@Los Angeles Clippers

Successful Double Team on DeRozan

Successful Double Team on DeRozan

by los1611


  1. Monorailsalesperson

    This play brought tears to my eyes

  2. UrDadsFave

    And they say Plumlee don’t play defense. 😊

  3. Ikigai_Mendokusai

    Kudos to Russ for being on point with that interception and conversion!

  4. cloudzmumgey

    if bones could ever actually figure out the defensive end he could be a monster, his arms look so long

  5. McJumbos

    plumlee/bones/russ – ngl i didn’t expect those guys ever to be on a defensive highlight loll

  6. doinnothin

    Haven’t seen this kinda defense since we lost Bev.

  7. TorontoRaptors34

    Bone’s defense has really taken a step up and he’s shown he’s willing to do more than just get buckets something he was criticized for in Denver. He’s also starting to look a lil more like a playmaker.

  8. Blinx-182

    DeMar’s teammates failed him on that play.

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