@Portland Trail Blazers

It’s All About to Change for Damian Lillard

#NBA #Blazers

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Damian Lillard went viral when he expressed his frustration over falling out of the playoff race this week. People are wondering if his loyalty will come into question this offseason but a big change is coming no matter what.


  1. He kinda made it hard on himself. He goes at players for moving & questions there competitiveness but says he wants players to come to Portland. So FA is gonna be damn near impossible, it's going to have to be a trade

  2. The end of your video is sad, i dont give a bleep about Sacramento and i didnt click either. But ill watch it tonight to redeem myself. Good work tho! as usual!

  3. It’s about dam time he gets traded, i would love for a Phoenix trade but maybe a Mavs for kyrie trade or lakers for ad

  4. I don't understand how you can play and don't wanna get a ring and then you look and see other younger players get rings and you don't that must really hurt inside.

  5. The trail losers are basically a g league team that plays the real league. They spend all kinds of money rehabbing injured guys like collins and gp2. They draft horribly. They pick up decent players and train them to be good then trade them away for basically a used couch. And then there’s dame, just wasting away

  6. Dame to the Jazz. HE's got a song about the Wasatch Front… he'd be coming home! Dame + Lauri and Walker…. COME ON!

  7. Given Portland’s drafting history – if I were Wemenyama – I would refuse to play there, superstitious or not.

  8. IMO Dame isn’t loyal, more just in it for the money. Fortunately he and the Blazers have been treadmill good enough for him to avoid being in the Bradley Beal in it for the money type category.

    Personally I don’t think that Dame can be the best player on a legit contending team, and his contract moving up to and possibly beyond $60m a season as he gets older (and worse) will likely make it harder for him to be traded to a team that will truly contend – either cause he’s older or his contract requires the depth to be traded.

  9. TBH if I was the Blazers organization. You know you will not win a championship or even contend. I would trade Dame next season while his value is at its highest. If they get the number one pick next year and a bunch of picks and a young superstar traded for dame they can be on to something in a few years.

  10. Love dame…but I agree with original statement kinda of..realistically where can he go…the title contenders that come to, bucks, suns,….no of those teams need dame..they already have there stars…I mean he could come to my lakers in a dream world…but we have no draft picks and can't afford him…same with the clippers…maybe Denver could happen..that's a legit shot..definitely no room on the warriors…any other team I can't think of is just Portland all over again…so yeah I probably just enjoy being the king of Portland, and getting my 250 million…

  11. He's not gonna leave any team trading for him is gonna lose significant depth it's not gonna put him in a better situation. He's kinda stuck there the only hope is drafting well or someone else requesting a trade and the front office trading for the help.

  12. I think the Blazers WILL trade Dame whether he likes or not, initiating the idea this offseason.
    Portland has a guy who might be able to bring some semblance with Dame, albeit not as amazing in Simons, Sharpe could be solid, and whatever they get back from Dame could help build their next contender. They also have solid depth in Watford and Reddish.
    Yes it will hurt in the short term in terms of tickets but long term they can be at least competitive in the playoffs, albeit I don’t think going that rebuilding route wins them a ring unless they manage to find a gem in the draft.

  13. In terms of trading for Embiid that probably only happens to Portland if they jump and you just can’t trust it. I think the Knicks, with the Mavs pick, jump to #1, and Houston probably gets #2.
    It may sound crazy but I think the Pelicans if anyone get Embiid. They are nothing without Zion, and they can deal the Lakers picks + Hebert Jones, Hayes, Valencinus, and Kira Lewis + other stuff for Joel.

  14. As a Portland fan I want him to win a ring so bad. If he could do it with the blazers that would be amazing but if not, I would understand.

  15. CJ Mcollum has killed Dame’s chances at championships during his prime. CJ has always served as a perfect example of an overrated player. CJ has always put up lots of points, but his impact on winning has been neutral at best. Yet CJ has always been paid like a star because of his pretty box scores.

    CJ has a lot in common with many modern overrated guards. They play no defense and a selfish offense. They have almost no winning intangibles, refuse to box out, leave their defensive teammates out to dry, little effort in transition, dribble the ball up the court slowly, etc.

    CJ Mcollum may be a great man, but his effort and play on the court should not be applauded. He sets a poor example to his teammates and future players who may look to him and mimic hi style.

    I feel bad for Dame even though he does display a few of those missing intangibles. I think he was good enough to once carry a team with the right supporting cast at least to the championship round. He’s lost a bit in his winning impact with his age. He is still putting up great stats, but his effort has waned a bit.

  16. Embiid + Dame + Wemby is the dream lineup, I'd even give my beloved Shaedon for that

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