integral as IQ. Ju, you NEED to be better than this, my guy. Not okay.

  6. Struggle2Real

    This is like an archetype of basketball player.

    *The irrationally and unstoppably angry teammate*

    Sucks playing w that dude when they on one. It’s weird too bc some of those be the chillest ppl till they in that mode

  7. TheMartsy

    How do you even trade a dude 25.5 with horrible attitude to his own teammates.

  8. AustinRiversNYK

    I remember ewing did that to Starks one time when Starks was trying to keep big fella away for the refs

  9. ThisIsEduardo

    its always randle, no one else on the team does this. he throws a tantrum every week… makes it hard to root for him

  10. IQ real for not letting Randle punk him though. He was getting right back in his face.

  11. Lazarus704

    Dude needs to chill the fuck out on his teammates

  12. vette322

    Randle is not capable of being better here. He is a mental midget, shit teammate and anyone who wants the Knicks to build around him is a shit fan.

  13. ericatlas

    He can go be a head case on another team. I want him out as soon as possible.

  14. SwellandDecay

    Shameful to have this kinda meltdown playing the Orlando Magic of all teams

  15. Livid-Instruction289

    It’s really hard to root for him tbh

  16. Kobe would’ve called him soft. He’s got mamba mentality for his work ethic, but that’s where it stops. If this team is gonna get to the next level, 2 major things have to change. No more playing catch up every game, and they need true leadership which is absent on this team, and almost absent throughout the whole league. I remember back when every team had serious leaders but now, there’s only a few.

  17. Ymish0416

    Shitty teammate. No one wants to play with a total jackass. What a dick

  18. AtlasUnmastered

    Bro the refs were trash. IQ wanted to save the point/tech by trying to step in between, and Julius needed to realize that. Him stepping to IQ was a suckah move

  19. akgamestar

    I really can’t wait till his gone. Can’t enjoy a guy who acts like this every single time the going gets tough. He can fuck right off.

  20. lilleff512

    This is three games in a row now. It’s inexcusable.

  21. baddumbtsss

    I get that he’s upset with the lack of foul calls, that we as Knicks fans mostly agree with, but you CANNOT go after your own teammate like that. Discord and conflict within the team is far worse than missed foul calls.

  22. cookiebuff

    No excuse. I can’t root for this. This guy is our Boogie Cousins.

  23. Yo Fr team IQ here checking in. Maybe keep Brunson & IQ and include Randle in the sell high for a megastar summer of wondhorst moves?

  24. Andromeda28

    Brunson’s team. We’re a different team without him, although that Boston win without him was sweet.

  25. nexclusivil

    Horrible energy Randle, team chemistry -100 good job.

  26. mattr1198

    I understand the officiating has been awful against us lately, but here’s what Randle needs to understand: the more he complains, the worse it’s going to get. Refs unabashedly hold grudges, this isn’t a secret, just look at how Luka generally is treated with his complaining and the FVV situation earlier this year. Julius needs to chill out and be better than this, understand he cannot do this on the regular. Will cost us games, especially come playoff time.

  27. whiskeyandtea

    Randle just isn’t a leader. I wish he was. I want to root for him, but he’s got an awful attitude, and he’s mentally fragile.

  28. funkingrizzly

    Can’t wait to see what he does in the playoffs

  29. Tiny_Campaign5002

    Talented player, poor leader. Just goes to show how important Jalen is to the team.

  30. At least his trade value is up. I hope we can get rid of this bum in the offseason.

  31. Tiffin2b

    Randle is who we thought he was…….the Randle stans can’t handle it.

  32. Unfortunately, Knicks will never win big with Randle. He is best suited for a small market where he can take all the shots and have all the isos he wants with low pressure on 25-40 win teams that don’t make the playoffs. He needs to be traded for IQ, Grimes, Brunson, RJ and a real star to take it to the next level. If it means trading RJ and Obi along with Randle so be it. Grimes has All-NBA ceiling, Brunson is a keeper and IQ has proven himself and will only get better.

  33. Railshock

    Embarrassing. He may be one of our star players and I do want him to succeed, but he’s definitely one of my least favorite players on the team.

  34. Past-Chest-6507

    Randle always acts like this when Brunson isn’t playing.

    Dude might be raging from steroids, who the fuck knows?

    He’s been an ass to iHart, Quick, and Barrett when they on the floor and doesn’t lend a hand, or when they arguing with refs and he just wanders away and doesn’t have their back.

    Pretty sure he is an ass to every teammate except The Burner, but those are the ones I’ve seen and noted.

    What a waste of talent and a tremendous season we were having, this shit is gonna be extremely toxic for the playoffs.

  35. Tough_Steak

    grown ass man with kids has anger problems. smdh. 😑

  36. heliumointment

    he does it every game. it’s one of the only thing that bugs me about him. like, yeah—the refs miss calls sometimes. i watch a lot of basketball—for the most part, they call it even on both sides. get over it and play the game.

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