@Houston Rockets

[NBA Central] Stephen Silas ‘broke down in tears’ after a game earlier this year because he felt he couldn’t connect with his team, per @WindhorstESPN

[NBA Central] Stephen Silas ‘broke down in tears’ after a game earlier this year because he felt he couldn’t connect with his team, per @WindhorstESPN

by ray_0586


  1. Markezzy

    This sucks. Time to move on.

    Wish him another opportunity somewhere else in the future. Sometimes it takes awhile for things to click. Hope for his sake this season finishes soon.

  2. youhscrw

    Silas is a good dude. I wonder if we’d be able to keep him on the coaching staff or if that would be weird

  3. phumeonce

    I mean I would cry too if I didn’t know how to do my job.

  4. turtlechef

    I feel bad for him. Dude got a bunch of rookies and a command from leadership to tank and has been the whipping boy as a result

  5. Silas is a good guy but something one of the radio guys said has held true to me. Are any of the best coaches of all time in any sport nice guys? No. He might be too nice to also be a disciplinarian as a head coach

  6. RandomDoctor

    We all crying homie. This coaching is a travesty

  7. GatorsareStrong

    Maybe he’ll do better at the college level like Sampson. Coaching a NBA team isn’t for everyone. I feel bad since he’s a nice guy.

  8. 2nd2last

    A Kool-aid drinker yesterday blamed the fans for our awful locker room rumors and said the locker room was fine.

    For those who still don’t get it, Stone is an overbearing presence who is undermining the ability to coach, there’s enough smoke to see it clear as day.

    I’d rather have Silas than Stone, who’s rumored to be leaking stories, conducting practice at times, forcing failed accusations into bad roles, and stunning growth.

  9. I cry after a lot of games too, coach! 😭 LOL

  10. Seems legit. Our young guys have been robbed by keeping Silas around.

    Edit: ew, silovers coming hard to this one. Thought ya’ll were back with he roaches.

  11. sirvey23

    Would love to get a beer with him, but that’s not gonna save his job. Feel bad, this is like the second time I know of where tears are involved, don’t hear much of that from anywhere else. Wish him the best but…

  12. Relevant_Rev

    I don’t think there’s anything wrong with showing emotion in leadership, nothing wrong at all

    But if the disconnect is what’s making you upset it’s probably worth moving on. I mean, he should finish out his contract and get that money but, I think he needs a new opportunity with a club with more experience

    Next coach needs to be a vet with experience in every step of the game, I’d really like Lue if he ends up being available

  13. dino_nuggys7

    Lets not be quick to forget that his father passed earlier in the season. If I remember correctly he took 1 game off. I wish he took more time to center himself

  14. Honestly everytime I watch him he seems a little slow. He might be a basketball genius but if he can’t bond with the team then idk…

  15. plutosbigbro

    Like him as a person, not as a coach. Thanks for everything but time to move on.

  16. MarvZindler

    I break down in tears about his relationship with the team too.

    He jus like me fr.

  17. I don’t think this sub realizes how hard his job is. The list of coaches that would look terrible coaching a bunch of guys who can’t even legally drink in the NBA is FAR longer than the list that would look great doing it. …and I’m willing to bet most of people in the “great list” aren’t exactly itching to coach through a rebuild.

    I’m tired of how personal this sub gets in their insults against Silas. Dude took on the challenge when it might have been smarter career wise for him to leave after Harden left, and it’s obvious he cares about his guys. Even if you think he’s so bad your local HS coach could do better, he doesn’t deserve the stuff said about him here.

  18. Deimarrr

    this team doesnt need a big brother, they need tough love.

  19. Man came in expecting to work with mostly vets on a contender and inside a year got a bunch of young folks he mostly has to help find their way to success in the NBA. Not sure on the coaching staff but player wise he really hasn’t been put in a position to succeed aside from getting talented but raw players.

    With this group, I would break down in tears too, they mostly mean well but their instincts clash with what the coaches are trying to have them do more often then not.

  20. Poobmania

    Yeah, imagine being hired to purposefully lose games and then be the target for every bit of abuse possible, and then on top of that your dad dies. That shit has got to be soul crushing.

  21. corrydog

    Not Silas fault. Not enough respected Vets on this team. Draymond Green would beat KPJ and Jalen’s ass if he were on this team. You need more vocal vets to come in and relay the coaches message. I have a feeling Silas Will get one more year. Your owner has vocally expressed his interest in getting Wemby. Silas is doing what management once and to think otherwise is laughable.

  22. medical_cat

    If we don’t get Wemby I too shall cry. Git gud

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