@National Basketball Association

[Charania] The NBA has fined Dallas Mavericks star Luka Doncic $35,000 for making a money gesture toward referees on Wednesday night.

[Charania] The NBA has fined Dallas Mavericks star Luka Doncic $35,000 for making a money gesture toward referees on Wednesday night.



  1. I guess you can say this is a money gesture in return

  2. ILoveMasterYi

    Scott Foster posted a response on twitter to this incident:

    > I don’t make mistakes, I’m not like the rest of you, I’m stronger, I’m smarter, I’m better, I AM BETTER. I’m not some weak kneed fucking crybaby that goes around fucking apolgizing all the time and why the fuck would you want me to be? All my life people have tried to control me, rich people, powerful people, tried to muzzle me, cancel me, keep me impotent and obedient like I’m a fucking puppet. And you know what it worked, Because I allowed it to work and guess what, If they can control me they can control you, they already do you just realize it. I am done, I am done apolgizing, I am done being persecuted for my calls, You should be thanking christ that I am who I am, because you need me, you need me to save you, You Do, I am the only one who possibly can. You’re not the real superstar, I am the real superstar, I am the real reason people watch the NBA

  3. wallz_11

    Holly shit is that the same as Vanvleet got?

  4. RareElevator2123

    Buddy did it multiple times in the 4th quarter, I’m surprised it wasn’t more

  5. Therealomerali

    Is Luka the pound for pound greatest whiner ever?

  6. 3_Sides_To_A_Story

    Luka thought he was Ted DiBiase “Million Dollar Man”

  7. rice_bledsoe

    He did that a handful of times in the conference semis last year too, was he getting fined then?

  8. Knickerbockers-94

    They should give the best behaved player 10% of the total fines collected.

  9. DynamixRo

    I blame the negative influence of video games for his behavior.

  10. Bro can you imagine if draymond did that shit

  11. OtherwiseCriticism65

    The sub switching up on Luka 👀

  12. Anyone have a clip of this? Would love to see it haha

  13. BrainWash123

    Biggest flop in the game mad he didn’t get 30 free throws.. meanwhile Steph shot ZERO

  14. nowhathappenedwas

    Luka is incredibly lucky that they didn’t give him a retroactive technical for that.

    He already has 15, so his next tech will trigger a 1 game suspension.

  15. Beginning-Sundae8760

    The finger thing means the taxes!!!!

  16. spacefish420

    Anyone wanna post a link to the clip?
    Likely some good free karma if you do it

  17. Butterfly_Scape

    he should be thankful it wasn’t a tech

  18. EndlessPancakes

    I’m confused are people in this thread pro-refs? 🤔

  19. FVV ruthlessly eviscerates a ref by name, $30k fine.

    Luka makes the money sign, $35k fine


  20. GillbergsAdvocate

    I still can’t get over Luka Doncic of all ppl with the whistle he gets has the audacity to insinuate the refs were bribed against him lol half his offense is the refs sending him to the line

  21. neuronamously

    Tim Donaghy was not an isolated incident. Yes I know he’s persona non grata but read the details of his book that got turfed. Joey Crawford had insanely wild calls consistently and likely got away with fixing games. It was pervasive in the 90’s/early 2000’s and likely hasn’t gone anywhere.

  22. If the same ref worked the game that teched up Kawhi and tossed Mann, he would have had security escort doncic out

  23. Rahnamatta

    Luka Doncic is the most football/soccer player in the history of the NBA.

    The way he complains to the refs and that gesture is 100% football/soccer.

  24. HerrNachtWurst

    The NBA and the refs really don’t like being reminded that they are corrupt and paid off. Tim Donaghy wasn’t the only ref involved. There’s been more and there will always be more.

  25. AlbrechtSchoenheiser

    I love that players are getting much more blatant in their disrespect of NBA officials because those slimy officials absolutely deserve it. Officiating can never be trusted so long as it is impossible to fire an official or referee.

  26. fullmetalsprockets

    At a certain point, the NBA needs to do something about these shit refs.

  27. Rotanikleb

    Players vs Refs is a recurring yearly trope but usually it’s just some mid season low level content. This season it’s top billing and it’s coming to head as we get closer to playoffs. I wonder if the writers are gonna tie this feud into the pervasive gambling ads and the toxic MVP narratives.

  28. oldmoneyblues

    So even the players don’t trust the refs and think they are rigging games. What kind of message it sends to the fans if the players themself don’t trust the product?:0

  29. insideoutboy311

    Refs have been suspicious in this era of online gambling

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