@Dallas Mavericks

[Tim MacMahon] The Mavs’ results since the Kyrie Irving trade have obviously been disappointing, but I’ve only heard praise about his professionalism and locker room presence during his brief time in Dallas. Blaming Luka Doncic’s frustration on Irving isn’t fair or accurate.

[Tim MacMahon] The Mavs’ results since the Kyrie Irving trade have obviously been disappointing, but I’ve only heard praise about his professionalism and locker room presence during his brief time in Dallas. Blaming Luka Doncic’s frustration on Irving isn’t fair or accurate.

by Pranker00111


  1. Sosantula21

    r/NBA’s hate boner for Kyrie is actually crazy. He’s been nothing but professional since the trade and teammates seem to love him but somehow that entire sub is convinced he’s 100% gone and the trade was a disaster.

  2. Infinite-Station-524

    Tim’s the one that made it seem that way in the first place.

    MacMahon is always taking quotes and stats out of context to make the Mavs look bad. He’s the one that tweeted Luka is “frustrated” and failed to mention he made it clear it was a personal issue that he’d like to keep private.

    Fuck Tim MacMahon. Shady POS.

  3. thaSICKNESS69

    If we can still resign him and retool next season we’ll be contenders again. But man it makes me nervous because if we lose him Dorian and Spencer we’re fucked.

  4. RyceMenace

    We had issues before Kyrie. The ceiling will always be low with this team when a man who shall not be named is coaching.

  5. Moldynred

    No one who has followed the Mavs all year can blame Kyrie. He has played well imo, and like Luka, is probably playing through injury.

  6. ShootMeOutOfACannon

    None of this matters if we don’t resign it. This season is shot but with Luka and Kyrie and some tough list management choices in the off season we are contenders next year

  7. validpunishment

    This season is beyond fucked, but right now, our main focus needs to be keeping morale high and cooking up a contract for Kyrie that he literally can’t refuse. Kyrie is a championship-level player and if Cuban blows this, he’d probably be known as the second worst team owner behind Michael Jordan.

  8. Team doesn’t have the right mix of players surrounding Luka and Kyrie. U need 2 to 3 primarily defensive minded players on the court at all times with those two. When those minutes are taken up by the likes of THJ, Powell, etc, the defense is gonna be an absolute joke. Mavs would have to be lights out on offense just to beat even mediocre teams.

  9. slimkid07

    r/nba has been having a field day about the Mavs’ woes.

    My goodness don’t go in there unless you want to reenact Neo fighting off 100,000 Agent Smiths.

  10. ExcellentJuice4729

    When the trade happened Tim and Nick Friedell would constantly joke about what a train wreck Tim was in for. Nick would straight up say Kyrie is amazing for content lol

  11. AnotherDancer

    Kyrie’s played well. Not really sure what else is he supposed to do when our defense is so bad. We’re not a good team.

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