@Atlanta Hawks

Post Game Thread: The Memphis Grizzlies defeat The Atlanta Hawks 123-119

#Memphis Grizzlies at Atlanta Hawks

State Farm Arena- Atlanta, GA




|Time Clock|

|MEM |34|27|0|35|123|
|ATL |27|29|0|33|119|

###Player Stats

**Memphis Grizzlies**

|D. Brooks|22:56|6|2-4|2-3|0-0|0|2|2|5|0|0|2|6|0
|J. Jackson Jr.|34:19|15|6-10|1-2|2-2|1|7|8|0|3|5|4|3|-3
|X. Tillman|30:50|15|7-10|0-0|1-2|1|7|8|3|3|2|0|0|5
|D. Bane|33:39|25|11-18|3-6|0-0|1|2|3|5|0|0|2|3|6
|J. Morant|29:18|27|9-17|0-3|9-11|0|3|3|6|1|0|1|3|1
|S. Aldama|18:34|0|0-3|0-3|0-0|0|4|4|1|0|0|0|2|8
|L. Kennard|22:56|14|5-10|4-9|0-0|2|5|7|2|1|0|1|1|3
|T. Jones|22:34|13|5-8|2-3|1-2|1|1|2|5|0|0|0|0|3
|J. Konchar|12:24|2|1-3|0-1|0-0|0|1|1|0|0|0|1|2|-1
|D. Roddy|12:28|6|2-6|1-3|1-2|0|1|1|1|0|0|0|2|-2

**Atlanta Hawks**

|D. Hunter|32:18|17|8-20|1-8|0-0|1|4|5|2|2|0|1|3|2
|J. Collins|29:46|9|4-11|0-1|1-2|2|8|10|1|0|0|1|4|1
|C. Capela|28:41|18|8-11|0-0|2-2|6|10|16|1|1|4|1|2|3
|D. Murray|37:52|13|3-11|1-5|6-8|0|2|2|9|0|0|2|0|2
|T. Young|34:55|28|7-14|3-5|11-12|0|2|2|10|0|0|4|1|-5
|B. Bogdanovic|22:22|10|4-9|2-7|0-0|1|1|2|2|1|0|0|1|-9
|O. Okongwu|19:07|13|6-6|0-0|1-1|4|3|7|0|0|1|0|2|-7
|S. Bey|18:14|9|4-11|0-4|1-1|0|3|3|1|0|0|1|1|-5
|A. Griffin|13:05|2|1-5|0-1|0-0|0|1|1|1|0|0|0|1|-5
|A. Holiday|3:39|0|0-0|0-0|0-0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|3
###Team Stats



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  1. blingera

    Trae’s gotta realize we don’t have to get it all in one possession. i know he can make that shot but we were down 3 with a lot of time left in the game. get a easier bucket and get a stop.

  2. LegalEaglewithBeagle

    Will this team EVER go on a winning streak again? It’s actually comical at this point.

  3. Important-Store2566

    Ja is a suburban hoe, that is all

  4. Cheese_Pie2008

    I wonder if it was on purpose that Dre took 20% of the team’s shots. Whose idea was that.

  5. GunnerTardis

    another day another game of not establishing defense and making them “feel” us 😔😔

  6. cheesetouch2

    ship Hunter and Dejounte expeditiously. They are ass and the most inconsistent players on earth

  7. PoetJustice

    I’ve planned things to do during the games and watched short spurts while out and about and I’ve never been happier this season. Honestly the only way to deal with this sloppy mess rn

  8. blingera

    the construction on the Ashford
    Dunwoody exit

    🤝 “what is he cooking?”

    DJM dribbling air out the ball to
    shortarm a middy

  9. Professional_Yak7963

    hawks literally overpayed for delon wright with a green light whose defense hasnt even been as impactful

  10. cringe_and_false

    Hunter is the most inconsistent professional athlete i’ve ever seen in sports. I’m so tired.

  11. pk-pk-pk

    This team lacks the mental toughness to win back to back games. Nothing to do with ability, it’s whether you’re born to perform under pressure or not. A lot of this bunch don’t have it. And that needs to be addressed in the off season. You can’t coach it, you either have it or you don’t. This is why we don’t break through the .500 barrier.

    P.S By “address it in the off season” I mean trade players.

  12. Professional_Yak7963

    when hunter is taking 20 shots a game u can expect the team youre rooting for to lose

  13. Professional_Yak7963

    the majority of this sub was turning their noses up at donovan mitchell btw

  14. YsoBarney

    It’s all fine we will win the next one. Than lost the one after that. But that’s fine cuz after that we will win again. Than we will lose. Etc.

  15. WoodenCompetition4

    Our defense is dogshit. Cost us the game

  16. noonehasthisoneyet

    What went wrong? Defense, free throws, missing every shot when it needed to count. Hawks are so frustrating. Still love ‘em.

  17. SpideyM1ke

    I wonder if DJM being great at interviews is still good enough for Mike Bell since that is apparently the bar for great basketball leadership.

  18. ATLfinra

    Murray is unfocused, he sucks right now. Seems as if we got fleeced. Collins and Hunter doing what they do…be inconsistent.

    I’m tuning back in this fall. What a waste of a season

  19. primocheese1947

    This team is a mess. I wish Landry and Quin the best of luck this offseason. They are going to need it. Don’t even know how you improve this team right now. LOL. I mean I guess try and trade Clint for something? But what team is trading away a high level IQ perimeter defender that can shoot and handle the ball? None.

    Just play the young guys at this point and go to a 10 man when Jalen gets back. This team needs group therapy from a sports psychologist this offseason. Along with exorcisms.

  20. Professional_Yak7963

    also nate mcmillan needs to be tried as a war criminal but what do i know

  21. Ramelteon8mg

    DJM is not the guy. 3 FRP for him is kinda wild. We’d be in the same position without him.

  22. misteryu1029

    Seems like no one on the hawks has any fight in them. Soft ass team

  23. gggg3344

    Please promote Travis back to gm and get fucking rid of Landry and somehow get rid of that spoiled rich kid fuck nick.

  24. Your .500 Hawks continue to set NBA history for being the most mid-team ever. They predictably fall to a game under .500 against the Memphis Grizzlies and lose 119-123.

    Trae was good through about three quarters and ended the game with 27 points, 2 rebounds, and 10 assists on 7/14 shooting and 3/5 from three. With about two minutes left in the first, Trae had a pinpoint pass to OO for an easy dunk. In the second Trae had a nice fake to OO which allowed him to go for a layup. Trae had a nice offense sequence with a layup off the glass and a foul drawing animation against Ja Morant. Trae had an excellent start to the third quarter finding both JC and Capela for lobs. He also drained a side step three which led to a Grizzlies timeout. He then picked up a loose ball and went down the court for a floater. Trae then hit another three after a Capela offense rebound. Trae hit a nasty step-back three over Bane. In the final play of the fourth, Trae had the easiest floater he could have had all game and missed it. The only thing the team could do is give it to Bogi who chucked up a 3 that missed. As I said Trae was excellent through three quarters the 4th was disappointing as he missed a key bucket and went 0/2. In general, his foul drawing was excellent shooting 12 free throws and making 11 of them. The 4 turnovers are fine in my opinion for 10 assists. The defense was kinda mid. I think there were multiple possessions where his defenders got easy drives and he got beat on back doors etc. That said I don’t think anyone can blame Trae for this one. We need more from DJM, JC, and Dre. In all, he was our second-best player tonight behind Capela. B- game for Trae tonight.

    Dejounte Murray wasn’t it tonight and ended with 13 points, 2 rebounds, and 9 assists on an abysmal 3/11 shooting including ⅕ from 3. In the first quarter, Murray got two foul calls on three-point attempts twice where he made 4/6 attempts in the second Bogi had a nice midrange pull-up. Murray started the fourth with a drive and drew a foul. With under 4 in the fourth Murray hit a long-awaited three from the corner to cut their lead down. Murray got a rebound and crossed over to his spot, but unfortunately, he left it short. I don’t think he was particularly good on defense. The playmaking was good with only 2 turnovers but other than that DJM needs to be better. The defense needs to be better and he has been underperforming in that aspect. His defense this season has been nothing close to the all-NBA-defense that he once earned. If you look at his shoot chart tonight it’s nothing but midranges and threes. I’ve said before that he needs to drive to the rim more. In the offseason, I hope he refines his game to emphasize threes (which he’s improved on) and layups/floaters. The midrangers need to be a third option because this isn’t it. F for DJM tonight.

    Bogi was ok. 10 points, 2 rebounds, 2 assists, and 1 steal on 4/9 shooting including 2/7 from three. in the second Bogi had a nice midrange pull-up. There was an interesting sequence in the first when JC got blocked on a drive by JJJ and the ball went right into Bogi’s hands which allowed him to fake the closing defender and hit a wide-open 3. Bogi got another bucket on the fast break. To start the second Bogi hit a heavily contested three in kanard’s face. With about 9 to go, he hit a turnaround making him the first Hawk to reach double digits. He didn’t do much after that. I felt like he liked his matchup against Kannard. C for Bogi.

    OO continued his streak of playing good basketball. He ended with 13 points, 7 rebounds (4 offense), and 1 block on a perfect 6/6 fg. OO had a nice tip in to start the second. OO had another tip that looked accidental. It was like he was trying to secure the rebound but it bounced off his hand and into the rim. Okongwu ended the half with 8 points and 6 rebounds on 4/4 fg. Like Capela his offensive rebounding was great and he got 3 of them. In the third OO had a few great defensive possessions on JJJ. He got called for a foul at the end of the third quarter, but I thought it was good defense overall. In the fourth, he blocked a dribble drive from Tillman. He did all of this in 19 minutes. Okogwu was one of the few bright spots of the game and he was easily our third-best player. A for OO tonight.

    Saddiq wasn’t great tonight ending with 9 points, 3 rebounds, and 1 assist on 4/11 fg and missed all 4 three-point attempts. Bey got his first points from a wide-open dunk from Bogi. He had another open jam from a Murray pass with a second left on the clock. In the fourth, Seddiq was able to get to the rim off a drive. However, he wasn’t hitting his threes which is what we need him to do. The efficiency wasn’t good. The defense was typical for Bey which means it wasn’t good. D for Bey tonight.

    Clint was our best player tonight. He ended with 18 points, 16 rebounds, 1 assist, 1 steal, and 4 blocks on 8/11 fg. Capela started the game strong with 6 points and 10 rebounds on ¾ shooting in around 10-12 minutes. He helped on the offensive boards again with three big ones. Capela had a nice rebound and tip-in off a DJM turnaround shot. In the fourth, He had a nice reverse layup off a Trae PNR. With about 2 and a half minutes in the fourth Capela had a monster block on JJJ but unfortunately, the possession ended with Trae fouling Morant for three shots. The offense was typical meaning lobs, dunks, hook shots, putbacks, and layups. He made both free throws. Defensively Clint was excellent and did all he could against the Memphis offense. He dominated the boards and got us 6 offensive rebounds total which allowed for some second-chance opportunities. A+ for Clint tonight.

    This is JC’s worst game as of late. JC wasn’t good in the first half and got locked up by JJJ. At least 2 of his 5 first-half blocks were on JC. He had 4 points and 4 rebounds on 2/7 shooting and missed his only three-point attempt. JC had a possession to end the second where he played the pick and roll very well and what I thought was a wide-open dunk ended up getting blocked by JJJ. JC fell really awkwardly and stayed on the ground for an extended amount of time. A foul was called on the block. This resulted in two techs, one for JJJ and Taylor Jenkins. Through the commotion, Memphis used a coach’s challenge which resulted in success for Memphis. JC opened the third with two dunks from lobs. In the fourth, he drew a foul but only went ½. With under about a minute he got stuffed at the rim. In the second half, he went 2/4. He ended with 9 points 10 rebounds and 1 assist on 4/11 shooting. The Memphis front court had his number tonight. D+.

  25. KingdomOfDragonflies

    I don’t know what the main issue is. Maybe we need a third star who is a griddled veteran.

  26. ATLiensinyosockdraw

    I wonder what our record would be if we were even league average at hitting 3’s. 22% and you lose by 4, so 29% and you win. Take away Trae and they shot 15%. FIFTEEN F’ING PERCENT. Shit is infuriating.

  27. ATLevator

    No idea what Quin Snyder saw in this job but he needs to have final roster say. No sacred cows. If he doesn’t think he can use you, you need to be shipped

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