@Miami Heat

[Post Game] Heat have another meltdown

[box score](

Miami without Butler

Herro drops 33 PTS

by tomgreen99200


  1. JustiseRainsFrmAbove

    Not to debate one vs the other but it’s funny how a good Bam performance during a loss = “We always waste Bam games”

    But a good Herro performance during a loss = “Herro doesn’t contribute to winning”

  2. realudonishaslem

    You know, I honestly thought a Heat season couldn’t be any worse than 20-21, but man this season is absolutely one of the most frustrating Heat seasons I’ve seen.

    It’s so difficult to be excited for this team man. We’re fighting for a 6 seed but a part of me already knows we ain’t getting anything done in the playoffs anyway. Just want this disappointing season to be over and see what we can do in the offseason to fix this team. I’m probably setting myself up for another disappointment tho, because realistically all they’re gonna do is attach picks and trade Lowry and/or Robinson to save Micky’s pockets.

    EDIT: lol at some of y’all bashing me for not being around 08 season or prior. Yes, I’ve watched the NBA and the Heat since 2010, I’ve sticked with the team even when Bron and Wade left, and I’m proud to call myself a Heat lifer. I have no shame in saying I wasn’t old enough to be around in 2008. So what? Doesn’t change the fact that this is one of the most disappointing seasons ‘I’ have watched in terms of not meeting the expectation, which is all I said.

    “Go be a fan of another team then lol” “Forgive him, he’s young” lmao. disappointment and criticism are never allowed in this sub.

  3. Cockycent

    I wish I could at least see Highsmith in the 2nd and 3rd quarter

  4. surgeyou123

    I don’t think it was a meltdown. Just a bad matchup on the road without Jimmy. Needed All Star Bam and we didn’t get it. All the guards other than Herro look cooked.

  5. LemonCanddy

    We can’t shoot

    Can’t rebound

    Can’t shot create

    Can’t dribble

    Can’t defend

    What are we even trying to do in this post season

  6. Simple-Ad-7866

    those 4 shots is basically our season


  7. Own-Marsupial-4448

    That was awful man!! Let’s just forfeit the rest of the regular season and hope we’re still in the play in a couple of weeks!!

  8. BossKingGodd

    Shoutout Herro for actually showing up. You’d think he were our 2 time allstar. We’re play-in bound it seems. Is what it is

  9. thewhitelink

    Bam isn’t a 1 or 2 option. Pretty clear, and idk how anyone sees it any differently.

  10. ktred1996

    Yo did Kevin love play at all in the second half?

  11. Thank god it was the last time this year that us, Canadian Heat fans, have to go through the painful TSN broadcast.

  12. melllow_d

    Idk what else Spo needs to see to play Duncan. He touches the court and our offense looked more fluid. He’s always moving and looking to make the right play. Can’t sit a guy for 4 straight games and expect him to hit 5 threes. LET HIM GET SOME RHYTHM WTF

  13. Own-Marsupial-4448

    Damn man I’m not going to get that 50% off Papa Johns!!! That’s coming at a premium now!!

  14. Fuck this team and I’ll see you all tomorrow night

  15. CallanD248

    If this is our future without Jimmy, then kill me now

  16. iampro1234

    Brutal loss but Herro showing up against a lengthy team is a huge positive.
    I’ve been saying it all season but we gotta bench Strus for Duncan, the offense just flows so much better with Dunc

  17. rapelbaum

    It’s Jimbo, Bam and Herro. Change all others 12

  18. LemonCanddy

    Duncan has to get more minutes. The court had so much more spacing available to our guys when he’s on the floor

    I know he’s bad on defense but let’s not act like our other guards/winds outside of Jimmy have been better on that end either lol

  19. javdreamz

    Kyle Lowry and Duncan Robinson combining for 48 million dollars in cap next season can’t wait!

  20. georgebosh

    when will spo move off of playing Love next to Bam? it ain’t working and ain’t gonna work. also, oladipo is a disaster.

  21. iliveonramen

    Positive, lengthy athletic team like the Raptors is usually the type of team Herro struggles against.

  22. adamthomas1219

    Wild how Duncan at the 4 accomplished what the Love signing was supposed to. Time to pull the plug on Love starting.

  23. PenguinRisk

    icl i think this whole team needs a rebuild JIMMY INCLUDED as much as i love him im not sure having a whole team around a guy who doesnt show up until the playoffs is a great idea Bam is inconsistent and Tyler is even more so and the rest of the roster is that of a bottom 2 team in the league

  24. Raptorsthrowaway1

    GG Heat bros. Herro made the crowd real quiet on a couple of plays today.

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