@Orlando Magic

Thanks to Paolo and Franz πŸ‘

Thanks to Paolo and Franz πŸ‘

by wouldntknowever


  1. I_am_Realist

    Its good to know that they are earning respect from the refs…

    …but what’s up with the Lakers hmmm and where are the free throw merchants from Philly?

  2. RandomPMs

    It’s mostly Paolo, he’s top ten in the league in free throw attempts in his rookie season, and he should be getting even more. Franz gets just a little over average for a SF, he’s getting more respect from the refs this season and hopefully that continues.

    If we can get some elite shooting in the draft we’re a few years away from serious contention. Go Magic!

  3. UTPharm2012

    How tf are the Lakers double the second highest wtf

  4. MoBambaNYC

    Adam silver writes the script. The lakers are good business being in the playoffs

  5. mbopok13

    Lol league ensuring the Lakers don’t miss the playoffs two years in a row.

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