@Dallas Mavericks

Dwight far ahead of the Mavs bigs in plus minus

Dwight far ahead of the Mavs bigs in plus minus

by coaststl


  1. Iceman9721

    That doesnt mean anything. Hes not a good enough basketball player we need a better big dude plays soft on defense. Fuck outta here with this bs.

  2. dougaryman

    Plays all of his minutes with Luka and Kyrie. The other guys play in a bunch of bench lineups and our bench is ass.

  3. Healthy_Ad5938

    He had a stretch of like 5 really really good games at the start of the season, when he wasn’t a starter, and has been living off of that ever since. He had a 3 minute, 0 stat, -8 game the other night. We’re at a disadvantage when the other team has a 7 ft center because he’s not pulling the center out of the paint on offense and isn’t stopping them on defense

  4. dimmadomedimmadome

    Plus minus is a useless stat. DP is a turnstile that should be a last ditch option if anything. Dude should not be starting in the NBA under any circumstances. Dwight truthers make my brain break.

  5. AdVisual3406

    He plays with Luka all the time. I dont mind him in a restricted role on a cheaper contract.

  6. Luminous-Savior

    This is proving that plus/minus in a vacuum is meaningless. He uses his athleticism to pretend to play defense. Everyone shoots on him like he isn’t even there.

    Not to mention how bad his hands have been recently. It’s like they are covered in butter.

  7. No, you’re doing it wrong.

    +/- is only a useful and valid stat when it proves something about a player that *I like.*

  8. financial_goth

    Wait you’re telling me the center who plays almost all his minutes along side Luka has the best +/- among our center rotation?

    Woah! No way!

  9. InformationSavings36

    I bet op wears nonprescripted glasses

  10. deezx1010

    Powell has had exactly two double digit rebound games all season. Our starting center.

    I refuse to believe Dwight Howard for the minimum wouldn’t have been a wildly better option.

  11. TWAndrewz

    Isn’t this just “who plays with Luca?”

  12. anon641414

    I mean you could stick Henry Kissinger in the starting lineup and he’d have the same plus minus and the defense would be equally ass. This tells us nothing.

  13. FutureHokage

    I mean I like +&- stats as much as any nerd but this is definitely misleading, Dwight is a glorified hustle bench player but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t belong in any nba roster just not as a starter on any team that’s not trying to tank.

  14. dogfood_connoisseur

    When you realize Frank Nkilitina has a +- of +57 👀

  15. QBert999

    I’m a firm believer that +/- is a bullshit metric.

  16. relaxingd

    must be nice starting next to Luka for a whole season

  17. KhanQu3st

    Imagine Dwight and Frank at the same time. We’d be unstoppable

  18. AFonziScheme

    Mavs are 10 games over .500 when he comes off the bench and 10 games under .500 when he starts.

  19. juanopenings

    Dwight stans look at these infographics and see nothing but good things

  20. Dirks_Knee

    No idea what I’m looking at. Powell’s +/- is +2.1, not +156. Luka’s is +1.9. Is Powell better than Luka? Serious question for the Powell advanced stat crew…

  21. trapHerm

    He plays in the first quarter , it’s the 4th that we stink in

  22. moh8disaster

    Stop bashing Dwight. His biggest misfortune is a bad FO. He works his ass off.

    Meanwhile they signed a 35 year old center to 17 mil guaranteed for 5 mil a year for 3 years who will play the same minutes all year that Dwight plays in 2 weeks.

    I am pretty sure three 2nd round pick young centers would be cheaper and played more than Javale.

    So Dwight is doing what he can with his limited size while Javale occasionally checks in and does 5 min of work for 5 million. Occasionally he even shows effort.

    Javalle minutes played all year 316
    Dwight 1399 minutes

    Wood is a different case altogether. If utilized better could do a lot more. He will robaly walk next year.

    Anyway Kidd and the FO are both asleep and on Xanax. They slept on Brunson. They slept on Markanen. They said FY Dragic. They signed Wood to alienate him after 2 weeks. They signed Javale….

    FFS if you ever saw Markanen play in the right environment you would know he is a must get.

    Finland and Latvia, Serbia were the only countries that came close to defeating Slovenia when they won Eurobasket.

    Serbia had a lot better cast of players than those two who only had Markanen and Porzingis/Bertrans.

    TLDR… Mavs Front office are stupid.

  23. shitPostingChamp

    This is just evidence that +/- isn’t a reliable indicator of individual player value on its own, and even moreso, evidence that our center rotation is ass

  24. loke2019

    He’ll be here way after luka’s left. Suck on that haters

  25. as a lifelong mavericks lurker, why does the team have the worst centers (outside chandler)

  26. StealyEyedSecMan

    Best loser? Were back to damp is the best center in the league arguments? History doesn’t repeat, but loves to rhyme.

  27. cornbreadsdirtysheet

    I love the SNL Robert Smigel cartoon Mav faces……”The Ambiguously Bad Mavericks.” featuring Coach Jason “I’m just watching”Kidd.

  28. bloodydingbat

    People forget about Frank has a great plus minus.

    Guess we should max him too, along with DP.

    If Mavsmuse constructed a roster, it will be a lottery team at best.

  29. shibbyman342

    But Dwight also is like 60th in rebounds per game, compared to all other centers in the league and he starts for us…

    So plus minus is cool, but is just part of the story.

  30. layzeeboy81

    Plus minus is such a useless stat. Requires a laundry list of caveats every time you mention it. Who’s he playing with? What’s the sample size? How does it compare to the team’s overall performance? Is it excessively skewed because of a particularly poor unit they don’t play with? Was there an injury that you have to account for? How consistent have the team’s rotations been? If you need to ask a series of questions to make a stat relevant, it’s worthless.

  31. Afraid-Department-35

    Compare minutes between the guys. I’m pretty sure Powell has almost 2x minutes compared to all those guys.

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