@Golden State Warriors

Jordan actually played really well excluding that last minute

Jordan actually played really well excluding that last minute

by Lamicital


  1. Unique-Warning7798

    Even played good defense. Got a steal on Ant. Stopped KAT on a switch. Hit a clutch corner 3. Then went to shit.

  2. SeekingSignificance

    I could live with him missing a shot. Then the bad turnover wouldn’t negate all his efforts tonight. Problem was he went for a delusional 2 for one with the game on the line and then the turnover too. Both indicate that he doesn’t care of hasn’t learned to not do dumb shit like that.

  3. thedam100

    That back to back turnover by steph then poole killed me šŸ¤¦šŸæ and the lapse on a couple helps in a paint. Poole and lamb have to learn if they are willing to do that they HAVE to close out immediately or just not do it at all. Itā€™s a super risky move. But improved defense tonight was welcomed. If you notice we held a team under 100pts tonight. I donā€™t think weā€™ve done that all season. GP2 felt like a glue that was missing imo. Wish he was played more. I think there is a silver lining in this game outside the final two minutes.

  4. StacksOfRubberBands

    I’m not too mad at poole for the TO. But good fucking lord the in my bag double step back 3 from 30 feet with 8 seconds on the shot clock is hilariously stupid. It was honestly straight on but understandably short as most 30 foot double step back 3s tend to be.

    Steph takes most blame for this L, but really doesn’t matter as long as they don’t piss away the 6th seed.

  5. North_Street_8547

    Naw this was curry’s fault today.

  6. CreepyDepartment5509

    Being the worst in +/- doesnā€™t scream played well

  7. Jicama-Smart

    that heat check three up 2 was really really bad

  8. carnivoross

    Don’t forget about Draymond’s TOs either

  9. NArcadia11

    Eh, that last missed pass was just a miscommunication between him and Steph. Curry cut back when Poole thought he was gonna keep going forward.

  10. GSWarriors1130

    The turnover was because Steph hesitated on his cut

  11. s_stone634

    You canā€™t blame this on Jordan. Steph didnā€™t play well and should have held the ball. Dray threw the pass away. Everyone sucked.

  12. eatfriesalot99

    Poole shouldā€™ve realised the defender was too far forward but very also faked him out. Blaming the TO on Poole alone is unfair

  13. NlilNJA

    Too bad that last minute is what will be remembered about this lossā€¦

    Itā€™s frustrating because itā€™s either Kerr draws up terrible side-line inbound plays or the players are just not executing and easily frazzled..

  14. derzuckerstange

    ~~”Jordan actually played really well excluding that last minute”~~

    no, he gave away the game with that turnover. but you do the hussy thing and take the high road.

    no, jordan cost us the game. and has many times.

  15. FactoryV4

    If Klay and Steph shot worth a damn they would have won.

  16. Davonlong

    If u kno Hoop u kno that TO was all Stephā€™s Fault. Never Fake a Backdoor Cut.

  17. bcory44

    The turnover was Currys fault for doing that double move. If you watch the replay you will see Curry tap his chest after acknowledging he messed up. You donā€™t do a double move cut and then not finish it. Poole still should have waited for a less risky pass but Curry shouldnā€™t have cut back.

  18. jabronijajaja

    Agree good game but still shares some blame but not as much as the core 3

  19. GarvinSteve

    He shouldnā€™t be in the game when we need smart plays. Period. That shot on the 2 for 1 was atrocious. The TO was a miscommunication after he frittered away time doing his handles bullshit. Steph should have that ball. Always.

    Heā€™s not a smart player. Heā€™s talented and can score and has skillsā€¦ but man he doesnā€™t think. End of the first half was also classically horrific.

  20. Remarkable-Cup-6029

    Lol, hilarious. Not mad at Poole at all. Much as I still think he is to blame for a lot of the season he has been fantastic the last 4 games but he obviously shouldn’t have the ball in his hands in the last 2 mins

  21. primeyield

    This season shows two things can be equally true… we need JP’s dynamic shot and playmaking element, but he’s not ready to close tight games when time/score and possession matters (especially when we have superior defenders like DDV, GP2). And the 3 guard lineup should not be used in the 4th if at all…. Maybe Kerr’s 4D chess move is to hide best closing lineup until playoffs?

  22. sprinkles5000

    he makes poor decisions. they should let someone with more control to handle the ball and let him be a 2 guard

  23. Ok-Roof-978

    I watched the Klay interview at the end!!

    Dude needs to get over himself. Klay had a bad game. Steph had a shitty game shooting ,too.
    Draymond turned the ball over towards the end, Klay didn’t even contest KAT’s 3. Giving up the lead when all Dray had to do was NOT turn the ball over and wait to be fouled.

    JP had a good game. Up until the last 5 seconds. Now we gonna blame JP for that. SMH
    I don’t get Klays attitude this year. Vets don’t like the young guys. And now he’s letting it leak into the public eye

  24. mrrickyg

    Jordan hit a couple nice shots but also took some real bad heat check or thinking heā€™s Steph deep 3 jacks that really should have been counted as turnovers since they were early in the clock down the stretch. Truly a mixed bag

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