@Milwaukee Bucks

[Giannis Antetokounmpo] I know not everyone who needs mental health care has access to it, which is why I’ve partnered with @AntidoteAI to bring FREE mental health care services to Milwaukee. To find out if you are eligible and to sign up visit

[Giannis Antetokounmpo] I know not everyone who needs mental health care has access to it, which is why I’ve partnered with @AntidoteAI to bring FREE mental health care services to Milwaukee. To find out if you are eligible and to sign up visit

by BrewCityChaser


  1. We simply do not deserve Giannis, but I’m so grateful we have him.

  2. GuacacoletheMole

    Should have called it Antedote instead. Super cool.

  3. vladeckgl7

    Damn… this company approached me about a year and a half ago to run their digital marketing, but I didn’t want to work on 1099 so I declined…

    To think that I could have worked with Giannis… oh well

  4. xxSuperflashxx

    I can only love this guy so much but he just keeps out doing himself.

  5. zubyzubz99

    I don’t care who you support,it’s so easy to love giannis

  6. couldabenu

    The hero we want and the hero we need all in 1 GOAT

  7. GodBlessThisGnome

    Beyond this being great as a service to those needing mental health help, it’s extra cool that it’s a superstar athlete endorsing getting help. I imagine costs and stigma are two prohibiting factors for getting help and Giannis addresses both.

  8. fonzy0504

    If only our country supported community health and FQHCs in general, but the right is trying to destroy the funding for these underserved and at risk patient populations. I recruit for these clinics, and they do amazing work. Our country would implode without them, and most of y’all prob don’t even know what a CHC or FQHC is

  9. fearjaire

    Giannis is the greatest Wisconsin sports figure of all time.

  10. Kawaii-Hitler

    I have a mental health provider now, but as someone who has been turned down more times than I can count due to insurance issues, this really means a lot. I’m happy for those who will get the help they need through this program, and I feel so grateful for Giannis and everything he’s doing for our city.

  11. Sea-Initiative3711

    I want to be as great of a person as Giannis is when I grow up.

    (I’m 5 years older than Giannis, but still)

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