@New Orleans Pelicans

We in a situation-we in a tough situation right now.

We in a situation-we in a tough situation right now.

by Yeahthatonefoo


  1. 2010whodat

    It’s a situation of our own creation but the good news is we need almost all of these teams to lose to improve our playoff chances and even better if we can be the provider of those losses. In other words each win can have a direct impact on seeding.

  2. kingralek

    They will be underdogs in every game except for maybe the Blazers game

  3. Razor-Ramon-Sessions

    Go out and prove you can play like the team did last year without Zion.

    Also shout out to Trey Murphy. He’s really started to show another level to his game and be consistent.

  4. Remo_Battle7

    Man it’s not cliche but this is on us ! Flock the fuck Up and Man Up…… Either they choose to stand up and fight or let the ship sank. It’s all on us now that we lost games last month we should have never loss. How bad do you want it? All these teams are beatable IMO with our squad firing on all cylinders. No room for error.. we put ourselves in this position so own it and handle it NOLA.

  5. Firemarshll

    Guys we have done this before, FLOCK THE FUCK UP OR GTFO 🫡

  6. blindpiggy

    This dude posting from the West coast with those times.

  7. FLOCK TF UP WE JUST GOTTA GET IN. Good news it’s lots of our competition also have tough schedules. But man I would love for some good vibes going down the stretch no matter how it goes

  8. EZ_DeVille

    What was all the talk about one of the easiest remaining schedules after ASB? This isn’t quite a murderer’s row but it’s definitely not a cakewalk


    If we cant win them then we wouldnt be able to win in the playoffs, as long as we tighten up like we have been we should be good

  10. jacobythefirst

    We have the talent and ability to beat every team here except @GS @DEN and the MEM game is at home.

    Run the table boys

  11. Impressive-Theory-27

    Thing is although it’s a difficult stretch there are some positives, we’re facing the kings, knicks and memphis at the end of the season, so hopefully depending on seeding they will be resting their guys (especially memphis who by that point would have basically secured the 2 spot).

    Portland looks like its gonna pack up soon so Dame may be sat, and even if not we can beat them.

    Denver and the Clippers we’ve always played well against and the clippers just lost paul george, and the clippers is one of the matchups JV does well in.

    Also if we win especially against gsw, wolves and the clippers, it makes it sooo much easier for us if it comes down to tiebreakers etc.

    So although it looks real tough, I’m quite optimistic, to me to be definitely in at least the play-in we need to go 7-3, It may be tough but we’ve definitely got a good chance of doing it.

  12. MudWater504

    This team lost too many gimme games. If we don’t play down to the opponent, we play below our own standard. Willie refused to make adjustments in games to even see if we could turn it around. He left Hayes and Harmongomez on the bench when Val was getting smoked on defense. He let the team jack up and miss 20+ 3s even though we had advantages on the inside. Cj will give you 24 points on 30 shots and we lose by double digits. Zion out here robbing the fuck out of us but bet if we trade him, he will miraculously be available for most of the season for his desired team. Herb can be our Dennis Rodman on defense but he has regressed on the offensive side. Jose gets a pass. When the shit is Liddell going to be available? We will be lucky to win 3 more games than last year. And we are just fucking up that Lakers pick. This team is frustrating as hell to watch.

  13. hellesdabpen

    as a wolves fan best of luck to y’all. would be an entertaining ass play in game if that’s how it ends up 🐺

  14. The playoffs have started! Four losses and our season is done. Let’s go!

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